Friday, June 21, 2013

Got Gratefulness??????

Good Friday morning! I have been dealing with a kidney stone again and it is a real pain. Literally! I have to say when it hit me Sunday night I started thinking, why me? I mean there has been a lot of stuff going on in my life lately. I guess I was just getting down a little. Well, I would say a lot down. Then a friend came to help me and took me to the hospital. That helped change my perspective a bit. That's what brings me to today's verse. Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what it can show us.......

Bible Verse: Philippians 4:6 "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."

Ok, the fact is, sometimes we complain when we shouldn't. Sometimes we say poor pitiful me when we should be looking up instead of down. I know this sounds crazy when you are the one dealing with it. Dealing with the pain or maybe sadness of losing a loved one. It really got me to thinking. There are people out there who have it way worse that I do. Take for instance a friend of mine that has had dozens for back surgeries for severe curvature of her spine. She can't walk totally upright but, she praises the Lord with all she has. I have set back and watched her raise her hands and praise God for everything He has given her. Boy, it kind of puts things into perspective a little doesn't it. I don't know when I will pass this kidney stone, but I know I will be alright! I guess what I am saying is, "Oh, what an ungrateful spirit I have!" Must look up and not down!

What do you complain about? Maybe your house is too dirty. There are people that would do anything for a home of their own. Do you ever complain about dirty dishes? There are lots of folks in Third World countries that would like to have some dirty dishes. Do you complain when someone uses all the hot water and you have none for your shower? Really? Do you complain when the gas prices goes up to $4.00 a gallon? Some people walk miles and miles to just go to school. Hey listen, the deal is we should be thankful in all things. I know this is hard sometimes but, God knows what is best for us. Let's rejoice in God's blessings in our lives. You may think you don't have any but, I bet you do! Now, let's nip that temptation in the bud to complain and grumble about our lives today. Have a great day and God bless!

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