Saturday, September 22, 2012

Resist the Black Hole.........

Good Saturday friends. I am sitting here with the windows open and listening to the birds singing. I can smell fresh cut grass and I have a big ole' cup of coffee. I am not getting all Mary Poppin's on you but, I know it's going to be a good day. I am going to drop the hammer a little and get all youth pastor on ya today. Let's talk about our kids. I am not going to pre-apologize if this hurts. I wish someone would have been straight with my parents when I was growing up. Let's dig into the good stuff and see what God's Word says............

Bible Verse: Psalm 71:17 "O God, Thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared Thy wondrous works."

I have had so many parents tell me that they aren't going to make their kids come to church or youth group. They say they don't want to make them resent church. I have talked to a lot of people that their parents made them go to church. They had a drug problem. They were drug to church. Not one of those people said they resented church. Most were actually happy that their parents or loved one cared enough to stay on them. Listen guys, the world will suck you up real fast. There will always be something that seems more fun to do on Sunday or Wednesday. We must hide this stuff in our hearts. Learn about God and what He wants of us. Because the real deal is Satan is on a killing spree. He wants to kill our memory and set us in a black hole of forgetfulness without any recollection of our Christianity. What will happen three generations from now? If we don't instill the importance of fellowship with other Christians and coming to learn. Why would our children teach their children if we didn't teach them? What will happen?

Ok, I know there is this thing in us that wants to make our children happy. We want to give them what they want. Especially if we didn't have it. So, to what end? It is not always the big decisions that matter later in life. You better believe this. Satan is aiming all his big guns at our children. He is using T.V., music, and society. Now, he is using a place that makes me sick--the public school. Prayer is out. Police are in. Bibles are out. Values clarification is in. The Ten Commandments are out. Social engineering is in. Creation is out. Evolution is in. History is out. Revisionism is in. God says we need to remember the generation to come. What has come of us. Where are we going? Are we to sit back and watch our children be sucked into the black hole of this world? I will make a pledge today. Not I, I will pledge to raise my children up to know God and to one day have the love I do for Him. I already see the effects. My daughter loves church. She goes to two service on Sunday morning and sits on the front row at youth to listen to me preach on Sunday nights. Then on the way home we talk about the sermon. When my son is old enough, they will take turns. It doesn't take much. Stop and turn the T.V. off a few minutes early. Sit in your kids room and read them a Bible story. It doesn't even matter if you don't know the Bible. Go to a Christian store and buy a children’s picture Bible. Maybe you guys can learn together. Heck, make it a family thing! If you don't have the cabbage to buy one. Give me a shout, I have a few extras.

You have an important job! To influence the lives of those who will come after you. Teach them to walk in the ways of the Lord and against pull of the black hole of the world. Have a great day and God bless.


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