Thursday, April 5, 2012

It's not just wood..........

Good morning friends! Last night we showed the documentary of Authur Blessitt. We talked about the Crusade this Saturday and what the cross should mean to us. Today, I am again going to talk about the cross. I want you to stop reading this and draw a cross on whatever is in front of you. Now, what does that mean to you? Don't give me the holy answer. Give me exactly what it means to you. I know some draw a blank. We seem to have lost the true meaning of the cross. Or maybe not lost just have been de-sensitized toward the cross. We wear them on our necks, see them on the tops of churches, even draw them and don't think about what the cross means. Let's dig into some more of the good stuff and see what it shows us...........

Bible Verse: Matthew 10:39 "He who does not take his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me."

We must shout out and be proud of that old rugged cross that Jesus died on for us! The cross symbolizes so much.The crosses wood is not holy but it does represent a truly Holy event, the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ on a cross! The cross is a dramatic symbol of that event. A large cross being carried makes a profound and unforgettable impact on the mind of the person who sees it. That person years later still remembers when and where they saw the cross being carried. I remember 13 years ago I saw a man carrying a cross through Harriman and I have never forgot it. Years later I found out it was Authur Blessitt and he has carried a cross across every continent in the world. That was a symbol that was burnt into my mind.

In the Bible, symbols are very important in both the new and old Testaments. The Passover and other events are full of symbols. In the New Testament, the Bread and Wine represent the Body and Blood of Jesus. Baptism and foot washing are other symbols used by believers. In the same way the 'cross' conveys a profound message when it is seen outside the 'normal' place. Out on the road it shakes a person who may have even worn a cross for years around their neck. A person who goes to church sees so many crosses they no longer make an impact, but let the same person leave church and see a person caring a cross and they are shaken. That is what I am trying to show you. The cross should make an impact on your life. We should tie on mind to the cross and what was done on that old rugged cross for us. Let re-focus on the true cross and what it should mean to us. If you are going to be a part of this years Crusade get ready for an amazing journey. If you are unable to, could you please pray for us. Pray for safety and many seeds to be planting in the name of Jesus. Thanks in advance and God bless.

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