Hello everyone. I pray today that this devotion finds you well and with a smile on your face. So many that I have already crossed paths with today do not have a smile on their faces. Does it seem like when you think things are going good, all of the sudden things come crashing in all around you? It seems like the storm clouds have encircled you. Maybe, just maybe it is the devil trying to get you off path. Maybe, he is trying to get you to focus on the pit falls. If he does that you will not be doing the work of the Lord. The devil is trying to get you to focus on him! Let's dig into the good stuff and see what Gods' Word has to say about it.......
Bible Verse: Romans 12:21
"Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good."
Ok, let's get down to the nitty-gritty about Satan. There
are two mistakes people make about him. First, they get into demonology. Making
movies about them, always studying, wondering, and talking about demons. They
get their focus on the wrong thing. Their focus is on Satan rather than on
Jesus. The Bible says we're to resist the devil, it doesn't say we're to chase
Then, there are knuckle-heads who make light or always are
joking about the devil. They have nicknames for him and think he's a cartoon or
fantasy. You know, the little guy with the pitch fork and the pointy tail!
The truth is, we have a powerful adversary, the devil. Peter
compares him to a roaring lion! A mature Christian recognizes that he has an
enemy. He respects the power of the enemy. Then he holds fast to the power of
Jesus Christ to overcome this strong adversary. Here is the thing, I can only
speak for myself. But, I feel that the devil is trying to make a mess of my life
right now. He is trying to make me question things that should be. He is trying
to effect relationships that would disrupt things. He is doing his best to get
me off track. Focusing on what is messed up or struggling and not on Jesus.
Let's be real with each other today. I know I am not the only one that is being
attacked. Is the lion prowling around your life? Are you allowing the devil to
tear down what God has built up? Do not question in the dark what God has shown
you in the light. Take up the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God,
and break free from his jaws of destruction. The jaws of fear. The jaws of the
devil. If you would like, send me a message or email and I will pray for you
too! Have a great and blessed day.