From the mouth of Jesus in John 8:44 about Satan, "He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it". Satan is a super sly liar. In fact, many of his lies sound like the truth. He plays with our minds to confuse us. He lies about the biggest subject of all.......God. Satan wants to deceive you about God and what God wants to do in our lives. If he can distort your idea of God and serving Him, then beyond the shadow of any doubt he has you in everything else. I want us today to tell Satan to get behind us we've got some work to do! Not to be cocky but, it is time we put our money where our mouth is. Let's let the yea be yea and the nay be nay! I mean what does it mean to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind? Can you even do that? I say yes and it will improve every aspect of our lives. This is a promise from God. They may not be the improvements you expect but, your life will improve just the same.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Satan is a stinking liar!!!!!!!!!!
From the mouth of Jesus in John 8:44 about Satan, "He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it". Satan is a super sly liar. In fact, many of his lies sound like the truth. He plays with our minds to confuse us. He lies about the biggest subject of all.......God. Satan wants to deceive you about God and what God wants to do in our lives. If he can distort your idea of God and serving Him, then beyond the shadow of any doubt he has you in everything else. I want us today to tell Satan to get behind us we've got some work to do! Not to be cocky but, it is time we put our money where our mouth is. Let's let the yea be yea and the nay be nay! I mean what does it mean to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind? Can you even do that? I say yes and it will improve every aspect of our lives. This is a promise from God. They may not be the improvements you expect but, your life will improve just the same.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Keep on trucking.......
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Just say "No" to Kryptonite!!!!!!!!!!
Have you ever notices that we can talk about God at church really easy but, when we get out into the world it is like we have kryptonite around our necks. It is like our mouthes are full of marbles. Really why is it so different? Have you ever noticed that some people get a little embarrassed in a restaurant if you bow your head and mention Jesus as you ask His blessing? Now, it is not as bad here in the good ole' Bible belt. But, people still squirm in their seats a little. I do something and you should try it. Before I bless the food I try to ask the waitress if there is anything I can pray for her about. You will be very surprised at what you will hear sometimes. It might just be what that person needed that day. They others will just rub their eyebrows or forehead when you pray. Have you ever asked yourself why some of them are ashamed?
Friday, September 24, 2010
Being found faithful with little..........
Here is a huge question for you. What would you do if you had a million dollars? I know a ton of things just started running through your head. Right? Well, check this out. Do you know what a good test of what you would do is? It's what you're doing with that hundred dollars you have right now! Are you saving it? Spending it? Sharing it? The test of what you would do spiritually is seen by what you do in the physical here and now. Many of us do not have spiritual blessings because we simply haven't been faithful with the small things in our lives. My wife says I am a pack rat. I think of it more as being prepared. For I might just need that shirt from my freshman year of high school. Not! Some of us are blessed with so much. How can we just sit on it. Let's be faithful with what we have and just maybe God will trust us with so much more. This thing called faith is pretty cool huh? I pray you have a great day, I love you, and God bless.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Let's be willing!!!!!!!!
Do you remember the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:30-37? See, He was on a journey, but stopped and helped a bruised and broken man. He didn't make excuses saying, "It's none of my business. That person might rob me. They might be a serial killer. Someone else will help them." It was a golden moment, and He took it. Man, all around us are people who need the compassion of Christ. They need us to see their pain as a great opportunity to serve them in the name of Jesus. Let me tell you something the chief enemy to us being kind is being too busy. We have our priorities, our jobs, our duties, our responsibilities, and we're way too busy. But if we're too busy to be kind, we're too busy. Maybe you might just stop and say "Hi" to someone that you wouldn't normally talk to. You never know what they are going through. You might just change the outcome of there day. I have a couple questions for ya. What's on your schedule for today? If someone had a flat tire, could you fix it? If someone called and needed a ride to the hospital, could you take them? Are you available to serve anyone? Are you willing? Do me a favor. Clear the way for Jesus, He will do some mighty things with us if we let Him. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Let's make a list.........
Good morning everyone. How is your week going? I hope it is going great! I want to ask a favor of you. I have a big day today and could use a prayer or two. So, can you say one for me. God knows what it is about. Thanks in advance. So, today I want to talk a little more about faith. But, now I want to talk about the faith that others have around us. Maybe our friends, family, co-workers. Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what it says about it......
Bible Verse: Ephesians 1:15-16 Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers.
First, I want to ask you a question. How do you pray? Or maybe I should ask. Do you pray? We should pray with faith. We should pray believing and giving thanks for God answering our prayers before He even answers them. We shouldn't pray then sit back and wait to see if it happens so we can then give thanks. Alright now, how should you pray for our friends, your parents, our siblings, anyone you really care about? Paul shows us in the Bible verse today some essential things to pray for other Christians and for ourselves by telling us exactly what he prayed for his friends in Ephesus.
