Good morning! I must say that the last week has been one for the record books for us! I don't think I have ever been more drained and tired, yet I seemed to keep going until last night when I finally crashed super hard (Even drooled on my pillow). I have seen God do some amazing things over the past few weeks or so. When the things first started happening, I was like "Man, we sure are pretty lucky!" Then, as things kept happening and lining up. It started getting clearer and clearer that it was all God! At the start, I was trying to help things along, guide them the way "I" thought they should go. Boy, was I ever dumb to try and stand in His way or even mold them to my way. His plans for us were so much bigger and better than I ever could have dreamed. I mean HUGE!!! Our problem sometimes is us, or maybe what we think others might say if they aren't seeing things with their God goggles on! Maybe we all need a really good pair of night vision God goggles! Let's dig into the good stuff and see what we can find.........
Bible Verse: Psalm 37:3 Trust in the Lord and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness.
This word "trust" is an interesting word. Its root is from the word that means "to lie face down on the ground." The idea is that a person is totally helpless. He has been laid down and has nothing to stand upon. Some would say his feet have gone out from under him. To truly trust we have to not lean on our own understanding. This is the place where God wants to bring us! Where we are focused on Him and are fully trusting Him! As a matter of fact, did you know that God will sometimes demolish your plans out from beneath you so that you might learn to trust Him? Yep, that happened to me! I have all these grand plans to stay comfortable and go the easy route. When Gods route was definitely a harder one, a more difficult road, but at the end, so much better. What it all comes down to is faith, faith is no longer an option or a luxury, it is a necessity. To the world your situation looks crazy, but that is right where God wants to show Himself powerful in your life. Is there an area in your life today for which you must trust God completely? Perhaps you need some "face time". . .face down on the ground before the Lord. Bring that issue before Him in total surrender. Give it to Him and then trust Him when He tells/shows you what His plan/road is! Have a great day and God bless.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Are you listening???????
Good morning! Hope you are having an amazing weekend! I must say this week has been a pretty crazy one! I sold my house and we bought another in the same week and neither was even for sale! To say I have seen God move in our lives this week would be an understatement. I have really been seeking His counsel the last couple months and He has revealed so much to me. I am at true awe of how He has orchestrated my life lately. Sometimes we have to do as the song says "Jesus take the wheel!" We all have choices in our lives. But, we must make one. Not choosing is essentially a choice! Let's dig into the good stuff and see what we can choose to find..........
Bible verse: Psalm 25:12 Who is the man who fears the Lord? He will instruct him in the way he should choose.
Here's the thing, you are free to choose. You are not free, however, not to choose. After you make a choice, your choice chooses for you. There are consequences for your choices, always! If you choose to step off the roof of a ten story building, you are not then free to choose the consequence of your choice. Your choice has chosen for you. What if you make a bad choice? What is God's reaction? We must remember, That He is in control. Your choices will not take Him by surprise. Now, He can prevail over our bad choices to restore us! He also will be very happy when we seek His counsel and then listen to it. Then let it effect or choices and decisions. I guess my question for you today is. Have you made a choice in your past that has brought you consequences that you are still dealing with even today? Never, never forget that He is the restorer and the forgiver! He can and will restore you if you seek Him and then follow! Can you do me a favor? Share todays topic with someone that might be in need of a little lift up! Thanks and have a great day!
Bible verse: Psalm 25:12 Who is the man who fears the Lord? He will instruct him in the way he should choose.
Here's the thing, you are free to choose. You are not free, however, not to choose. After you make a choice, your choice chooses for you. There are consequences for your choices, always! If you choose to step off the roof of a ten story building, you are not then free to choose the consequence of your choice. Your choice has chosen for you. What if you make a bad choice? What is God's reaction? We must remember, That He is in control. Your choices will not take Him by surprise. Now, He can prevail over our bad choices to restore us! He also will be very happy when we seek His counsel and then listen to it. Then let it effect or choices and decisions. I guess my question for you today is. Have you made a choice in your past that has brought you consequences that you are still dealing with even today? Never, never forget that He is the restorer and the forgiver! He can and will restore you if you seek Him and then follow! Can you do me a favor? Share todays topic with someone that might be in need of a little lift up! Thanks and have a great day!
