Happy Monday everyone! I know those are probably not the words you want to hear this morning. I am one my "Heck" week at work this week. That means I work 3 12 hour day shifts have a quick turn around and work 3 12 hour night shifts. So, I usually try and stay up late so I can sleep later. Well, this morning that didn't happen Luke (3 yrs) came into the bedroom (where I was still sleeping) with T.J. Bearytales. T.J. Bearytales was talking real loud telling a story to Luke. I laid there trying not to let it wake me up and thought evil thoughts about that story telling bear! I wanted to dismantle it slowly and painfully. Then I received a little nudge (I think from God) to get up and see my family off to school and work. Sure glad I did too! Got hugs and kisses all the way around. That brings me to today’s subject. Are we basically good or bad? Sure, we're capable of good and bad, but deep down, which is our true nature? Today's devotion will be a little long but, you might want to read it anyways. Let's dig into the good stuff and see what God's Word says about it..................
Bible Verse: John 16:33 Jesus told His disciples "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
Ok, I know most of you probably said "Good" right? The reality is: We are sinful people. Without the strength of God. We will most of the time choose evil. The Bible teaches that every single one of us is broken. We have flaws and deep sinfulness in our lives that we try to hide. We don't want people to know the brokenness that live within us. In reality, we live in a broken world w/ broken people. The Bible teaches this and we experience it every day. But, hang on! There is good news!!!! God continues to work and move and make His presence felt in our lives and in our world even in the midst of our brokenness, our foolishness, and our weakness. I think it's when we are at most broken, our most foolish, our weakest that God's presence can really be experienced! I want to remind you of two things today. First, about the God who is there in our broken world. Look around and see the brokenness everywhere. Turn on our TV, pick up the newspaper, or just open your eyes. Did you know 25 million people in Africa are infected with HIV? If you are between 18-30 years old there is a 50% chance you have HIV. How can we comprehend that kind of brokenness? Brokenness is not only evident in disease, war, poverty, and terror. Pay attention! It's all around you. In our schools, work places, neighborhoods, in our homes, maybe in you. I have heard so people ask this question lately. "Where is God in all this pain and suffering? Doesn't He care?"
I must tell you guys. God is right there in the midst of this pain, this suffering, and this hurting! He is right here with us, experiencing the reality of this broken world in a way we cannot even imagine. Please read the scripture again and remember this was Jesus talking to His disciple just before He was crucified for mine and your sins. He is telling us to expect trouble and pain in our world. The hope He offers us is that He has overcome this brokenness and that He will be right beside us! Guiding us through it all. This brings me to the second things I wanted to tell you today. About the God who is there in our broken lives. I know many of you reading this have experienced some really painful things in your lives. Do you know how much money is spent every year on counseling and therapy? 96 billion dollars! That doesn't include 12 billion on alcohol and drug addiction treatment. 1 in 4 Americans, that's 25% experience depression, anxiety disorders, or phobias. So many people feel hopeless! I might even be talking about you right now. I want you to stop and read John 8:1-11 this is a story about a woman caught in adultery. She was hopeless. The penalty for adultery was stoning. She was regarded as the lowest of low. The religious people and the Pharisees despised her and hated her. Yet Jesus refused to condemn her and told the religious leaders "Whomever is sinless among you, let them cast the first stone." They all beat feet out of the oldest first. I like to think Jesus said "Woman, I don't condemn you, I don't judge you. You are free. Go and sin no more!"
Only Jesus has the power to invade our broken lives and make them whole. All we have to do is ask and believe! have you ever read the story of the prodigal son? Read Luke 15:11-33 all the father wanted his son to do was come home. He didn't care where he had been or what he had done. This is what our Father wants us to do. Run to Him, embrace Him! He can make you whole. We have a God who does not discard us because of our weakness, our pain, and our brokenness. We have a God who embraces us in spite of them!
In the midst of a broken world and a broken life. We can begin to see the reality. That even though we might consider ourselves trash....Useless.....Or maybe without purpose. With God presence in our lives we can find beauty, meaning, freedom, and love. Maybe some of you guys need to experience that today. It might just be time you realize that God loves you! Have a great day and God bless.