Monday, April 30, 2012

How are we defined??????

Good morning everyone. I was talking to a friend that feels that everything she does has to be perfect and she expects her people that work with her to do the same. So, what happens with life happens and things fall apart? Do we fall apart? Do we get angry? Do we throw our hands up and give up? Hey, check this out. I am going to let you in on a little secret.....We're not perfect. We are flawed. I know it stinks to hear this news. At least it was for me. Cause I thought I was perfect for quite a few years when I was younger. Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what God says about this thing called grace..........

Bible Verse: Romans 12:3 "For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith."

I want us to think about this question before we answer it. Do you try to be the best or do you simply try to do your best? A perfectionist has to be the best. They have to be #1. They have to be the mac daddy or mac momma.  They can't accept themselves. They can't be happy in second or third place. Not everyone is a Babe Ruth or a Neil Armstrong! 

Now, here is the super cool news! The grace of God lifts a man or woman without giving them the big head, and it humbles a person without taking away their self-worth. The person who strives for excellence through God says, "I am what I am by the grace of God." I know some of you are saying that sounds like a big ole' church phrase. Well, kind of but, this is the way we should be!

For the longest time in my life, I valued myself by what I did. My job as a police officer was my identity. I was Tony "the cop". Do you value yourself by what you do or by what you are? Here's is the thing you have a choice. You can either choose to see yourself as God sees you, or you can choose to see yourself as the world sees you. Whose opinion will you listen to today? Whose opinion really matters in the long run? I know you probably have someone in your life whose opinion really matters to you? Instead of defining who you are by their opinions, measure yourself by God's standard in His Word. I know this is a tall order but, you got this! One step at a time. have a great day and God bless!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

If in doubt, let Jesus filter it out!!!!!!!

Good morning friends! Have you been making many decisions lately? So, how do you think your decision making skills are going? Have you been making the right ones? Are any of them questionable? Have you been running them through a filter before making them? Do you have a sounding board/person? I want to talk a little life this morning and dig into some of the good stuff.....

Bible Verse: Matthew 14:31-32 "You of little faith, why did you doubt? And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased."

One Sunday I was in the daddy room aka "The Man Room" in our house. That is where my closet is. I was getting dressed and Misty was in bedroom down the hall. I called out to Misty, "Misty, is this shirt clean enough for me to wear?" Without a pause she said, "No." I was puzzled and hollered back, "How do you know it' not clean enough to wear? You didn't even come back here to look at it." She fired back down the hallway, "If you had to ask, it wasn't clean enough!" 

When it comes to the question of whether you should do something or not, if it's doubtful, it's probably dirty. Don't do it! But, here's the thing, unfortunately most of us don't give God the benefit of the doubt. We just go ahead and do it. We don't allow Him to filter our decisions. He is not our sounding board. We want to be big boys and girls and wear our big boy/girl pants. Then when we get in a mess. We go running back hopefully, asking for forgiveness. I can see God looking at us, shaking His head but, holding open His arms and wondering why we didn’t ask Him if it was a good idea.

I have a lot of big decisions in the near future and I don't want to doubt. I want to have assurance. Are you in doubt about something today? If you have even the smallest doubt in your heart that it might be sin or lead to sin, be strong and choose to say "No." I know sometimes saying "No" is hard. And it might even make some people mad at you. If they are your true friends, they will understand and you might even make them examine their own choice. Have faith and remember this, He will be your peace. Have a great day and God bless!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Let's be the tip of the spear........

Good morning everyone. It has been a long week. When I am on day shift I have to get up at 3:45am. So, writing a devotion on those days is really hard. Well, I want to share a bit about a phone call I received. A friend of mine who happens to be the chief of police in the city I live in called me. He was telling me of a house in the city that some neighbors were complaining about. They were upset over the state of the lawn. The grass was waist high and they wanted something done. Well, the chief proceeded to tell me that the owner of the house was an elderly woman that didn't have much money. She was unable to mow it herself and unable to pay someone to do it. This humble man asked me if we could help. What do ya think the answer was????? Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what it shows us........

Bible Verse: Matthew 25:40 ........Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.

