Monday, September 20, 2010


Good morning everyone! We had a great night at youth last night. The topic was on faith. How is your faith? Are your feet planted on solid ground? Or do you sway with the day. Maybe you sway with the people your around. Were you once on fire and a storm came and you jumped ship and tried to swim for shore. We need to realize that Jesus is our life ring. We should cling to Him in the storms. I want to tell you a story that I am sure some of you know but, maybe need to hear it again. Let's dig into the good stuff.......

Bible Verse: Mark 4:39 "And He arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm."

Now check this out.....Jesus was with his disciples on the Sea of Galilee and a huge storm came upon them? The lightning began to be all over the sky. It was super windy. The sea was crazy! And the gentle winds turned into a
category 5 hurricane!. The little ship was tossed and turned like a cork. The disciples were scared out of the gourds and said to Jesus who was crashed out in the front of the boat, "Don't You care if we perish? Do something!" Jesus said, "Peace, be still." And the winds ceased and the sea went calmed. Listen guy's, if you don't see this world heading into a storm, and the spiritual meteorologist's should be warning us. I would almost bet that you are going through some kind of storm right now. You have to have faith in Jesus to bring peace to your life. And guess what when it comes to the world it will not know peace until Jesus, the Prince of Peace, comes back and says, "Peace, be still." Do me a big favor today. Quit carrying those burdens around with you. Jesus has some real strong shoulders and can handle all your burdens. He is asking you for them. So, let's give them to Him today. I pray you have a blessed day, I love you, and smile a little!!!!!

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