Saturday, June 30, 2012

To watch or not to watch.......

Good morning everyone! Has your weekend started out good? There is tons of buzzing going on about this new movie "Magic Mike" or maybe I should say controversy. To watch or not to watch. I guess that is the question. I asked the question if your husband was going to see a movie about strippers starring Jessica Alba, Jessica Beil, Salma Hayak, and Jessica Simpson would it be ok? I received polar opposite answers. Some said "I would rather him go see a movie about it instead of real strippers!" Some said they would not want them to go watch it. Some said "What would Jesus do?" Some even said "It's not that big of a deal, it's just a movie." Well, let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what it tells us......

Bible Verse: 1 John 2:16  For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world.

Before we really get started, I have watched "R" rated movies. I have watched some movies that have had some risky scenes. But, at the same time I have fled from some things that I know cause lust in my heart. For example the restaurant "Hooters" is a place that I don't frequent anymore. I realized that I liked the hot wings there but, it had too many stumbling blocks for me. So, I called out my favorite Bible verse 2 Timothy 2:22 Flee from youthful desires, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, and gather with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. Please don't get mad and say "He's telling me I should go to Hooters" not true. I am saying it caused me to stumble.

So, what about this movie "Magic Mike". basically it's a movie about bumping-and-grinding with stars like Channing Tatum, Matthew McConaughey, Alex Petty as exotic dancers and features a feast of male flesh. Most reviewers found the film to be a beefcake-rich feast of guilty pleasure. Those were not my words but, words of various reviewers. So, I guess the question that we should be asking ourselves. To watch or not to watch. Why has society taken the edge off from movies like this? The movies have taken a downward spiral in morals. We have grown to accept movies over the years that are more and more risky. Now, people aren't even questioning what we are watching.

Did you know that the sales at fandango (an online movie ticket purchasing source) have went up 200% for this movie. Why is that? Do people not want to stand in line to get tickets? Are they ashamed? Who knows. I guess I want to ask "Why watch this movie if it is so controversial?" Is it worth it? I will state for the record, I will not be watching "Magic Mike"!!! Have a great day and God bless.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Are you greatful??????

Good morning everyone! Happy Friday. It has been a few days since my last devotion. I guess I have had an eventful week. I was playing with my son in the pool and throwing him up in the air and catching him (because he didn't want to go under water). Well, I must have done something to my back because I couldn't get out of bed the next morning and it has got worse every day. So, I went to the doctor on Wednesday and he believes it might be a bulging or ruptured disc. Been going to physical therapy and have an MRI set up for next week. I am telling you all this because I was complaining to my wife that it seems that I am getting hurt all the time. Why me? I guess I was just getting down a little. That's what brings me to today's verse. let's dig into some of the good stuff...

Bible Verse: Philippians 4:6 "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."

Fact is, sometimes we complain when we shouldn't. Sometimes we say poor pitiful me when we should be looking up instead of down. It got me to thinking there are people out there who have it way worse that I do. Take for instance a good friend of mine that had had dozens for back surgeries for severe curvature of her spine. She can't walk totally upright but, she praises the Lord with all she has. I have set back and watched her raise her hands and praise God for everything He has given her. Boy, it kind of puts things into perspective a little doesn't it. I don't know what is wrong with my back yet, but I know it will be alright! I guess what I am saying is, "Oh, what an ungrateful spirit I have!" Must look up and not down!

What do you complain about? Maybe your house is too dirty. There are people that would do anything for a home of their own. Do you ever complain about dirty dishes? There are lots of folks in Third World countries that would like to have some dirty dishes. Do you complain when someone uses all the hot water and you have none for your shower? Really? Do you complain when the gas prices goes up to $4.00 a gallon? Some people walk miles and miles to just go to school. Hey listen, the deal is we should be thankful in all things. I know this is hard sometimes but, God knows what is best for us. Let's rejoice in God's blessings in our lives. You may think you don't have any but, I bet you do! Now, let's nip that temptation in the bud to complain and grumble about our lives today. Have a great day and God bless!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Just do it!!!!!