There was a time in my life when all I thought about was what I wanted. What made me happy. What I needed. I....I.....I.....I! I really think this is what society as a whole teaches. Get yours first and then if there's any left over. I am sure glad Jesus didn't say that. I am sure glad he didn't say "I am here on earth for myself!" "If I have any leftover or any extra time." What is happening to us? What has happened to the compassion of the world. Are we teaching it to our kids? Was it taught to us? Hey, I didn't grow up involved in church. I never did anything for my community. Besides be a volunteer fireman. And that was for the glory and the adrenaline rush. How many other kids are that way? How many youth would rather sit at home and play Xbox or hang with their friends instead of helping someone in their neighborhood. Where is compassion?
It is time we start leading from the front. Setting examples, showing others how to serve. If our children and friends don't see us doing it. Why should they? We had a saying in the military. Let's be the tip of the spear! I would almost guarantee that if you look around your neighborhood or maybe when at the store. Maybe, the homeless guy or gal at the exit really does need a couple dollars for food. I know you are thinking right now. Oh, that's a scam. They probably have a BMW parked behind the gas station. So what! Let's change the way our hearts feel and minds think. My wife asked me one day after I said "Those people are just pulling a scam, I saw it on dateline." She said "What if that was an angel and God was testing you?" Man, did that hurt. We should do for others because He first did for us. It is our responsibility. It is our duty. Let's get to work. Have a great day and God bless.

Friday, April 20, 2012

It's time we break the chains!!!!!!!!

Good morning everyone. I know this is a little long today but, I want to share with you a comment from one of my friends on Facebook yesterday "A teenager can be the cruelest living thing on this planet. Just reading some of the FB comments alone makes my stomach turn and dread ever having to walk into RC High." Why are the kids/teenagers (most) the way they are these days? Who is responsible? Do we blame society? The school system? Our parents? I know there are some hard circumstances for some of the kids in this nation/world. But, a lot of the fault lays on us as parents. If we have a child, it is our responsibility to raise them up to be an asset to the world. It doesn't matter about where they are born or if they were born with a silver spoon. It is our duty as parents to raise our kids up to be better than we are. Where are manners anymore? Where are the young gentlemen? What happened to the young ladies? Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what God's Word has to say about it........

Bible Verse: Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Where is the discipline? As a parent it gets under my skin to ask my child ten times to do something. I know this might offend some but, here is a tonyism. You ask.....You tell.....You make! Why do our kids laugh in the face of authority these days? Because some don't realize what authority looks like. Or, feel they don't have to listen. I once arrested a young man in Harriman that was 17. When I asked him why he was being so disrespectful he said "I don't respect my parents. So, why should I respect you?" Hey guys don't think that the other youth don't see what's happening in the world. They see what is going on. They see and are losing hope. I see so many struggling kids too. Some that don't have parents. Some that are being raised by the system. Some that their parents just gave up on them. Some that their parents never even tried to have an influence in their lives. So many that feel they have no hope.

It pains me to deal with so many teenagers that feel they have no hope. They feel they are trash and no one loves them. I think it is our responsibility as adults to help the helpless and give hope to the hopeless. I had a lot of youth one night and nine of them live in a home with both parents. It is hard enough with both but, I can't imagine with only one. Well, yes I can. My mom raised me. My hat goes off to the single parents that actually care the outcome of their children. I deal with so many that just want them out of their hair. It takes a community or to go even as far to say a church community to raise kids. We need to be seeking God’s grace, praying for wisdom and guidance, and passing on the lessons of personal responsibility to our kids. We need to be men and women of courage.  They need positive role models. Not everything they see on TV. We need to pray and take a stand for the youth of our area. Heck, our nation!

Here are just some of the lyrics of a Casting Crowns song "Courageous" I think it hits the mark!

we were made to be courageous
we were made to lead the way
we could be the generation
that finally breaks the chains
we were made to be courageous
we were made to be courageous
we were warriors on the front lines
standing, unafraid
but now we’re watchers on the sidelines
while our families slip away
where are you, men of courage?
you were made for so much more
let the pounding of our hearts cry
we will serve the lord
we were made to be courageous
and we’re taking back the fight!

Let's get to work! Not just for our kids, for a nation! A world! Have a great day and God bless.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Who are you in Christ????????

Good morning friends! I received an email from a friend that works in a prison. He wrote and told me that he had been giving my devotions to an inmate. Well, yesterday the inmate almost got into an altercation with another inmate and he told my friend that the devotion kept him from punching the other guys in the mouth. I am not sure which one but, I am super glad it helped keep him out of trouble. I would like you to say a prayer for this man. His name is NY. God knows who he is and what he needs. Ok, so yesterday I had a meeting with a pastor from another church about partnering up on a future mission trip. Well, we began share our visions and the topic of Christian life came up. And how some Christians really don't know who they are or what they are supposed to be doing as a Christian. Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what it says. This ones for you NY!

