Saturday, March 21, 2015

Got the glasses on.......

Good morning everyone! I hope you are having a great weekend. I would like to talk about expectations today and how they can really cause us to struggle. See, here is the thing, our mind will start going a lot fasted than we do. It can't help it. So, if we don't paint or start to paint the picture correctly then if can get way off kilter! The key to all of this is communication. This can be in a friendship, relationship, or even church. Let's dig into the good stuff and see what it says........
Bible Verse: Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen

Church! Why do so many have a bad taste in their mouths for church? Well, it's simple, people join churches today with wrong expectations. They think church membership guarantees them blessings and no burdens. We should have a disclaimer when you join the church or when you accept Jesus as your Savior. "Warning: You just made the greatest decision of your life. Remember: Now Satan will come at you harder! Have faith and study to show yourself approved. Armor up!" Some think that God is just like Shoney's or a  buffet. Come get what you want, when you want, how you want, and if you want. Surprise, surprise, when it doesn't work out as they wish or thought, they say, "Well, it's not paying off! I thought if I gave my heart to Jesus, then He would supply everything I want. And I'd have no more worries." People then  fall away because their expectations are not met. Let me tell you what real faith is. Real faith is not just receiving from God the things you want. Real faith is accepting from God the things He gives. How are your spiritual eyeglasses? Are you looking at life with the eyes of the Lord or do you have those DUI glasses on and are stumbling around looking dumb? How about we trust that He will provide, not necessarily what we want, but what we need? Have a great day and God bless.


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