Monday, June 10, 2013

Stretched out??????

Good afternoon. Just had a great visit with one of my first youth I was ever blessed with. His name is Quinn Sosa and I have seen this young man grow spiritually and how God has molded him into an amazing worship leader. Quinn led worship for me for years and now is traveling to different churches or events leading worship for them as well as assisting worship at the church he now attends. We were able to share our hearts and what was going on in our lives. While we spoke prayer came up. Prayer has been on my mind a lot lately. To be exact my prayer life is what has been on my mind. I must say that it isn't what it was nor is it what it should be. Why is it that we forget to pray when we are on the mountain top? We should totally be praying and praising then. Maybe more so than when we are in the valleys. Let's dig into the good stuff and see what we can learn together.........

Bible Verse: James 5:16 "... The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

Ok, two words there. These words, effectual and fervent, literally mean "stretched out." Think of a horse jumping over a barricade, really stretched out as he leaps over. Or it's like Usain Bolt running for the gold at the Olympics, and he bursts for the tape and stretches himself out for the goal. See, James is saying that's the way we are to pray. Our prayers are to be on fire! They're to be stretched out, and I don't mean stretched out on your bed half asleep. We are to be striving for the goal. We're to be eager, earnest, fervent, and impassioned in our prayers. I have to tell you that after Quinn left, I knew I needed to get in the prayer closet. I needed to ask God to forgive me for my cold, lukewarm, just cause, take-it-or-leave-it type of prayers. What do we expect from Him when we pray that way? When we give without sacrifice. When we pray without fasting, without tears, is it any wonder we don't see results?

God has convicted my heart today. I will be reading the book of James tonight! I've bowed my head and asked God to forgive my cold, lukewarm, indifferent prayers. That I may I learn how to pray effectually and fervently! I think God looks at the intensity of the asking. That's the kind of prayer that brings results. Can you read James with me. I will tell ya that I have been reading a lot lately and it can and will help you with whatever battle or struggle you are in. Have a great day and God bless.


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