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Wait for it...... Wait for it.........
Good morning! I must tell you that yesterday God revealed Himself to me in a few amazing ways! I won't go into detail but, all I can say is that His plan is so much better than ours! If we can just learn to stop white knuckling our lives and trying to control them or guide them where we what them to go, He will show us how much better His plan is! I know this is hard for some of us to do. Well, maybe it's just me that struggles with this, but I doubt it. Even if you have been struggling and have seen your fair share of heartache and hard times. Trust in the Lord and He will never leave you nor forsake you! Let's dig into the good stuff and see what we can find.......
Bible Verse: Psalm 30:5
For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for a
lifetime; Weeping may last for the night, But a shout of joy comes in the
God allows us to have "blue" seasons where there
is more crying than laughing. What we must remember is, it is only for a season.
Guys, this is crucial. Joy will come in the morning, just as sure as the sunrise. I remember sitting in the woods hunting or on the water fishing and just before sunrise the temperature drops. I always sit there and try and pray the sun up faster, so that it warms up! If
you get up tomorrow morning to see the sunrise, let me tell you what not to do.
Don't try to make it hurry up. It ain't going to happen! You can get a trumpet out and
some cheerleaders, but that sun is not going to come up one second sooner than
God intends. Waiting on the Lord is like waiting on the sun to come up. You can't
hurry it. You also can't stop it. God is going to bring a sunrise to your soul.
Just wait for it. And trust Him while you wait. Then when it does come and it will, rejoice in it and give Him thanks! Have a great day and God bless.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Good Sunday morning to ya! I pray you have had a great weekend so far. Yesterday was entertaining for me. My six year old Luke, had his first baseball practice! I have been smiling all day about some things he and his best friend say. After Luke's first team meeting this week, he said "I really don't want no woman on my team!" So, after their first practice yesterday, the young lady comes out and throws super hard, runs like the wind, and hustles like a major leaguer! Well, the conversation tonight in Luke's room with Cooper Queener, Luke's best friend that was spending the night, says it all! Cooper say's 'She's like a man! I mean she throws and runs like a boy but, she's a girl!" I had to leave the room before a busted out laughing. I think this young lady is going to spur these boys to hustle a lot more this season. It's funny how Luke and Cooper's expectations were that she wasn't going to be good. Boy did they have to eat some humble pie! And believe me we used this to learn a lesson. Both of the boys have a different opinion of girls playing sports with boys now. let dig into the good stuff and see what we can find.......
Bible Verse: Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
What are expectations? What are some of the things you expect? A paycheck at the end of the work week? Your electricity to be on when you get home? Your car to start? The sun to come up in the morning? To be treated kindly? To be loved?
Now, what happens when time after time your expectations aren't met? Do you become pessimistic? Or maybe a even negative Nancy? We should really think about the above verse and really let it sink in! If we truly believe it then we should realize that God is with us, will protect us, and is in control! We should have HOPE! Hope for today. Hope for tomorrow. hope for our relationships. Hope for our families, Hope for our jobs. Hope for our happiness. Hope for our usefulness. Hope for our needs to be met. Hope for our lives making a difference. Hope for spending eternity in Heaven with Jesus! We should and must have HOPE!
Now, how many times have you heard..... Don't get your hopes up! Or, don't expect too much! To some it seems life is just one disappointment after another. I guess we just have to get used to it. This is wrong on so many levels! We must change our way of thinking. HOPE is a good thing! here's the thing, the more we walk with Jesus and spend time in His Word.... The more we should HOPE! Our outlook should be one of HOPE! God made us resilient with the ability to bounce back from disappointment. Let's not let disappointment shape us into something we are not supposed to be! Have a great day and God bless!
