Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Good morning friends. We have had a real busy last few days with a lot going on. I have so much on my mind that I want to share with you guys. I wonder sometimes if I am too strong with my words or if I don't polish them enough. Then, I realize that God lays things on my heart for a reason. If you know Tony Ruff at all you know that I have never been one to keep my mouth shut. It used to get me in trouble with people. But, my heart is different know and the stuff is not of this world. The things I try to talk about now are of a more eternal nature. Let's talk about some hard things that have been on my mind. Put your seat belt on and let us dig into some of the good stuff.

Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

Do you go to church? Why? Do you go to hear God's Word? Do you go because your just supposed to? Do you go because the rest of your family goes? Do you dread going on Sunday mornings? Do you find reasons to miss on Wednesday nights? What is church to you? I think that church has become just one avenue to help keep me accountable to God. I have lived too long in my life doing work and things for MYSELF! Being very selfish. Now, I feel I have some making up to do. There are lots of churches all over whatever area you live in. So, how do you pick one? First, you should pray that God leads you to a church that you can be fed at through Gods Word. Then, a church that you can grow and serve in. A church of love. Love not just for its members but, for sharing the gospel with a lost and dying world. A church of love. Then, when you find this church. You must serve God in some fashion. God has given you a gift of some sort. Use it or lose it! Listen, don't get discouraged when you start to serve and don't see any results. Do the work know that it WILL have eternal results.

Now, let's go back to the church. Let's examine ourselves and our place of worship. Is it a place where the worship is a time to be entertained. Where the tithe is whatever change you have in your pocket. Where the message is something to make you feel good about yourself. Where the hymn of commitment is "I Surrender Some." Where Instead of "Standing on the Promises" we are merely sitting in the pew or on the chair. Do you have Christianity? Or Christianity-Lite?

I know today's devotion is a non-polished one and I will not apologize for what God has laid on my heart. Let's not play church. Let's set our feet on solid ground and get to work. There are 150,000 people that die every 24 hours. How many of those are lost and now spending eternity in that place of torment called "hell"? Charles Spurgeon once said "If they are going to go to hell, let them have to step over me and pull away from me while I am pleading with them to come to Christ"! Find your place of worship, get to work, have some eternal results! Even one person that accepts Christ as their Savior causes the angels to sing! Have a great day, I love you, and God bless!

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