Bible Verse: Romans 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." 

Before we get to deep. Some may not be sure what condemnation means. Well, here it is. The act of condemning, The state of being condemned, Severe reproof; strong censure. And the root word is condemn which means: to pronounce to be guilty; sentence to punishment. That punishmant is eternity in Hell. But, I believe with all my heart that the key to living a victorious Christian life is to discover who you are in Christ. This is going to be hard to hear for some but many Christians have never discovered this. They remind me of the man who had an identity problem and an energy problem at the same time. He didn't know who he was and he was too tired to find out.

I have heard some pretty disturbing things at times about how people were treated when they came to church (Not my church by the way). I have had people tell me that no one talked to them or people looked at them with judging eyes. Here is the thing it is not the churches responsibility to clean someone up. This is the Holy Spirits job. Here is why.....God doesn't work from the outside in. He works from the inside out. God doesn't modify our behavior in order to change us. He changes us in order to modify our behavior. One of the coolest lines I have ever heard concerning this is. You're never going to purify the water by painting the pump. I don't care if you wear a three piece suit to church if your all jacked up on the inside. People get caught up in legalism, and that's a dead end to discovering who you are in Christ. Let's focus on the inside and finding out who we are in Christ. Do me a favor take your Bible and find the phrase "in Christ." As you find those phrases that apply to your life, write those down. Start the sentence with I have "no condemnation" now that I am "in Christ." I pray you have an awesome day and God blesses you!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Are you hungry this morning???????

Good morning everyone. I received some emails yesterday after I sent the devotion out. Some people wanted to know how to grow closer to God and how to learn more about living as a Christian. Well, I smile in my heart to share just a couple of ways to learn and grow closer to God. So, without further a due. Let's dig into some of the good stuff........

Bible verse: Psalm 119:162 I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure

Ok, for the record I like to eat. I have put myself on a diet due to all my pants shrinking. I couldn't figure it out. Almost every pair were tight! So, I have been eating a lot of tuna, boiled eggs, and drinking a metric ton of high quality H2o! I went through the drive through at Krystals yesterday and got (1) Krystal Chik. Yes, I said one. What I am trying to get at is this. I am craving a juicy Big Mac w/ extra sauce. Now, I want you to look at it this way. If God's word was a big mac or a big juicy chicken sandwich would you gobble it up? If you hadn't ate in two days and someone laid that chicken sandwich in front of you. I would dare say you would inhale it! So, why can't we have the same hunger for God's word. Job said (Job 23:12), " I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food." When God's word is as important to us as food, then we are going to grow leaps and bounds in our Christian life. Think about this. What if the dust on our Bibles testifies against us one day! I read this and have to pass it on. "These hath God married and no man shall part, dust on the Bible and drought in the heart." Who wants to stay a spiritual babe? I don't think anyone does. You can do something about it. Pick up your Bible and read this beautiful love story. Learn of someone who loves you so much very much.

I have to tell you about an awesome man of God that I know. He was telling some folks the other day about a fast he did. A fast is when you go without food or I guess you could fast from anything. But, he fasted for 21 days. He said that he has never grow so close to God. See, he replaced the time that he would eat with prayer time or reading the Bible. He said it was the best experience he has ever had. Now, most cannot do 21 days but, I bet you can do one. How about we try to fast for one day and hunger for God's word together! Let me know what you think. I pray you have a great day and God bless. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

In a world of trouble and turmoil........

Good morning guys and gals. I got home from work this morning at about 6:30am and crashed. I woke up at approx. 09:30am soaking wet with sweat from having awful dreams about the world we live in. It was like I was being force fed news of all kinds. Kind of like sitting in front of a huge TV and the stuff was going by real fast. When I awoke, I was scared out of my mind because the last thing I saw was numerous tornadoes all around me. I jumped up and was worried for my family. Only to realize I was dreaming and they were at work and school. What is going on in the world? Have you stopped to look? Do you care? If it doesn't directly affect you. Let's be honest. Sometimes things slip my mind. I forget about all the men and women fighting for freedom and against terrorist in the middle east. Let's dig into the good stuff and see what it shows us........

Bible Verse: John 12:32 "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me."

