Really what does it mean to "look to Jesus" to have all of our needs met? alright check this out, let's say I borrow $10,000 from Dan, a friend of mine, but then I realize that I can't pay it back. Dan is on to me and says, "If you don't pay it back, I'm going to foreclose on you." So I go over to another friend, Tom, and tell him about my really bad situation and ask for his help. Tom says, "That's alright, Tony, look to me." Did you see that he didn't say, "Look at me." He said, "Look to me." Kind of like, "I'll handle it." This is what the Bible means when it says "look unto Jesus." It means look to Him for whatever you need. Do you look to Jesus for your needs? Or are you big enough to handle it on your own? Who is looking to you to have their needs met today? Are you, then, looking to God or are you trying to do it on your own? We may think we can handle it all and might even be able to sometimes. But, why not let Jesus carry the load. He wants to. He is eager to! Jesus can handle it.....Promise! Have a great day, I love you, and God bless.
Friday, October 29, 2010
He can handle it...........
Really what does it mean to "look to Jesus" to have all of our needs met? alright check this out, let's say I borrow $10,000 from Dan, a friend of mine, but then I realize that I can't pay it back. Dan is on to me and says, "If you don't pay it back, I'm going to foreclose on you." So I go over to another friend, Tom, and tell him about my really bad situation and ask for his help. Tom says, "That's alright, Tony, look to me." Did you see that he didn't say, "Look at me." He said, "Look to me." Kind of like, "I'll handle it." This is what the Bible means when it says "look unto Jesus." It means look to Him for whatever you need. Do you look to Jesus for your needs? Or are you big enough to handle it on your own? Who is looking to you to have their needs met today? Are you, then, looking to God or are you trying to do it on your own? We may think we can handle it all and might even be able to sometimes. But, why not let Jesus carry the load. He wants to. He is eager to! Jesus can handle it.....Promise! Have a great day, I love you, and God bless.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
The dam is holding for now........
I have had some people ask me why Jesus hasn't come back yet. Have you ever wondered why? I'll tell you why I think and what I believe the scripture says: because our Lord is waiting on people to be saved. He's waiting on your family member, your neighbor, your co-worker, or maybe you, but one of these days soon, and very soon I believe, Jesus will come. You see, it is God's mercy that holds back the Second Coming of Jesus, but God's justice and judgment require that one day He will come. Even now, the raging waters of God's wrath are furiously pounding against the dam of His mercy. With the way things are going in the world. But, this is nothing new for God. He has been dealing with an ungodly people since Adam and Eve. He so wants us to come to Him before the dam of His mercy gives way to His judgment, and that day He will come back. We have good news our Lord is coming! Does this make your heart beat faster because you anticipate His coming or dread His coming? How is your walk? Is there anything you need to take care of? If you knew Jesus was coming back Friday at noon. What would you do? Who would you take to? Would you share Jesus more until Friday? Would you love more? Would you pray more? We don't we pretend it's Friday and keep pretending it's the next Friday. Watch what happens in our lives. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless. Talk to ya Friday????
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
What time are you picking me up??????????
I have heard that Jesus is coming back after 2012 because thats as far as the calendar goes. That the ancient people knew something. Well, I don't buy it. This is real touchy and some would say anybody who sets a date for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ may be crossing the line of blasphemy. The Bible teaches very clearly and very plainly and our Lord taught that no one knows the time. No one!!! Just before our Lord was taken up into glory, the disciples asked Him, "Lord, wilt Thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And He said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in His own power" (Acts 1:6-7). No one knows the day when Jesus Christ is coming again, but guess what? We know He is coming one day. I do believe it is soon or should I say "I hope it is soon!" I wanting to say to Jesus "What time are you picking me up?" Man, what a day of rejoicing that will be for some. It will also be a day of "Uh Oh! I should have listened to all those people telling me about Jesus." Our tongues can be used in a mighty way today. Use yours to share Jesus and think about what encouragement you need to share with someone today? Have a great day, I love you, and God bless!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Bundle of Dynamite.............
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Flip the switch...........
