Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Let's make a list.........

Good morning everyone. How is your week going? I hope it is going great! I want to ask a favor of you. I have a big day today and could use a prayer or two. So, can you say one for me. God knows what it is about. Thanks in advance. So, today I want to talk a little more about faith. But, now I want to talk about the faith that others have around us. Maybe our friends, family, co-workers. Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what it says about it......

Bible Verse: Ephesians 1:15-16 Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers.

First, I want to ask you a question. How do you pray? Or maybe I should ask. Do you pray? We should pray with faith. We should pray believing and giving thanks for God answering our prayers before He even answers them. We shouldn't pray then sit back and wait to see if it happens so we can then give thanks. Alright now, how should you pray for our friends, your parents, our siblings, anyone you really care about? Paul shows us in the Bible verse today some essential things to pray for other Christians and for ourselves by telling us exactly what he prayed for his friends in Ephesus.

Check this out, first he is praying for other believers. People who have trusted and have faith in Jesus. These prayers were for believers. He was praying for his brothers and sisters in Christ. Now, the first thing Paul says to God about these brothers and sisters in Jesus is "thank you." Then he says it again and again, and again. Really, he says he never stops saying it. To give thanks for others, to remember God created and saved them, He did a good thing. That they had faith and trusted in Him. Their lives should matter to us because they matter to Him.

I have to ask you guys today. How often do you thank God for the Christians in your life? Your parents? Your friends? Why don't we think to do that more often? Let's ask God to help us to be grateful for other believers and to express that thankfulness to Him. Can you do me a big favor this week? Can we make a list of five Christians in your life that we can pray for this week. Maybe include at least one person you don't always get along with. Add yourself to the list at #6. Start today by thanking God for everyone on the list. I hope you have a great day, I love you, and God bless.

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