Friday, April 27, 2012

Let's be the tip of the spear........

Good morning everyone. It has been a long week. When I am on day shift I have to get up at 3:45am. So, writing a devotion on those days is really hard. Well, I want to share a bit about a phone call I received. A friend of mine who happens to be the chief of police in the city I live in called me. He was telling me of a house in the city that some neighbors were complaining about. They were upset over the state of the lawn. The grass was waist high and they wanted something done. Well, the chief proceeded to tell me that the owner of the house was an elderly woman that didn't have much money. She was unable to mow it herself and unable to pay someone to do it. This humble man asked me if we could help. What do ya think the answer was????? Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what it shows us........

Bible Verse: Matthew 25:40 ........Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.

There was a time in my life when all I thought about was what I wanted. What made me happy. What I needed. I....I.....I.....I! I really think this is what society as a whole teaches. Get yours first and then if there's any left over. I am sure glad Jesus didn't say that. I am sure glad he didn't say "I am here on earth for myself!" "If I have any leftover or any extra time." What is happening to us? What has happened to the compassion of the world. Are we teaching it to our kids? Was it taught to us? Hey, I didn't grow up involved in church. I never did anything for my community. Besides be a volunteer fireman. And that was for the glory and the adrenaline rush. How many other kids are that way? How many youth would rather sit at home and play Xbox or hang with their friends instead of helping someone in their neighborhood. Where is compassion?
It is time we start leading from the front. Setting examples, showing others how to serve. If our children and friends don't see us doing it. Why should they? We had a saying in the military. Let's be the tip of the spear! I would almost guarantee that if you look around your neighborhood or maybe when at the store. Maybe, the homeless guy or gal at the exit really does need a couple dollars for food. I know you are thinking right now. Oh, that's a scam. They probably have a BMW parked behind the gas station. So what! Let's change the way our hearts feel and minds think. My wife asked me one day after I said "Those people are just pulling a scam, I saw it on dateline." She said "What if that was an angel and God was testing you?" Man, did that hurt. We should do for others because He first did for us. It is our responsibility. It is our duty. Let's get to work. Have a great day and God bless.

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