Good morning everyone! Are you having a good Friday so far? Are you ready for the weekend? This week has been a very busy one and a very trying one. I have been in prayer all week about my mission trip to Africa. God is doing some crazy things lately. Opening doors and bringing people into my life that have great needs. I have prayed for God to show me what He wanted from me and He has turned the spotlight for me to see. Help those that need help. Go to those you do not know. Feed those who need fed. Clothe those who need clothes. "Just go, Tony!" That brings me to digging into some of the good stuff. Let's check it out.....

Bible Verse: Colossians 2:1 For I want you to know how great a struggle I have on your behalf and for those who are at Laodicea, and for all those who have not personally seen my face,

We're Haloing (A type of parachuting, high altitude low opening) into the middle of Paul's letter to the Christians in this town called Colosse. Check this out, he'd never been there. The church was planted by someone else. But Paul cared deeply about these people. Kind of weird. Caring about people he never met. So, why? Why is Paul struggling, sweating, even risking his life to deliver his message to people he's never seen, people whose stories he doesn't know? People that don't know him. Because that was his job, given by God. And because they need it.

Why does a Navy Seal go into combat for strangers back home? Why does the air traffic control guy work so hard to land those planes in the right order? Why does a cop put his life on the line for others? Why does the nurse show such compassion for someone she's never met? They've decided their mission in life is to meet the needs of others, of strangers, by providing something needed, something essential. It was Paul's job and our need to hear his message he's trying to give us.

Let's get real for a bit. Do you provide for the needs of strangers in any way? Why? Do any strangers provide for your needs? Would you even help a stranger. Have you? I know God has called me to go to Africa and help people that I have never met. Help feed them, love them, and give them the best news they could ever hear. The news about Jesus Christ and the cross. it is time we get off our butts and go, and be the church. Help the helpless, feed the hungry, provide shelter for the shelter less, love the abandoned. We must be the church! Not just say we are! Just do it! Have a great day and God bless!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Let's do the "Do's"!!!!!!!!

Good Thursday everyone! I got off this morning from working the last six days straight of 12 hour shifts and I am ready for some family time. I was thinking last night about my kids and how much when they are young that we tell them "NO" or "Don't do that!" I think sometimes they expect it. Here's an example. I called Misty one night this week to tell everyone "Goodnight" and when I was done talking to her I asked her to put Luke, my son on the phone. Luke has been getting in trouble at daycare and I have had to talk to him about it a few times over the phone. So, when Misty told him that daddy wanted to talk to him he said "I was a good boy today mommy!" That got me thinking about our "DO's and Do not's". Do we do the do's and don’t do the do not's? Say that 5 times real fast. Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what Gods' Word shows us......

Bible Verse: Hebrews 13:1 Let brotherly love continue.  Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels. Remember the prisoners as if chained with the, those who are mistreated, since you yourselves are in the body also.

Here's the thing, some people measure Christianity as a collection of the "don't" statements. Even some Christians seem to think that a relationship with God is mostly about what we do NOT do. So, if we really thought that way, the best Christian would be the one who never does anything at all. Right? I am afraid not! In Hebrews, after explaining about faith in Jesus as the only way to receive God's grace, ends this long letter with a bunch of 'Do" statements. The point here is that our faith should get us pumped up to take action! To "Do" something and not be a lump on a log! Get off your buttocks!!!  Why? Because if you are born again, you are or should be a follower of Jesus.

How about we try this one: How about we love other Christians like brothers or sisters (That doesn't mean pick on them like I did my little sister, poor Mandy). We are family! Real family, God's family, and we should love with a forgiving, patient, understanding, grace giving, helping hand, showing up, not letting go of love of Jesus. Now, that's some good love! That's what we need to have! Can you do that? If not, let's start today.

I have a couple questions for you. Have you ever tried to define your relationship with God by what you do "not" do? So, why would a "don't" list be a bad idea as a way to measure what it means to follow Jesus? Now, let's ask God to help us keep on loving other believers as brothers and sisters. How can you show the love of Jesus to some other Christians this week? Don't just think about it. Do it!!!! Let's not think so much about what we "don't do" but, more about what we "do do". I pray you have a great day and God bless!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ready to go for a walk?????