I really think for the first time in history, man is afraid of what he knows. His head and his hands have outrun his heart and we are being faced with things that we have no answers for. The plague of AIDS, the volatile tinderbox in the Middle East, the outbreaks of famine and hunger, the irregular weather disturbances everywhere (6.7 magnitude earthquake in Chile, Numerous tornadoes rip across the Mid-west and kill many and destroy so much, etc.), A terrorist tries to bomb the New York subway, 11 Secret Service agent get caught hiring prostitutes, Iran test long range missile, a man drowns after being attacked by swans and much more.

So many people just don't have answers for everything that is happening. You don't have to have answers you don't have to throw your hands up and say, "What is the world coming to?" We can look up and say, "Who is the world coming to? I am not a doom and gloom pastor but, God is not getting out attention. We are so caught up in ourselves and our lives. That we don't see what's before us. We don't see evilness creeping ever so quickly across the world. We need to come together, we need to realize and believe what God's Word says in Romans 14:11 For it is written, As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. I hope this devotion today helps you stop and think about things for just a minute. I realized that I need to re-prioritize some of my life and decisions. Have a great day and God bless

Monday, April 16, 2012

Are you good or bad????????

Happy Monday everyone! I know those are probably not the words you want to hear this morning. I am one my "Heck" week at work this week. That means I work 3 12 hour day shifts have a quick turn around and work 3 12 hour night shifts. So, I usually try and stay up late so I can sleep later. Well, this morning that didn't happen Luke (3 yrs) came into the bedroom (where I was still sleeping) with T.J. Bearytales. T.J. Bearytales was talking real loud telling a story to Luke. I laid there trying not to let it wake me up and thought evil thoughts about that story telling bear! I wanted to dismantle it slowly and painfully. Then I received a little nudge (I think from God) to get up and see my family off to school and work. Sure glad I did too! Got hugs and kisses all the way around. That brings me to today’s subject. Are we basically good or bad? Sure, we're capable of good and bad, but deep down, which is our true nature? Today's devotion will be a little long but, you might want to read it anyways. Let's dig into the good stuff and see what God's Word says about it..................

Bible Verse: John 16:33 Jesus told His disciples "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

Ok, I know most of you probably said "Good" right? The reality is: We are sinful people. Without the strength of God. We will most of the time choose evil. The Bible teaches that every single one of us is broken. We have flaws and deep sinfulness in our lives that we try to hide. We don't want people to know the brokenness that live within us. In reality, we live in a broken world w/ broken people. The Bible teaches this and we experience it every day. But, hang on! There is good news!!!! God continues to work and move and make His presence felt in our lives and in our world even in the midst of our brokenness, our foolishness, and our weakness. I think it's when we are at most broken, our most foolish, our weakest that God's presence can really be experienced! I want to remind you of two things today. First, about the God who is there in our broken world. Look around and see the brokenness everywhere. Turn on our TV, pick up the newspaper, or just open your eyes. Did you know 25 million people in Africa are infected with HIV? If you are between 18-30 years old there is a 50% chance you have HIV. How can we comprehend that kind of brokenness? Brokenness is not only evident in disease, war, poverty, and terror. Pay attention! It's all around you. In our schools, work places, neighborhoods, in our homes, maybe in you. I have heard so people ask this question lately. "Where is God in all this pain and suffering? Doesn't He care?"

I must tell you guys. God is right there in the midst of this pain, this suffering, and this hurting! He is right here with us, experiencing the reality of this broken world in a way we cannot even imagine. Please read the scripture again and remember this was Jesus talking to His disciple just before He was crucified for mine and your sins. He is telling us to expect trouble and pain in our world. The hope He offers us is that He has overcome this brokenness and that He will be right beside us! Guiding us through it all. This brings me to the second things I wanted to tell you today. About the God who is there in our broken lives. I know many of you reading this have experienced some really painful things in your lives. Do you know how much money is spent every year on counseling and therapy? 96 billion dollars! That doesn't include 12 billion on alcohol and drug addiction treatment. 1 in 4 Americans, that's 25% experience depression, anxiety disorders, or phobias. So many people feel hopeless! I might even be talking about you right now. I want you to stop and read John 8:1-11 this is a story about a woman caught in adultery. She was hopeless. The penalty for adultery was stoning. She was regarded as the lowest of low. The religious people and the Pharisees despised her and hated her. Yet Jesus refused to condemn her and told the religious leaders "Whomever is sinless among you, let them cast the first stone." They all beat feet out of the oldest first. I like to think Jesus said "Woman, I don't condemn you, I don't judge you. You are free. Go and sin no more!"

