Tuesday, March 23, 2010

After ten o'clock......

Hello friends! Had a good day yesterday. I had a follow up visit with the E.N.T. doctor and he said my ear drum has fully healed. He also said that there is no scar tissue on the ear drum. We expected some due to the rupture but, none! That means no hearing loss. My hearing tested back to what it was. I must thank God for His healing touch. I want to talk to you today about what I have watched on TV here lately. Have you watched the sitcoms lately? What is going on in the world? Look at the cartoon sitcoms "The Family Guy" or "The Simpsons". There are so many that are jacked up. I have talked to our youth and they watch all this stuff. So, I ask why is our world the way it is? Let's dig into the good stuff.

Bible Verse: Proverbs 22:6 - "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

I think the most dangerous thing on TV today, in my opinion, is the sitcom. Really guy's they are making things funny that shouldn't be funny. They're getting us to laugh at sin. I read that a Christian TV and film writer attended a producers' workshop one day. One of the main speakers was one of TV's most successful producers of sitcoms. In his speech, he said that in order to have a commercially successful production, the characters in a sitcom must break at least three of the Ten Commandments. It saddens my heart to think that this is what has to be done to make a sitcom make it. What happened to shows like "Happy Days" or "Andy Griffith". They thought morals. I am not saying there are not good shows out there but, they are becoming rare. Have you seen the shows that come on after ten o'clock? What happens after ten o'clock should stay after ten o'clock. We need to guard our children's minds as much as we can and teach they the concept of right and wrong. Teach them what morals are. Guess what this will take time and effort from us. But, here's the thing....They deserve it and they are our future. I pray Joshua 1:7 for you today that you will be strong and courageous. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless

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