Good Wednesday friends! I hope hump day finds you having a great week. My week has been pretty good so far. I am trying to get back in the saddle again with my workouts. So, I ran 2 miles on Monday, 2 miles yesterday, and plan on 2 more today. When I got done I felt my legs fatigued and a little weak. I got to thinking about when I ran a lot. My legs never felt like that. They became strong and I was able to run farther and farther the more I trained. That got me thinking about our walk as Christians. Are we fatigued? Are our legs weak? Maybe even wobbly. Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what Gods' Word says about the subject.......

Bible Verse: 1 John 2:6 He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked

Ok, check this out. You might find this kind of weird. Let's say a 28-year-old guy who never, ever walked in his whole life even though he was perfectly healthy. He just never  really felt like it. He never got around to it. He would just always say "Maybe someday when I'm older." Guess what? That never happens. Do you know why? Because babies who can walk always do eventually. If they don't, they're not healthy. Something is wrong that needs fixing or to be developed.

Now, this one’s going to hurt. I know some Christians who think it's perfectly normal not to walk in the way of Jesus. They seem to think you can be a healthy Christian without ever moving your spiritual legs, without ever getting up and following after Jesus. Here's the thing, healthy Christians always walk! Unless there's something seriously wrong. We might fall down a lot, but that's because we're walking in the first place. Our legs might get fatigued at times or maybe even weak. But, if we continue to walk. Our legs will get stronger, much stronger.

Alright, what should we expect to see our spiritual legs doing as we grow up in Christ. Where should these wobbly new legs be taking us? What should be different about us than if we were not Christians, at all? What does the idea of walking as Jesus did mean to you? Do you expect to see yourself walking more and more like Him as you grow as a Christian? Well, are you growing as a Christian? Let's ask God to help us understand what it means to walk as Jesus did and then ask Him to help us to continue to do that. Do me a favor read Romans 12:9-21 below and see what kind of hiking we need to be doing.

Romans 12:9-21 Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.  Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another;  not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;  distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.  Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.  Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion. Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men.  If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.  Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.  Therefore

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
If he is thirsty, give him a drink;
For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.”

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

This is how we are supposed to walk. I pray you have a great day and God bless.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Who's your Daddy??????

Good Tuesday everyone! I wrote yesterday about being God's child through faith in Jesus Christ. I want to talk about that name Christian and what it means or what it doesn't mean know a days. I am going to use myself as an example today. I was sixteen years old and going to church at South Harriman Baptist Church with a girl I was chasing after. Well, that year I walked the aisle and prayed a prayer. I said to anyone who asked that I was saved and that I was a Christian. Hey, guess what? I had a Bible with my name on the front. I even read it sometimes. I even went to church through out the next fourteen years. But, here is the hard part to tell you. I never got to know who God was. I never had a personal relationship with Him. I was never able to call Him "Father" or better yet "Daddy". I want us to dig into some of the good stuff and see what Gods' Word tells us about the subject......

Bible Verse: Romans 8:15 For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption, by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father!”

So, what does it mean to you to be God’s child, to be able to really call Him your father or your daddy? Too often, Christianity is presented as a contract between a person and God: “Just sign here, here, and here, and all your sins will be forgiven and you can go to heaven when you die.”It’s so much more personal to God than that. He’s not selling something we need. He’s not looking for buyers. He’s looking for children. He wants to be our daddy. He wants to adopt us. He’s looking to fill His family with lost kids by making them His kids.

Here's the thing, aside from Jesus, God has no biological children. Some people may have grown up in the church nursery, but we were not born into God’s family just by being born. We had to be adopted to become a child of God. And once we were in the family, He gave us the right to call Him “daddy.” Do you know you have that right today? So, what does it mean to you to know that God is your Father, that He has adopted you into His family? What is the value of that? Can Christianity work without the idea of God as Father? I thought it could for fourteen years until I finally realized that I didn't have that personal relationship with Him and asked Him to adopt me, forgive me, cleanse me, and that I believed Jesus died on the old rugged cross for me and my sins. Do you have that personal relationship with God? If so, thank God for giving you the spirit of adoption and inviting you to call Him“Father.” If not, let today be the day that you make things right. Please don't be like me and live a lie for so long. The title Christian doesn't mean anything without that personal relationship with the Father. Don't be embarrassed if people already think you are a Christian. I promise people will rejoice with you and God will probably be dancing the jig too! Life is way too short to live lies. Let's seach our hearts and be obeidient to what God shows us. Have a great day and God bless.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Who are you?????

