Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Your temple.......

Hello friends! Today is a great day for me. Misty and I are celebrating eight years of marriage today. Boy, I tell you what I hit the lottery when God brought me this amazing woman. I don't know where I would be today without her in my life. She is my life partner, my love, and my wide receiver (what is a quarterback w/out a wide receiver?) Well, today I received an email from another youth pastor and what he wrote to me is why today's topic is today's topic. It might be a little long so, hang with me. Let's dig into some of God's good stuff.

Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.

Do you think God makes mistakes? If you are around anyone right now. Look at them. Are they different than you? Taller, shorter, thinner, rounder, hair color, abilities, talent, intelligence, and maybe so many other ways too. I must ask you again. Do you think God makes mistakes? I want you to know this today that God made you special just the way you are. His word say's that your body is a temple or a sanctuary. Some maybe asking what does that mean? Well, in the old testament that is where God was. If you wanted forgiveness or to pray to Him. You had to go to a priest and he had to go to the high priest. Then the High priest went to the temple the holy of holies to be in God's presence and talk to Him. But, Jesus changed the understanding of the temple. When Jesus took His last breath the curtain going into the holy of holies was torn form top to bottom. God made a hot line for you. You don't have to go to anyone, but Him to ask forgiveness or for your prayers to be heard.

Let's read today's scripture again. If you are born again. If you are a Christian. The Holy Spirit lives in you. God dwells within you. Can I ask you a question? Why is it so easy for us to trash Gods home. Don't say you don't trash it in some way. I know you might be thinking of trashing it with drugs, alcohol, or smoking. But, what about all the other things in life. I heard a quote from another pastor and he said "garbage in.....garbage out". What do we watch on TV? What do we look at on the internet? What do we take in around certain friends? I had to really look in the mirror before Sunday night. I preached this message and it was heart peircing. I ask what did Paul mean when he said that our bodies belonged to God? Because most people will say "It is my body and I will do with it what I please." People feel they have freedom to use and abuse they're bodies. But, really you get imprisoned by all of your desires. Listen to me, when you became a Christian. The Holy Spirit moved in. The U-Haul backed up and unloaded Him into you. So, that body isn't yours it has been bought with a price. Do you trash someone else's house? Would you? Have you? If you did I bet you would have to pay the consequences. Let's examine ourselves. God made you the way you are. Your body is the temple. Let's respect it and guard it from the "stuff" that doesn't need to be in our temple. Through our minds or mouths. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless.

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