Bible Verse: Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
What are expectations? What are some of the things you expect? A paycheck at the end of the work week? Your electricity to be on when you get home? Your car to start? The sun to come up in the morning? To be treated kindly? To be loved?
Now, what happens when time after time your expectations aren't met? Do you become pessimistic? Or maybe a even negative Nancy? We should really think about the above verse and really let it sink in! If we truly believe it then we should realize that God is with us, will protect us, and is in control! We should have HOPE! Hope for today. Hope for tomorrow. hope for our relationships. Hope for our families, Hope for our jobs. Hope for our happiness. Hope for our usefulness. Hope for our needs to be met. Hope for our lives making a difference. Hope for spending eternity in Heaven with Jesus! We should and must have HOPE!
Now, how many times have you heard..... Don't get your hopes up! Or, don't expect too much! To some it seems life is just one disappointment after another. I guess we just have to get used to it. This is wrong on so many levels! We must change our way of thinking. HOPE is a good thing! here's the thing, the more we walk with Jesus and spend time in His Word.... The more we should HOPE! Our outlook should be one of HOPE! God made us resilient with the ability to bounce back from disappointment. Let's not let disappointment shape us into something we are not supposed to be! Have a great day and God bless!
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Got the glasses on.......
Bible Verse: Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen
Church! Why do so many have a bad taste in their mouths for
church? Well, it's simple, people join churches today with wrong expectations.
They think church membership guarantees them blessings and no burdens. We
should have a disclaimer when you join the church or when you accept Jesus as
your Savior. "Warning: You just made the greatest decision of your life.
Remember: Now Satan will come at you harder! Have faith and study to show
yourself approved. Armor up!" Some think that God is just like Shoney's or
a buffet. Come get what you want, when
you want, how you want, and if you want. Surprise, surprise, when it doesn't
work out as they wish or thought, they say, "Well, it's not paying off! I
thought if I gave my heart to Jesus, then He would supply everything I want.
And I'd have no more worries." People then
fall away because their expectations are not met. Let me tell you what
real faith is. Real faith is not just receiving from God the things you want.
Real faith is accepting from God the things He gives. How are your spiritual
eyeglasses? Are you looking at life with the eyes of the Lord or do you have
those DUI glasses on and are stumbling around looking dumb? How about we trust
that He will provide, not necessarily what we want, but what we need? Have a great day and God bless.
Friday, March 20, 2015
Let's be some iron.........
Good morning! Have you ever sat back and looked at your friends? Or maybe the people that you hang around the most. Are those people instrumental in your life? Do they have influence on you and/or your decisions? Let's be real, is the advice they give you their advice or godly advice? I have called "my" advice, "Tonyism's" in the past. I think we all get can't up in giving our thoughts and not what God would say about the matter. Let's dig into the good stuff and see one of my favorite verses..........
Bible Verse: Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another
True friends will put an edge on your life. They will make you a sharper person. I want to become a razor sharp ninja sword! But, reality is, not all my friends do that for me, but my close friends do. Have you ever had a friend who cares for you so much that they would even hurt you in order to help you? Tell you something that you really don't want to hear? Maybe even tell you that your in the wrong? Proverbs 27:6 says, "Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." What truer words of love can be spoken than from the heart of a friend who is going to spend an eternity with you? Even if those words hurt, they are words that will heal. I have been blessed with a new partner at work. We started out unsure of one another but, I guess when you spend 12 hours a day with someone you get to know them real quick. I will say that God has blessed me with a solid Christian friend and I look forward to how he will use us to sharpen each other! God knows what we need and when we need it! Do you have a friend who sharpens you? It will only take you a moment to send that friend an encouraging text or a quick phone call. Do it
today. Have a blessed day!!!