Good morning everyone! We had an amazing time at the "ONE" Youth Rally yesterday. The games, praise & worship, and preaching were awesome! Satan really tried to stop this rally more than any of them that we have done. I could name off issue after issue of things that happened prior to the rally. But, a lot of prayer and faith prevailed. Everyone thought it would get rained out. Didn't rain a drop on us! The faith of a mustard seed. It was just a great night. But, today I would like to talk about something totally different. Have you ever thought about your testimony? Your footprint your leaving? Who you really are? let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what Gods' Word says....

Bible Verse: 1 Peter 1:13 Therefore, with your minds ready for action, be serious and set your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

So, the question is "Who are you?" I'm not asking how you described yourself in your Facebook profile. I mean, who are you really? Could I figure it out from looking closely at how you live your life? Does it change often? Can it be swayed one way or another by people or circumstances like a horse is by the bit in his mouth? Lately, the world has been throwing firery darts at my life and I have allowed it to effect who I am a little. All I have to say is "Shame on me!" I know who I am and what God has and is doing in my life. And that it what brings me to today's verse. A little before today's verse, Peter has just finished describing our salvation. How God brought it about and how it has changed our future with Him forever. We have been shown the mystery of Jesus. We have believed and become children of God. So, what now? What next? Is there a text book on life?

Check this out, this is what Peter tells us. He tells us to "become who we are." Start with this very streamline verse. First, Prepare your mind for action. Unplug from anything that makes it hard for you to think and focus on God's Word and His will for you. Second, Be self-controlled. Exercise the power of "no" so that you can say "yes" to the best things. And last, Set your hope on grace. Stop living for dead end pleasures, possessions, or statuses. Live for the heaven you could never earn. The heaven you belong in because you are God's child through faith in Jesus.

Through all the junk lately, I had to ask myself "Is my mind prepared for whatever God has in store for me? Am I controlling my desires or visa-versa? What am I most hopeful for today? I had to stop and ask God to help me have a mind prepared for action, self-control, and my hope set fully on His grace. It ain't easy, but so necessary. I pray you are having a great day and God bless.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Living real life.........

Good Thursday everyone! I just got back last night at almost midnight from taking our graduating seniors on their senior trip. This is an annual thing that our youth group does. This year we went to King's Island Amusement park and Water park in Ohio for three days. It was a great trip with some really awesome people. Myself and the other leaders that went got the opportunity to talk to them about their plans for the future. We had a ton of first times on this trip. But, what was best was the searching of their souls. Every one of them kind of realized that they needed to strengthen their relationship with God. That they are starting a different part of their lives and it is no going to be as easy as they thought. Not as easy as going to high school. They were not in prep mode anymore. They were being thrust into real life. Maybe away from family, out of state in college, attaining a full time job with their own bills! I want to share some of the good stuff. Because I think that some of us are in a type prep mode too. Let's dig in..........

Bible Verse: 2 Peter 1:3  His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.

When you're a student, it's easy to think of "real life" as something that's coming after high school and then maybe after college graduation. Or maybe after you get married. But, while in high school you're just in prep mode. Nothing really counts. The race starts for real somewhere down the road.

I remember when I first became became a Christian sometimes  having the mindset and casual attitude about my relationship with God. I felt like I'd need to get really serious about living like Jesus once I got more time or when my kids got a little older. Until then, I was still waiting for the all the pieces of puzzle to fall into place. Man, was I was wrong. First, today's verse really spells it out. You're not missing anything to live exactly the life God calls you to right now. Today!!! Second, this is your real life. Right now!!! It won't get any "realer" later on down the road. Not after graduation, kids getting older, getting married, buying a house, finding that awesome job, or moving out from your parents’ house. If you're not living for Jesus now, you aren't living for Jesus for real.

