Thursday, June 7, 2012

Living real life.........

Good Thursday everyone! I just got back last night at almost midnight from taking our graduating seniors on their senior trip. This is an annual thing that our youth group does. This year we went to King's Island Amusement park and Water park in Ohio for three days. It was a great trip with some really awesome people. Myself and the other leaders that went got the opportunity to talk to them about their plans for the future. We had a ton of first times on this trip. But, what was best was the searching of their souls. Every one of them kind of realized that they needed to strengthen their relationship with God. That they are starting a different part of their lives and it is no going to be as easy as they thought. Not as easy as going to high school. They were not in prep mode anymore. They were being thrust into real life. Maybe away from family, out of state in college, attaining a full time job with their own bills! I want to share some of the good stuff. Because I think that some of us are in a type prep mode too. Let's dig in..........

Bible Verse: 2 Peter 1:3  His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.

When you're a student, it's easy to think of "real life" as something that's coming after high school and then maybe after college graduation. Or maybe after you get married. But, while in high school you're just in prep mode. Nothing really counts. The race starts for real somewhere down the road.

I remember when I first became became a Christian sometimes  having the mindset and casual attitude about my relationship with God. I felt like I'd need to get really serious about living like Jesus once I got more time or when my kids got a little older. Until then, I was still waiting for the all the pieces of puzzle to fall into place. Man, was I was wrong. First, today's verse really spells it out. You're not missing anything to live exactly the life God calls you to right now. Today!!! Second, this is your real life. Right now!!! It won't get any "realer" later on down the road. Not after graduation, kids getting older, getting married, buying a house, finding that awesome job, or moving out from your parents’ house. If you're not living for Jesus now, you aren't living for Jesus for real.

So, my question to you today is. Do you think you're postponing, on some level, getting real about living for God until _________ happens? Do you think you've believed the lie that you're not yet fully equipped to live for Him? Man, we should really thank God that He has given us everything we need for life and godliness. Do me a favor. Write this verse down and put it somewhere you'll have to look it several times this week. Let's live now not waiting for the next door to open. Let's be about our Father's business! Have a great day and God bless.

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