Bible Verse: Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another
True friends will put an edge on your life. They will make you a sharper person. I want to become a razor sharp ninja sword! But, reality is, not all my friends do that for me, but my close friends do. Have you ever had a friend who cares for you so much that they would even hurt you in order to help you? Tell you something that you really don't want to hear? Maybe even tell you that your in the wrong? Proverbs 27:6 says, "Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." What truer words of love can be spoken than from the heart of a friend who is going to spend an eternity with you? Even if those words hurt, they are words that will heal. I have been blessed with a new partner at work. We started out unsure of one another but, I guess when you spend 12 hours a day with someone you get to know them real quick. I will say that God has blessed me with a solid Christian friend and I look forward to how he will use us to sharpen each other! God knows what we need and when we need it! Do you have a friend who sharpens you? It will only take you a moment to send that friend an encouraging text or a quick phone call. Do it
today. Have a blessed day!!!
Friday, March 13, 2015
Get a bulldog grip...........
Good morning! I am going to continue with the conquering theme! We all have that giant in our lives that we really don't want to deal with. Heck, we may even be frozen in our tracks when it comes to it. The faith of a mustard seed! Have you seen a mustard seed? They are pretty dang small. So, basically it only takes a small amount of true faith for some major things to happen. Let's dig into the good stuff and see what it tells us..........
Bible Verse: Mark
11:23 "Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast
into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says
is going to happen, it will be granted him"
Did you ever play "king of the mountain" as a
child? When you were on high ground, you could shove the others down, even though
they were entrenched and determined to overtake you. In Joshua 14, we read that
Caleb faced a city of giants, and yet because he had wholly followed the Lord,
he had the strength of the Lord and said, "Give me this mountain"
(Joshua 14:11-12). All of us face giants every day - giants of doubt, fear, discouragement,
financial ruin, sickness, broken relationships. Do you think the giants in the
Promised Land took God by surprise? God knew they were there all the time.
They were part of His purpose to strengthen His children's faith. It's time you
got a bulldog grip on the Word of God and believe what He says to be true. let's have the faith of a mustard seed and believe our giants will flee from us or be under our feet! have a great and faith filled day!
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Be a window.......
Good morning! I was talking to a friend yesterday and just being a sounding board. I must say that people are funny. I mean look at some of the reality shows about people living together and how things can be going good and then all of the sudden...... Dum, dum, dum..... drama! He said, she said, they said! Why do we or can we get caught up in it sometimes. Boy, if life was just rainbows and skittles, we would have it licked! Have you ever showered someone that has hurt you with compliments? Maybe, even make them #1 on your prayer list and not for a meteor to fall out of the sky and crush them, but for them to be blessed! That brings me to today's Bible verse. Let's dig into the good stuff.......
Bible verse: Acts 20:35 "...remember the words of the
Lord Jesus, how He said, It is more blessed to give than to receive."
Here is a little check up of our hearts! Let's try this on for size, unhappiness comes from mirrors. Happiness comes from
windows. If you want to be miserable,
then think about yourself first...what you want, what people are saying about
you, what you ought to have done for you, how down you feel, how good you feel.
Just focus on yourself. Feeling good
yet? If you are, then something is wrong. Selfishness and happiness just don't
go hand in hand. If you are thinking it is better to receive than to give,
you'll never be happy. You'll never experience the blessing of giving that
Jesus taught. Hold out your hand and make a fist for at least one minute. Now,
relax. Which feels better? Now imagine if your spirit is tight like that and how that
will quench His work in your life. Basically, what I'm trying to say is, don't be a tight wad with your dough or your love! To quote Kristian Bush, "You can't take it with you when you go, never seen a hearse with a trailer hitch!" Have a super blessed day today! Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Just a little chiseling.......
Good afternoon! I spent my study time this morning looking at why certain things happen. I mean, why sometimes a Christian is treated different. I know people at my workplace that might say and share that they are Christians with someone they know is a Christian, but when it comes to being open in front of others that might not be, they are closed lipped. Maybe because they don't wish to be persecuted or maybe because they don't want to be held to a higher standard. I am not sure. Heck, maybe for some totally different reasons. Funny thing is, we think persecution is being treated a little different. Try reading "Jesus Freak" and then let's redefine the term "persecuted" a little or a lot! My studies brought me to this verse today and made me sit back and ponder a bit. Let's dig into the good stuff......