Only Jesus has the power to invade our broken lives and make them whole. All we have to do is ask and believe! have you ever read the story of the prodigal son? Read Luke 15:11-33 all the father wanted his son to do was come home. He didn't care where he had been or what he had done. This is what our Father wants us to do. Run to Him, embrace Him! He can make you whole. We have a God who does not discard us because of our weakness, our pain, and our brokenness. We have a God who embraces us in spite of them!

In the midst of a broken world and a broken life. We can begin to see the reality. That even though we might consider ourselves trash....Useless.....Or maybe without purpose. With God presence in our lives we can find beauty, meaning, freedom, and love. Maybe some of you guys need to experience that today. It might just be time you realize that God loves you! Have a great day and God bless.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Where the head goes....The body follows!!!!!!!!

Hello friends. Have you had a good week? Well, it is almost the weekend and some of you will get some much needed rest. It sure has been beautiful here in east Tennessee but, it got a little cold yesterday. I was thinking this morning about something. When I went through defensive tactics and how to control suspects in the police academy many years ago. One thing that I thought was pretty cool. The lead instructor said "Where the head goes the body follows." Trust me when I tell you that it is for the most part true. If you think about it that is what sometimes gets us in trouble in the world too! Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what we can learn..........

Bible Verse: Proverbs 23:7 "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." 

I have heard people say you can accomplish anything if you really put your mind to it. I guess that can be a double edged sword. This is it in a nut shell "We are not what we think we are, what we think....We are."

I have seen people that didn't swear or drink, hang out with those that let er' rip and don't miss a sip. After awhile those people start to let a cuss word out and maybe have just one drink. Let's not be knuckleheads. We have all heard the sayings "If you lie with the dogs, you wake up with the fleas." So, what are you allowing into your mind and in doing so to control your heart, your actions, and your words? Here is a really cool thought! God made you where you can't think two thoughts at once. If you're thinking what's right, you can't be thinking what's wrong. And as you think, you will do and become.

I guess the bottom line is guard your mind. Center your mind upon the Lord Jesus. Don't let the devil take away your pure hearted devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ. I promise the devil will go into overdrive to keep you from getting your mind focused on Christ. We must stay in love with Jesus and there won't be any room for those filthy, dirty, wicked, nasty, lustful, and prideful thoughts that highjack our noodles.

So, let's start today to become more active in policing our thoughts and bringing them into focus on Christ. Remember Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Also, check out 2 Corinthians 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. I hope this helps you keep your mind clear and focused. This is a daily sometimes hourly task. have a great day and God bless.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Don't count yourself out!!!!!!!!

Good morning everyone. I was really struggling this morning on how to convey todays devotion. I have been watching and listening to a lot of people this week and seeing how they think of themselves. Why do so many people feel they have nothing to offer the world? Nothing to offer God? They feel that they are useless and no good. I have even heard a few say they might as well be dead. HEAR the next words! God can use those whom the world rejects! Now, let's dig in and see what His Word says about it..........

Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 1:26 For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called.


You may think that you are a nobody, maybe even a has-been or a loser in the eyes of the world. Listen, God’s Word says that if you are not wise, not mighty or not noble according to the flesh, then you are a prime candidate for Him to call on! And when He begins to use you, you will see His favor, power and increase change your life. Check out Moses. In the eyes of the ancient world, Moses was the rising star of Egypt. The Bible tells us in Acts 7:22 that in the first 40 years of his life, “Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and deeds”. But guess what? God could not use him then because he was too smart, strong and full of himself. It was only 40 years later, after having been in the desert, emptied of himself and thinking that he was a has-been, that God sent him to bewilder the might of Pharaoh.

This kind of reminds me of me a little. When I was a police officer, I was cocky, proud, and thought I could save the world from all the bad guys. I could have been so useful to God then. I was in so many situations that I could have helped people see that God could get them through the bad situation they were in. But, guess what? God didn't use me then. Because I wasn't ready. I was too proud. I was too cocky. I was too full of myself. It took almost a decade for me to get knocked down a few pegs before God started to use me. I so wish I could go back and be put into some of the situations that I was in then and handle them the way God would have wanted me to handle them. So, basically what I am trying to say is God wants the humble! God wants the weak!  God wants the people everyone has counted out!

