Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Are you hungry this morning???????

Good morning everyone. I received some emails yesterday after I sent the devotion out. Some people wanted to know how to grow closer to God and how to learn more about living as a Christian. Well, I smile in my heart to share just a couple of ways to learn and grow closer to God. So, without further a due. Let's dig into some of the good stuff........

Bible verse: Psalm 119:162 I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure

Ok, for the record I like to eat. I have put myself on a diet due to all my pants shrinking. I couldn't figure it out. Almost every pair were tight! So, I have been eating a lot of tuna, boiled eggs, and drinking a metric ton of high quality H2o! I went through the drive through at Krystals yesterday and got (1) Krystal Chik. Yes, I said one. What I am trying to get at is this. I am craving a juicy Big Mac w/ extra sauce. Now, I want you to look at it this way. If God's word was a big mac or a big juicy chicken sandwich would you gobble it up? If you hadn't ate in two days and someone laid that chicken sandwich in front of you. I would dare say you would inhale it! So, why can't we have the same hunger for God's word. Job said (Job 23:12), " I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food." When God's word is as important to us as food, then we are going to grow leaps and bounds in our Christian life. Think about this. What if the dust on our Bibles testifies against us one day! I read this and have to pass it on. "These hath God married and no man shall part, dust on the Bible and drought in the heart." Who wants to stay a spiritual babe? I don't think anyone does. You can do something about it. Pick up your Bible and read this beautiful love story. Learn of someone who loves you so much very much.

I have to tell you about an awesome man of God that I know. He was telling some folks the other day about a fast he did. A fast is when you go without food or I guess you could fast from anything. But, he fasted for 21 days. He said that he has never grow so close to God. See, he replaced the time that he would eat with prayer time or reading the Bible. He said it was the best experience he has ever had. Now, most cannot do 21 days but, I bet you can do one. How about we try to fast for one day and hunger for God's word together! Let me know what you think. I pray you have a great day and God bless. 

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