So, my question to you today is. Do you think you're postponing, on some level, getting real about living for God until _________ happens? Do you think you've believed the lie that you're not yet fully equipped to live for Him? Man, we should really thank God that He has given us everything we need for life and godliness. Do me a favor. Write this verse down and put it somewhere you'll have to look it several times this week. Let's live now not waiting for the next door to open. Let's be about our Father's business! Have a great day and God bless.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Posting to the Father........

Good Saturday everyone! Just got home from work and wanted to get into the Word a little and share some thoughts. Let's just cut to the chase. Do you talk to God? How often? I bet you check your Facebook, email, or for texts on your phone more than you talk to God. I am saying that because I have caught myself doing it. And, I really don't think I am the only one. How about we dig into some of the good stuff and see what it shows us.......

Bible Verse: Colossians 4:2 Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving.

I got to thinking how committed I was to anything. Here's a question for ya! How many things in your life would you say that you're 100% committed to? If we really look at the definition 100% devotion. I bet the list is real short. The reality of 24/7/365 means that you can't be fully committed to too many people, ideas, or really anything at once.

Now, check this out! Paul wants us to add something to that tiny list. Talking to God! He tells his friends in Colosse to be "devoted to" prayer. That means the impulse to say something to God is more than just a " I should" it should be like when something happens and we want to text our best friend to tell them about it. Or, really whenever something worth saying pops up in our mind. Why is it that we can send dozens of texts every day and only talk to God maybe once? Kind of messed up isn't it?

So, how can we do this? He says they, and we, should be watchful for things to ask for God's help with and for things to tell Him thanks for. Just like a new Facebook or Twitter user, Paul wants us to be constantly on the look-out for something worth posting to our Father. Trust me, I have seen some of you on Facebook and you post about everything. That's what God wants from us.

How many things would you say you ask God for in a typical day? How many would you guess you tell Him thanks for? What would it take to increase those numbers this week? Would you have to tie a string around your finger? Put a reminder on your phone? Put sticky notes up everywhere? Let's do this. Tell God thanks for 10 good things right off the top of your head. Then ask Him to help you to be more devoted to Him in prayer. You have to start somewhere. Let's do this together and see how much it increases our thoughts and time with God. I pray you have a great day and God bless.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Let's help write this book........

Good Friday everyone! Are you ready for the weekend? Are you prepared? I got to thinking about how prepared I was for Jesus coming back and if I was ready. I guess I would have to say "Yup, I am good to go. My wife, daughter, and son will join me in Heaven." Well, that got me to thinking about how Jesus will come back. Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what Gods' Word shows us... 

Bible Verse: Acts 1:10-11 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel,  who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”

Jesus is going to come back the same way he left. He will return bodily and visably! How cool will that be? I was thinking about the disciples and almost feel bad for them. They're always playing catch up to whatever Jesus is talking about or doing, right up to the very end. He tells them not to leave Jerusalem. He says the Holy Spirit will come on them and give them power. He says they will be His witnesses everywhere. Guess what? That command is for you and I too! When we accept Jesus as our Savior, the Holy Spirit comes on us and gives us power. We are also to be His witness unto all the world!

Check this out, then He flies up into a cloud! Then some angels show up and say, "Why are you looking at that cloud?" I can imagine the disciples looking dumb founded and saying "Because Jesus just disappeared into it, that's why!" Now, what's cool is that Jesus knew they would need more answers. So He sent these two angels to fill in the gaps. To let them know He was gone to heaven. And to let them know He's coming back in the same way someday. To let them know the story isn't over, yet. Maybe, we should remember that. The story is not over. The book is still being written. Are you contributing to the story or hindering it?

You might be saying "What can I do? What do I do now? This is an easy one. Let the Holy Spirit allow you to be Jesus' witness in this world. And prepare, waiting for Jesus to come back and make everything right once and for all. If you knew Jesus was coming back in 30 days. What would you do different? How would you change the way you were living? Now, I want to ask you "Why not live that way all the time, as if Jesus was coming back in 30 days?" If we did our lives would change drastically. Read on in Acts for a wild and amazing story of the early day of the Christian church. I pray you have a great day and God bless!