The world may pass by the weak, the small, the forgotten and the losers, but God can choose them to be mighty in the world. I don't know where you are in your life right now but, how about we pray this: "God, I don’t know what I can do for or give You, but You got me! Spirit, soul and body.” Maybe God is just waiting for you to turn your life over to Him so He can get to work!

I know what I was and where I came from. I know what God has done in my life and what He continues to do. Please hear these last few words. When you think that you are weak and small compared to others in the world, that is when God can use you to do great and wonderful things for Him! Remember David and Goliath????? Have a great day and God bless!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Are you just skimming the surface???????

Good morning everyone! I pray your Monday has went well and the sky is the limit for today. Have you ever heard the term "Deepening your spiritual roots"? How do we do that? Can we do it on our own? Do we need help? I think we can do it on our own, but it's harder. Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. I think our spiritual roots get a double dose of miracle grow when we hunger for God and to know Him better. Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what God can show us.........

Bible Verse: John 14:21 "He that hath My commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me: and he that loveth Me shall be loved of My Father, and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him."

We were on vacation in Destin a couple of years ago and Joslyn fell out of bed and was crying. When I got to her, I picked her up, and said, "Jos, what's wrong? How did you fall out of bed?" She said, "Daddy, I think I went to sleep too close to where I got in."

I think there are a lot of people who have done exactly the same thing with their walk with Jesus. They get into Christ and somehow they just seem to go to fall asleep right there. They say, "I'm saved and that's it." "I'm good!" But guys, that's not it. It's just the beginning of a relationship that will last through all eternity. It is just the start of your journey. Now, don't let that scare you. You can do it! There is help out there. Here is an example. We had an awesome woman of God start a Bible study last night. They had women that are at all different places in their walk with Jesus. Some new Christians and some that have been walking with Jesus for a long time. If you look around there are groups like this everywhere. If you can't find one. Give me a shout and I will help you.

Here is the thing I want you to take from this today. God wants to move closer and be more intimate in knowledge of Himself. I don't know about you guys, but I am definitely not satisfied with the status quo of my life. I want to grow deeper and let my roots dig deep into to the heart of Jesus. I pray we can have this desire together! Have a great day and God bless.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Don't miss your blessing........

Good morning friends! I pray you had a blessed Easter weekend. When I sit back and think about the tomb being empty it just makes me smile and think "I am going to get to see Jesus one day!" I must tell you a story about my daughter and son and a play they were doing at the house the other day. Their play was about telling people about Jesus. My daughter would talk about what Jesus did for us and that you come to church to learn more about God and make new friends. Then she said and here's my card with the web address and directions on the back. I think she has been listening to me too much. But, I guess what is awesome about the whole thing is that she actually invites all of her friends to the party! I must ask you. Do you invite people to the party? To church? To hear God's Word. Let's dig into the good stuff and see what God can show us...........

Bible verse: Psalm 119:2 "Blessed are they that keep His testimonies, and that seek Him with the whole heart."

I have heard people say that they would get in church one day but, they couldn't right now. They had too many things they wanted to do. Or they were doing things that they weren't ready to give up that they knew were wrong. They believed that if they lived according to God's laws that they were going to miss out on all the fun things in life. Or the things they thought were fun. Man, I must say that when I finally got my hind end into church. Things got better not worse. Boy, isn't that statement missing the mark. Sure, we might have to give up doing certain things, going certain places, being around certain people. But, when we are stronger God may put us right back into those certain places to be a witness. I am not going to pull the wool over your eyes and tell you everything has been a bowl of skittles but, my life is better now than it was before I was following Jesus Christ. Now check this out. I believe the truth is that if we don't live in according to God's laws, then we are going to miss out! Hey guy's, God didn't write these laws for His benefit. He wrote them for ours. God is not this dictator sitting on the throne saying let's see what kind of laws we can make to make their lives harder. God loves us and wants the best for us. I read once that every time God says "Thou shall not," God is simply saying, "Don't hurt yourself." And then whenever God says "Thou shalt," God is saying, "Help yourself to happiness." We should all remember that God has something special for us. We just have to pay attention to Him, so He can show it to us. Let's clear our hearts today and seek Him with everything. Have a great day and God bless!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Are you a 0 fruiter????????

