Saturday, April 28, 2012

If in doubt, let Jesus filter it out!!!!!!!

Good morning friends! Have you been making many decisions lately? So, how do you think your decision making skills are going? Have you been making the right ones? Are any of them questionable? Have you been running them through a filter before making them? Do you have a sounding board/person? I want to talk a little life this morning and dig into some of the good stuff.....

Bible Verse: Matthew 14:31-32 "You of little faith, why did you doubt? And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased."

One Sunday I was in the daddy room aka "The Man Room" in our house. That is where my closet is. I was getting dressed and Misty was in bedroom down the hall. I called out to Misty, "Misty, is this shirt clean enough for me to wear?" Without a pause she said, "No." I was puzzled and hollered back, "How do you know it' not clean enough to wear? You didn't even come back here to look at it." She fired back down the hallway, "If you had to ask, it wasn't clean enough!" 

When it comes to the question of whether you should do something or not, if it's doubtful, it's probably dirty. Don't do it! But, here's the thing, unfortunately most of us don't give God the benefit of the doubt. We just go ahead and do it. We don't allow Him to filter our decisions. He is not our sounding board. We want to be big boys and girls and wear our big boy/girl pants. Then when we get in a mess. We go running back hopefully, asking for forgiveness. I can see God looking at us, shaking His head but, holding open His arms and wondering why we didn’t ask Him if it was a good idea.

I have a lot of big decisions in the near future and I don't want to doubt. I want to have assurance. Are you in doubt about something today? If you have even the smallest doubt in your heart that it might be sin or lead to sin, be strong and choose to say "No." I know sometimes saying "No" is hard. And it might even make some people mad at you. If they are your true friends, they will understand and you might even make them examine their own choice. Have faith and remember this, He will be your peace. Have a great day and God bless!

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