Friday, August 3, 2012

You are valuable!!!!!

Good morning everyone! I want to talk to you about value today. So many people lately that I have been dealing with have no self-worth. I want to address this today. To the ladies young and older. You are valuable. You are beautiful. You are exactly the way you are supposed to be. God made you and God loves you. Stop trying to live up to the world. To the guys young and older. You don't have to always act tough. You may need to break the mold. You might have been treated a certain way when you were growing up that now you treat others the same way. It's time you realized that you are loved in a way you might not even be able to understand. Unconditionally!!! Let's dig into the good stuff and see what God's Word shows us..........

Bible Verse: Romans 5:8 "But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

Some people think that they need to earn love. Maybe because that is what they have been taught growing up. Check this out. There is this one little word called grace. It is free! You can't do anything to deserve it. God gives it to us. No if's, and's, or but's!!! I think grace is the most beautiful word in the Bible other than Jesus. Grace is why God loves us when there is nothing lovely about us. We are not loved because we are valuable. We are valuable because we are loved. Is that not cool? In 1 John 4:10 it says, "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins." That, by brother from another mother or sister from another mister, is God's amazing grace. I must say that I love Him for His grace. It is all Jesus. It's not the church. It's not good deeds. Now, this sound be the best news that you've heard today! Right. Maybe, it is time that you realize that you are so valuable that God sent His Son to die for you. And Jesus came voluntarily. He loves you. He died for you. You are very valuable to Him. Worth more that piles of gold and jewels. Remember that today! Have a great day and God bless.

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