Friday, August 13, 2010

Puzzle pieces.........

Hello everyone! I hope you are ready for the weekend. We are taking 52 on a Youth Purity Retreat this weekend. Please keep us in your prayers. My daughter Joslyn and I were putting a puzzle together the other day and it reminded me of a story. But, I must ask you this one question first. How do you figure all the pieces of life out? Do they all fit together? Let's dig into the good stuff and find out........

Bible Verse: Psalm 139:23 "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts."

OK see there was this little boy and he had a jigsaw puzzle that had a map of the world on one side and a picture of a man on the other. His mom asked him to try to put it together, and before long he had put the puzzle together. The mother was super surprised to see that the little dude knew so much about geography. "How in the world did you do that?" she said to the little dude.
"Mom," he said, "I worked the other side first. When I got the man right, the world was right." Wow, how true that is! We will never fix this world until we get the man right. The Man Jesus Christ, that is. When we get our relationships right with the Lord. It seems like everything else will start falling into place. All the pieces start to fit. Have you looked around lately? I have always heard the statement "The world is going to hell in a hand basket". Well, I think it is on the express train and the next stop is the fiery
furnace. Let's get the pieces together but, start with The Man first! Listen, I know there are things in this world confusing you these days? Turn to the Lord and trust Him to make sense of what you don't understand. I pray you have a blessed day, I love you, and God bless.

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