Check this out, first he is praying for other believers. People who have trusted and have faith in Jesus. These prayers were for believers. He was praying for his brothers and sisters in Christ. Now, the first thing Paul says to God about these brothers and sisters in Jesus is "thank you." Then he says it again and again, and again. Really, he says he never stops saying it. To give thanks for others, to remember God created and saved them, He did a good thing. That they had faith and trusted in Him. Their lives should matter to us because they matter to Him.
I have to ask you guys today. How often do you thank God for the Christians in your life? Your parents? Your friends? Why don't we think to do that more often? Let's ask God to help us to be grateful for other believers and to express that thankfulness to Him. Can you do me a big favor this week? Can we make a list of five Christians in your life that we can pray for this week. Maybe include at least one person you don't always get along with. Add yourself to the list at #6. Start today by thanking God for everyone on the list. I hope you have a great day, I love you, and God bless.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Out of focus???????
Do you want me to tell you what the problem with many of us is? Our faith is something tacked onto our lives. We put it on top of everything else. We want to have it and a large portion do. But, we put it on top of all the other stuff in our lives. Jesus said, "No man can serve two masters..." (Matthew 6:24). How true is that? Do you believe it? You are to have but one mission in your life, and that is to know Jesus personally, powerfully, passionately! Everything else will flow out of that. I know what you are saying right now, "But wait a minute Tony. I've got a lot of other things to do! I've got a job. I've got to rest. I've got my boat. I've got my kids softball travelling team. I've got to have friends. I have to have a life. I deserve one. I work hard. I can't just narrow my interests to one." When you bring your life into a true focus, all of these other things will work toward the main thing. What are you saying Tony? Well, if you focus on God a lot of the other thing might just actually improve. Now, God might show you that you don't need some of them and he might even give you more time with others. God is not in the punishing business. He is and wants to be in the blessing business. It is our choice. Where is our focus? Are we in focus or are we way out of focus? It's time we do some adjusting. Having a great day, I love you, and God bless!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Now check this out.....Jesus was with his disciples on the Sea of Galilee and a huge storm came upon them? The lightning began to be all over the sky. It was super windy. The sea was crazy! And the gentle winds turned into a category 5 hurricane!. The little ship was tossed and turned like a cork. The disciples were scared out of the gourds and said to Jesus who was crashed out in the front of the boat, "Don't You care if we perish? Do something!" Jesus said, "Peace, be still." And the winds ceased and the sea went calmed. Listen guy's, if you don't see this world heading into a storm, and the spiritual meteorologist's should be warning us. I would almost bet that you are going through some kind of storm right now. You have to have faith in Jesus to bring peace to your life. And guess what when it comes to the world it will not know peace until Jesus, the Prince of Peace, comes back and says, "Peace, be still." Do me a big favor today. Quit carrying those burdens around with you. Jesus has some real strong shoulders and can handle all your burdens. He is asking you for them. So, let's give them to Him today. I pray you have a blessed day, I love you, and smile a little!!!!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Are you a knuckle head too????????
If you have ever disagreed with someone and felt you were in the right and then it went south and quick. Which I have. What started out as a conversation turns into a confrontation, and the tension becomes so thick you can cut it with a knife or a machete. At that point, it's time to separate before things disintegrate. Then when you separate, it's time to communicate with the Lord. It's when you get alone with God that the communion of conviction comes and what seemed to be confusion becomes crystal clear in His light. It seems that God can and will show you what you need to see that maybe pride kept you from while you were in the middle of the conversation or should I say confrontation. Now, check this out. More often than not, the Holy Spirit has shown me that I was in the wrong and needed to ask forgiveness or possibly make a situation right. I don't have as many confrontations as I used to but, they still happen from time to time. It is a thing called reality/life. Does this apply to you or am I the only one who is a knuckle head sometimes? Is it time to get in the prayer closet? I pray you have a great day, I love you, and God bless!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Harmony or Bust.........
Check this out. Peter is a writing here to a group of Christians that are being or should I say about to be mistreated because they follow Jesus. He's about to give them some guidelines for how Christians can live in an honorable way even when we're going through hard times.
He starts out with this: Treat each other right or have compassion for each other. No, that doesn't go far enough. He really says, "Treat each other as family, as brothers." It's easy when you're living through a bad time in your life to excuse meanness. It's easy to say to yourself, "Everyone will just have to understand how much I'm hurting, I don't have the energy to be nice."What Peter is saying is that's exactly opposite. God can make our suffering count for something, especially if we'll live like we're His in the middle of it. So keep getting together with believers. Look for ways to show sympathy to others not just yourself. Be compassionate and humble. Give them "family access" to your heart and look for "family access" to theirs too! I have to ask ya a question. Do you live in harmony with other Christians? When you're hurting, do you get closer or pull away from your Christian family? Why? Ask God to help you to treat the believers in your church the way this verse describes. Now do this for me. Look up the word "harmony" in the dictionary and write down the definition. Let's try to live that way. Have a great day, I love you , and God bless.