Bible Verse: John 15:1-2 “I am the true vine, and My Father
is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes
away; and every branch that bears fruit, He [a]prunes it so that it may bear
more fruit.
Check this out, when Solomon built his temple, he employed eighty thousand stonecutters.
They chipped and shaped those stones in the quarry before bringing them to the
temple mount. Why? Because Solomon didn't want the sound of the hammers and
chisels heard on the temple mount. Kinda sounds crazy doesn't it? In the same way, we are part of the living
stones of Gods temple and God is shaping us here in the "quarry" of
earth. I really think that part of our shaping might be in the form of persecution or maybe hard times. Maybe, the loss of a loved one, job loss, divorce, or maybe even ridicule. So, don't look at your
persecutors or the hard times as the enemy, but really as God's stonecutters.
Next time someone comes at you, say "Thank God, another stonecutter."
God is shaping us to be what we ought to be. How about we let Him and rejoice in what is to come! I pray you have a great day and God bless!
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Might be a hard knock life........

Bible Verse: Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope."
Are you in the middle of a troubled time in your life?
Here's the thing, you are either in one now, gonna be in one soon, or just
coming out of one! That's a fact Jack! Not trying to be all doom and gloom on
ya, but if you read this verse and believe it, you can handle a lot more than
you think! Remember this, Jesus loves you! So much that he even knows the number
of hairs on your head! Our problem is we think that God’s plan for us is always
going to be a “feel good” plan with the intent to make us happy. Jeremiah’s
message in these verses is actually radically different. He’s writing to a group of people who are
being held captive, and are in exile from their homeland. He’s writing to let them know that although
they’re not where they would have expected, nor where they would have asked God
to place them, God has not forgotten them and He still has a plan for their
lives. Even in the midst of a difficult situation, God wants them to know His
In the verses just before 11 we see that a big part of God’s
plan is for them to “seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into
exile” (Jeremiah 29:7). So, pretty much,
God wants them to know that His plans are not just to benefit them personally.
God is also telling them that He is not removing them from the situation
immediately. So, button down the hatches and put their seatbelts on! He does promise to eventually restore them,
but it’s not coming quickly (70 years out when many of them will be dead). God is letting them know they can move
forward, because in the end, God’s justice will prevail and everything will
even out.
I know many of you are in the midst of difficult situations,
God wants us to know He has a plan. He
also wants us to know that as we submit to His plan that He desires to use us
to bless the world around us, maybe just maybe, we are going through these things to be
able to help someone else in the future that is struggling! Let's keep our eyes
on the prize embrace the storm. I pray you have a blessed day!
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Lace up those runnin' shoes.......

Good morning! This blog has been dormant for almost a year and God has laid it on my heart to get it back going again! It's been a hard and trying last couple of years for us and to be honest, I kinda lost a little focus. Well, my God is patient and always had His hand out to help me back up on my feet! So that I could continue running the race He has called me to run. That brings me to today's scripture. Let's dig into the good stuff!
Bible Verse: John 12:24 "Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die,
it abides alone: but if it die, it brings forth much fruit."
You can tell the size of a Christian by what it takes to
stop him. Hebrews 12:1 says we are to "run with patience the race that is set
before us." And this word "patience" is not used in the sense
that we use the word. It literally means "endurance." Everybody knows that a runner is going to win
or lose primarily by his endurance. You cannot quit. When it hurts, you cannot
quit. When your lungs are on fire, you cannot quit. When your feet feel like
lead, you cannot quit. When your sides ache, you cannot quit! You'll never be a
spiritual athlete if you're a quitter! No pain. No gain. God has a purpose for you! He has a plan for you! Now, get to work! Have a great day and God bless!
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