Friday, October 29, 2010

He can handle it...........

Good morning everyone. We had a great night last night. Misty, Joslyn, and I went to Disney on Ice (Princess addition) last night. I have to say it was pretty good. If your into that kind of thing. Joslyn really enjoyed herself. I have received numerous emails over the last few day of people in some pretty hard situations. My question is where is our gaze? Where are we looking for help? Let's see what the good stuff says and dig in..........

Bible Verse: Psalm 89:1 - "I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever: with my mouth will I make known Thy faithfulness to all generations."

Really what does it mean to "look to Jesus" to have all of our needs met? alright check this out, let's say I borrow $10,000 from Dan, a friend of mine, but then I realize that I can't pay it back. Dan is on to me and says, "If you don't pay it back, I'm going to foreclose on you." So I go over to another friend, Tom, and tell him about my really bad situation and ask for his help. Tom says, "That's alright, Tony, look to me." Did you see that he didn't say, "Look at me." He said, "Look to me." Kind of like, "I'll handle it." This is what the Bible means when it says "look unto Jesus." It means look to Him for whatever you need. Do you look to Jesus for your needs? Or are you big enough to handle it on your own? Who is looking to you to have their needs met today? Are you, then, looking to God or are you trying to do it on your own? We may think we can handle it all and might even be able to sometimes. But, why not let Jesus carry the load. He wants to. He is eager to! Jesus can handle it.....Promise! Have a great day, I love you, and God bless.

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