Thursday, June 27, 2013

Get the rocks out of your pockets........

What's up everyone? How has your week been? Well, yesterday was the third day of our VBS at a local apartment complex and it was another great night. I was talking to the lady who was kinda ramrodding the whole thing and telling her that she was doing a great job! She said that she had been a little overwhelmed with this VBS. That she was used to a traditional style in the church, real structured, by the book VBS. Well, this one was anything but that! What was cool was how much the kids are loving it. Even my daughter that has been to some real fancy VBS's (First Baptist Concord) and said this one was her favorite. The cool part about our VBS is that there is no worry. Just loving on the kiddo's and sharing Gods' love with them. Well, I came home and got the kids bathed and bedded down and was scanning through facebook and saw again so much negativity. So many hurting friends / people. Sometimes we focus so much on a foot in front of us that we don't see what is coming ahead. Or, maybe we focus so much on the past that we don't allow ourselves to be happy. Can I tell you that God does have a plan for you. In Jeremiah 29:11 God's Word say's "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Let's dig into a little more of the good stuff and see what God's Word can show us....... 

Bible verse: Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose."

I know sometimes we see what is happening to us and don't understand. I know some real bad things have happened to some of us. But, I must tell you that I am going to stand on God's Word and believe it with all my heart. I know I love Him and He will work all the things that have happened in my life for good. Can you believe that? I know your probably thinking "There is no way God can work this out or make good out of this situation" or "Tony, you don't know what has happened in my life." You are right, I don't know what you've been through. But, God does! I want you to read this story about a farmer think about your situation. This farmer had a big brush pile of debris he was going to burn. He noticed a little bird had built a nest in that brush pile, so he destroyed the nest. When he came back days later, he found the bird rebuilding the nest. The farmer destroyed the nest again. But the bird built again, and again the farmer destroyed it.

Finally, the little bird gave up. I can just imagine that little bird going home and saying to his family, "I just don't know why all our good plans of building a home are not working." Well, there was an unseen hand doing something the bird may have thought was bad, but was really good.

I have told the youth and adults around me this little story many times. If you were treading water in the middle of the ocean and you had your pockets full of rocks. We're going to say those rocks are the friends, maybe past relationships, or things that will not let you swim or keep your head above water. What do you do? Well, duh! You take the rocks out of your pockets and let them fall away! There is no way you can stay afloat much less swim to shore without cutting loose the dead weight. This doesn't mean you won't have to have contact with them. It just means that they are not in your pocket. They are not allowed to be close to you anymore. For your good! 

Do me a favor read Romans 8:28 again and notice the verse is not saying that all things are good. All things are not good. Now, there are some truly evil things in this world and those thing you must flee from and run to the arms of Jesus. Be strong and courageous, do not fear! He will not fail you nor forsake you. Let's do our best to not focus on those terrible things in this world. Let's focus on God and His goodness! Have a great day and God bless

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