Monday, December 30, 2013

Blessed: Happy Much????????

Good morning! Hope you had a blessed weekend! We had an amazing service yesterday at my church. We actually had a wedding during our morning service. It was very special and made me realize just how blessed I was to be at a church that love drips off the corners of the building! I have been thinking about something all weekend and I wanted to share a bit about it with you today. Happiness. What does it mean to be happy? Let's dig into the good stuff and see what it shows us.......

Bible Verse: Psalm 1:1 How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,
Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!

I am going to have to say I really don’t like the word “happy.” It’s a slippery word on a slippery slope for a slippery emotion. As soon as I start evaluating the level of my happiness, it starts fading. On the other hand, sometimes I’m hit with a wide-eyed awareness: “I’m really happy right now.” Ok, and reality is sometimes we are not very happy at all!

Now, the world “blessed” that we’re going to talk about today in Psalm 1  means “happy,” but it’s more than that. It means something like “happy because God likes me and he’s taking care of me.” As a Christian, I should always say I’m being blessed by God even as my mood rises and falls with my hunger level. I know this always happens right???? Not!

So, basically what I am trying to say is, blessing can be an emotion, but it’s backed by rock solid evidence of God’s goodness. Any good things or feelings I can point to in my life absolutely come from Him. And when I start counting all the good things I have and feel because of God, it’s easy to call myself blessed. Maybe even happy. But, it's hard for us to not get down sometimes and have a pity party for ourselves. Right? When things seem to be falling apart. I get it, I am right there with you.

Think about this! How often do you think about these words: blessed, happy, joyful? What’s the difference between feeling blessed or happy and knowing for a fact that you are blessed by God? Maybe, just maybe we should thank God for all the ways he has blessed us this year. I am sure if you sit down and think about it you can come up with some. have a great day and God bless.

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