Monday, October 18, 2010

"Know So" not "Hope So"...........

Good morning everyone! Boy, what a night last night at youth. It really seemed like the walls were crashing in and a lot of problems were surfacing. I was getting phone calls two hours before youth and having to deal with some real hard things. Then problems with equipment and some personal issues with some youth. I had one of the youth come up to me and say "Something good is going to happen tonight! To much is trying to stop youth tonight!!!" Well, we started off with prayer requests that lasted 20 minutes and little miss Haley started to sing Amazing Grace. It became very emotional and the Holy Spirit went to work. The praise band came up next and sang their guts out for God! God shut my notes and we just talked about their problems last night. We should be ashamed as parents of the things that are children have to deal with way before they should have to. They have so much on their shoulders. Money problems, divorce, gossip, bullying, sex, and bad home lives. I pray that we can always give some of these young adults a place of refuge and they can have a little peace for a while. Now to the awesome news! We had four pray to accept Jesus as their Savior last night. Angels weren't only singing in Heaven last night. I think they were clogging too!!! Super happy! I talked to one of them about have a "know so" not a "hope so" Salvation! She now has a "know so" and that is way cool. Sorry so long today but, lots to say. Let's dig into some of the good stuff.........

Bible Verse: Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God; Not of works, lest any man should boast."

If you think you're going to get to heaven by your good works, I guarantee you will always wonder if you've done enough. You will not have a "know-so" salvation. You will have a "hope-so" salvation. Rather than standing up straight in confidence like an exclamation point, you will be bent over and wondering like a question mark. That is, until you understand that it's all by grace. Suppose everybody who wanted to be saved had to run around the block. Some can't run. What if you had to read a chapter in the Bible to be saved? Some can't read. But there is one thing that can make the promise sure, and that is grace. Who can you share this Good News with today? Think of at least one person, and ask God to give you courage and the opportunity to do just that. Good luck and keep your eyes on the prize! Have a great day, I love you, and God bless!

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