Thursday, August 2, 2012

The wrath is revealed.........

Good morning everyone. I hope this devo finds you in a good place. Been a hard road for us since early July. I hurt my back and wasn't sure if I was going to have to have surgery or not. Well, last week the doctors told me they think physical therapy can push the disc back in. Been praying a lot! I guess I need to say it has been hard yet, a blessing at the same time. I have been able to spend extra time with the kiddos'. I want to talk a little bit about God today. Really about God’s wrath. Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what it shows us.......

Bible Verse: Romans 1:18-19 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them.

We have been going through Romans 1 for the last four weeks and dissecting the Word. I thought it would be boring and yet everyone has really liked it and is eager for the next week. I want to talk about last week’s verse. In Romans 1:18-32, Paul describes why God gets so angry with human society. The idea of suffering "the wrath of God" should terrify us. But, so many say "I know it's wrong but, I am going to do it anyways!" Does that not sound crazy? In these verses Paul shows how human culture falls, step by step, into chaos and destruction.

Here's the thing the truth is being replaced with lies. It all starts with the one powerful lie: There is no God. Or better yet, the God of the Bible is not really God. If there is a God, He is different. Less powerful, less good, less holy, less interested in us, not so serious about sin. God is a loving God. Yes, that is true but, He is also faithful to His Word. But check this out, we eliminate God or downgrade Him by changing what we mean by the name "God" or what we think God is like. Forget what the Bible says he is.

To believe that lie is a choice and a stupid one at that. Why? Because God is not hiding. He made Himself plain to everyone. He's available for examination. To disbelieve Him requires a strategy to hide from Truth. So many have set out to prove the Bible wrong only to find how right it is and give their lives over to Jesus. C.S. Lewis did! Kirk Cameron did! There are many others too!

I have a question for you today. Do you think God's anger against sinful humans is justified? How has He made Himself plain to us? Please read Romans 1:18-32 today and ask God to give you wisdom and insight into it. Then make a list: Write down ways in which God makes Himself plain to people. Is He plain for you to see? Are you really looking for Him? Have you seen Him lately at work? I hope this touches your heart as it has mine. Have a great day and God bless!

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