Happy Good Friday! Tomorrow is the big day of Crusaders for Christ. Well, I hope today's devotion finds you with a smile on your face. Life is way too short not to make lemonade out of lemons. So, stop and practice smiling. I know some of you probably haven't done this in a while so be careful. Don't pull or break anything..........Ok! Now that we have that out of the way. I want to share more about the Crusade and why we are being called to do it. Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what it shows us........

Bible Verse: Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said unto His disciples, "If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me."

What does this scripture say to you? Are we supposed to carry our cross to be crucified? Well, back in the day when Jesus walked on this world. Crucifixion was a common method of execution, and condemned criminals had to carry their crosses through the streets to the execution site. So, everyone they passed knew they were a criminal and where they were heading. So, by following Jesus you must have commitment and back then risk death. Even now in some parts of this world people risk death to follow Jesus. Would you follow Him if it meant your life might be taken because of it? That you might be a martyr. Boy, that's a hard question isn't it? We should be willing to die to ourselves and pick up our crosses daily. Matthew 10:39 say's "He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." Does that necessarily say you must die. I think it can be that the old you dies and you find new life by following Jesus. The more you love all the stuff in your life the less you will love Jesus. This was a real hard one for me when I became a Christian. Because I love stuff! I think society trains us that way. But, the more you love Jesus the less you will love all the "things" in your life. You can have no greater gift than eternal life. Why is it so hard to follow Jesus. I don't know if it really is. I think when do start to follow Him. It might just simplify our lives. I am not saying you have to go back to making your own clothes and riding a horse to work. I think it simplifies things by making all the "stuff" not matter as much. The plasma TV's, fancy cars, $100.00 pair of jeans, etc. It makes us a better person. We start to care more about others. We start to care more about who we really are. Not the outside, but the inside. Pretty much our values and decisions change.

The name Christian has lost a little of its meaning. I mean 9 out of 10 people I talk to say they are Christians. The reason why I say the name Christian has lost a little of its meaning is that people say they are Christians but you would never know it by their lives. 0% fruit! Let's not be a 0 fruiter! I guess my question for us today is. Are you a follower of Jesus? Do you carry your cross? Are you proud to carry it? No matter who you are around? Or, do you only carry it around a certain group of friends but, not others? I must be honest I caught myself a work a few times not carrying my cross. So, let's be real today. We must deny ourselves, our pride, our minds, and what some might think about us. If they are your real friends then they will be proud of you and happy for you. So, I ask you are you proud to be a Christian? Are you a follower of Christ? It is time that you stand on solid ground and declare for once that you are not ashamed but proud to bear the name Christian. It is time we get to pickin' em' up, our crosses that is. Have a great day and God bless.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

It's not just wood..........

Good morning friends! Last night we showed the documentary of Authur Blessitt. We talked about the Crusade this Saturday and what the cross should mean to us. Today, I am again going to talk about the cross. I want you to stop reading this and draw a cross on whatever is in front of you. Now, what does that mean to you? Don't give me the holy answer. Give me exactly what it means to you. I know some draw a blank. We seem to have lost the true meaning of the cross. Or maybe not lost just have been de-sensitized toward the cross. We wear them on our necks, see them on the tops of churches, even draw them and don't think about what the cross means. Let's dig into some more of the good stuff and see what it shows us...........

Bible Verse: Matthew 10:39 "He who does not take his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me."

We must shout out and be proud of that old rugged cross that Jesus died on for us! The cross symbolizes so much.The crosses wood is not holy but it does represent a truly Holy event, the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ on a cross! The cross is a dramatic symbol of that event. A large cross being carried makes a profound and unforgettable impact on the mind of the person who sees it. That person years later still remembers when and where they saw the cross being carried. I remember 13 years ago I saw a man carrying a cross through Harriman and I have never forgot it. Years later I found out it was Authur Blessitt and he has carried a cross across every continent in the world. That was a symbol that was burnt into my mind.

In the Bible, symbols are very important in both the new and old Testaments. The Passover and other events are full of symbols. In the New Testament, the Bread and Wine represent the Body and Blood of Jesus. Baptism and foot washing are other symbols used by believers. In the same way the 'cross' conveys a profound message when it is seen outside the 'normal' place. Out on the road it shakes a person who may have even worn a cross for years around their neck. A person who goes to church sees so many crosses they no longer make an impact, but let the same person leave church and see a person caring a cross and they are shaken. That is what I am trying to show you. The cross should make an impact on your life. We should tie on mind to the cross and what was done on that old rugged cross for us. Let re-focus on the true cross and what it should mean to us. If you are going to be a part of this years Crusade get ready for an amazing journey. If you are unable to, could you please pray for us. Pray for safety and many seeds to be planting in the name of Jesus. Thanks in advance and God bless.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Picking it up.........

