Friday, May 28, 2010

Let's enroll at I&U University.........

Good morning everyone! Had a long week but, I am off for a few days now. Lot's to do today. Are you ready for Memorial Day weekend? If you are traveling anywhere please be safe. There will be a lot of cars on the road. I must tell you that the devil has been on me this week. It seems that I have been getting attacked from all different directions. I guess maybe I didn't strap my armor on tight enough. One cool thing is that I know I have hope that God will see me through all of these things that have been happening and help me stay on the right road. Let's look at what the good stuff say's about the subject......

Bible verse: Psalm 25:21 May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope is in you. Psalm 25:21

I think if there were ever two things that we needed in our lives these are the most powerful forces to keep us on the right road to be more Christlike. Integrity and uprightness, Uprightness makes us learn Gods requirements and to do our best to fulfill them. Next is integrity, Integrity is being what we say that we are. Integrity keeps us from claiming we are upright and Christlike while living as if we don't know God or when it is convenient for us. Uprightness say's, "this is the Gods way", and integrity say's, " I will walk consistently in Gods way." I want to be a full time student at The I&U University (Integrity & Uprightness), Guy's, Jesus told his disciples in Luke 16:10-11 "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much "so, if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth. who will trust you with true riches? I think that if we are not trustworthy with things here (no matter how much or little it is), we will be unfit to handle the vast riches of Gods kingdom. Don't let your integrity slip in small matters and it will not fail you in the big decisions either. I tell our youth remember this: Someone is always watching you!!!! Have a great day, I love you, and God bless!

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