Friday, October 8, 2010

A Bible Big Mac????????

Good morning everyone. You would not believe all the stuff that we have at the church for the Youth Benefit Yard Sale tomorrow. There are 3-4 leaders and a couple youth that have been going through all the stuff and everyone is wore plum out! We still need help organizing the stuff and at the sale on Saturday. I was talking to one of our youth yesterday in my office and he asked me how to find time to fit in reading his Bible. He said that he is so busy that he never has time to read it and he knows that he should. Let's dig into the good stuff and see what it says about the subject.......

Bible verse: Psalm 119:162 I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure

Let's look at it this way. If God's word was a big mac would you eat it? Or if it was a big juicy chicken sandwich would you gobble it up? If you hadn't ate in two days and someone laid that chicken sandwich in front of you. I would dare say you would inhale it! So, why can't we have the same hunger for God's word. Job said (Job 23:12), " I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food." When God's word is as important to us as food, then we are going to grow leaps and bounds in our Christian life. Think about this. What if the dust on our Bibles testifies against us one day! I read this and have to pass it on. "These hath God married and no man shall part, dust on the Bible and drought in the heart." Who wants to stay a spiritual babe? I don't think anyone does. You can do something about it. Pick up your Bible and read this beautiful love story. Learn of someone who loves you so much very much. Let's hunger for God's word together! I hope you have a great day and if you don't care could you say a prayer for our youth group and workers. This youth benefit yard sale has been a lot of hard work and some of the leaders are running on fumes. Pray that God can restore that energy for this weekend. Thanks in advance and God bless.

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