Good morning everyone. This Saturday, April 7th is the third annual Crusaders for Christ! Last year we had over 400 people join us from 19 different churches. The Crusade is a 14.1 mile walk across Roane county carrying a large wooden cross. You may be asking yourself why are we doing this????? We are trying to bring the true focus of Easter to the cross and what Jesus Christ did on it for us. We get so caught up in the Easter bunny sometimes that we forget what Easter is truly about. The tomb being empty after a horrific crucifiction. It was just amazing last year and we are expecting appox. 600 people this year. That is just amazing in itself. God deserves all the credit and honor. Can you do me a favor today? I want us to think about Jesus's footsteps. Let's dig into the good stuff and see what it tells us........

Bible Verse: 1 John 2:6 "He that saith he abideth in Him ought himself also so to walk, even as He walked."

What does it mean to walk as He walked? Do we have to find 12 disciples and go out trying to perform miracles? Do we have to be crucified? Do we have to bear all that Jesus did for us? I don't think He expects that from us. But, what we can do is mirror Him and His actions. First, we must obey His teachings and apply them to our lives. We must follow His example of love and compassion. We must also have a love to serve others. There is a book called "In His Steps" by Charles M. Sheldon. The main message of this book is compelling us to remember who we belong to, to remember to walk the Christian walk, and to realize that Christ is in us.

Here is the thing, if you are a born again Christian, then strive to walk as He did. Let us take up our cross and walk in His steps. Let's pick up that cross this Saturday. Let's take one step at a time in the name of Christ. Let us be uplifting to one another. Let us show the love of Jesus to all we encounter. Let us let our light shine so bright that many from far away can see Jesus. Let us be the hand of God reaching out to others here in Roane County, Tennessee or where ever you live. Let us carry our cross 14.1 miles with courage and determination. Let us be happy to carry our cross. Let us be excited to just be able to carry the cross or just to be a part of such a movement. I get goose bumps every time I talk to someone about carrying the cross. Guy's, God is so good and amazing in all He does. I ask you today if you are reading this devotion to please say a prayer for the Crusade and all involved in it. Pray for safety of all who are walking and that seeds will be planted everywhere. Imagine the conversations as people drive by. Pray that our light shines so bright for many to see that we have a risen Savior and that He died for them also! Thank you in advance for your prayers and if your not busy come join us tomorrow at 8:30 am at Paradise Baptist in Rockwood! Have a great day and God bless!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sometimes we just don't understand........

Good morning friends! I am chillin' out with my 3 year old boy today. I think we might dig for some worms or something. I was scanning through facebook today and saw so much negativity. So many hurting people. Sometimes we focus so much on a foot in front of us that we don't see what is coming ahead. Or, maybe we focus so much on the past that we don't allow ourselves to be happy. Can I tell you that God does have a plan for you. In Jeremiah 29:11 God's Word say's "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Let's dig into a little more of the good stuff and see what God can show us....... 

Bible verse: Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose."

I know sometimes we see what is happening to us and don't understand. I know some real bad things have happened to some of us. But, I must tell you that I am going to stand on God's Word and believe it with all my heart. I know I love Him and He will work all the things that have happened in my life for good. Can you believe that? I know your probably thinking "There is no way God can work this out or make good out of this situation" or "Tony, you don't know what has happened in my life." You are right, I don't know what you've been through. But, God does! I want you to read this story about a farmer think about your situation. This farmer had a big brush pile of debris he was going to burn. He noticed a little bird had built a nest in that brush pile, so he destroyed the nest. When he came back days later, he found the bird rebuilding the nest. The farmer destroyed the nest again. But the bird built again, and again the farmer destroyed it.

Finally, the little bird gave up. I can just imagine that little bird going home and saying to his family, "I just don't know why all our good plans of building a home are not working." Well, there was an unseen hand doing something the bird may have thought was bad, but was really good.

Do me a favor read Romans 8:28 again and notice the verse is not saying that all things are good. All things are not good. Now, there are some truly evil things in this world and those thing you must flee from and run to the arms of Jesus. Be strong and courageous, do not fear! He will not fail you nor forsake you. Let's do our best to not focus on those terrible things in this world. Let's focus on God and His goodness! Have a great day and God bless