Jesus was talking to Nicodemus and Nicodemus was so impressed with the miracles Jesus had done that he wanted to find out more. He asked Jesus about miracles, and Jesus began to talk to him about births. It's as if Jesus was saying, "Nicodemus, if you want to understand miracles, you're going to have to become a miracle." Now Nicodemus was a pretty smart man. He was a ruler of the Jews. Yet with all of his learning Nicodemus was told, "Except you are born again, you cannot see the kingdom of God." People simply can't understand spiritual things until the Holy Spirit of God turns the light on in their souls. It is sort of like reach in and flipping the light switch to on! He couldn't understand being born twice. Maybe whoever you are witnessing to or trying to get to come to church does see it yet. That doesn't say they won't one day. Keep on.....Keeping on! Maybe they are over educated! That's a joke for some of you engineers that are reading this. Is it someone who has a lot of education, but no salvation? I challenge you to share this same Good News with him or her today and do me a favor. Have patience with them. it takes longer for some but, that doesn't mean it's not worth it! Have a great day, I love you, and God bless!
Monday, October 18, 2010
"Know So" not "Hope So"...........
If you think you're going to get to heaven by your good works, I guarantee you will always wonder if you've done enough. You will not have a "know-so" salvation. You will have a "hope-so" salvation. Rather than standing up straight in confidence like an exclamation point, you will be bent over and wondering like a question mark. That is, until you understand that it's all by grace. Suppose everybody who wanted to be saved had to run around the block. Some can't run. What if you had to read a chapter in the Bible to be saved? Some can't read. But there is one thing that can make the promise sure, and that is grace. Who can you share this Good News with today? Think of at least one person, and ask God to give you courage and the opportunity to do just that. Good luck and keep your eyes on the prize! Have a great day, I love you, and God bless!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The Judgement Seat.........
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The Tongue.........
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Judging are we????????
Monday, October 11, 2010
Train em' up...........
Friday, October 8, 2010
A Bible Big Mac????????
Let's look at it this way. If God's word was a big mac would you eat it? Or if it was a big juicy chicken sandwich would you gobble it up? If you hadn't ate in two days and someone laid that chicken sandwich in front of you. I would dare say you would inhale it! So, why can't we have the same hunger for God's word. Job said (Job 23:12), " I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food." When God's word is as important to us as food, then we are going to grow leaps and bounds in our Christian life. Think about this. What if the dust on our Bibles testifies against us one day! I read this and have to pass it on. "These hath God married and no man shall part, dust on the Bible and drought in the heart." Who wants to stay a spiritual babe? I don't think anyone does. You can do something about it. Pick up your Bible and read this beautiful love story. Learn of someone who loves you so much very much. Let's hunger for God's word together! I hope you have a great day and if you don't care could you say a prayer for our youth group and workers. This youth benefit yard sale has been a lot of hard work and some of the leaders are running on fumes. Pray that God can restore that energy for this weekend. Thanks in advance and God bless.
Monday, October 4, 2010
The greatest event..........
I was reading something and have to share it with you.When Jesus comes back and He is going to. It is going to be the greatest event of all of the ages. It is one of the biggest truths taught in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Being born again or new birth is vitally important, but it is mentioned only nine times in the New Testament. Baptism is vitally important, but it is mentioned only 20 times in the New Testament. Repentance is mentioned only 70 times in the Bible, as important and needful as that is. But the return of the Lord Jesus Christ is mentioned in God's Word at least 380 times. One out of every 25 verses points to the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. For me, I am ready to go. I know my family will be joining me. I continue to get ready. I know you might be saying to yourself how do I continue to get ready? Just because you are born again doesn't give you a pass. God's Word say He that begun a good work in you will continue until He comes again. We are the only ones that can get in the way. Maybe being to busy with the world! How are you getting ready for His Second Coming? What if He came this very hour? Is their anyone that you would say " I wish I would have talk to so-in-so about Jesus?" Or maybe I wish I would have done more by getting involved in my church. Heck, maybe "I wish I would have went to church more" Are you ready? Or, do you still have some work to do? It is time we get in the game! Game on baby!!! Have a great day, I love you, and God bless!!!