Friday, May 21, 2010

The best Kung-Fu move..........

Good morning guy's and gal's! I hope everyone is ready for an awesome weekend. I worked in the flower bed for awhile yesterday. I had my first casualty. Lost one of my ornamental pepper plants. I am just learning this whole plant..When to water....When to feed.....When to prune stuff! But, it has been fun and kind of relaxing. Well, let's get to it. Yesterday, I was watching a documentary about Bruce Lee. Dude, he was super fast with his kung-fu moves. It got me to thinking. Let's dig into some of the good stuff.....

Bible verse: Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword.

Why is it that sometimes when you start to talk about the Bible or God, you have to pre-apologize. Well, we don't have to apologize for either. We should accept it and teach it. When we do that it goes through the devil like a hot knife through butter or like a front kick from Bruce Lee. There is power in the word of God, and believe me satan does not want us to understand the authority of the Word of God. He does not want us to master the moves of our Master. Satan doesn't want us to get the power that will divert his attacks away from our hearts, and that is his #1 target. When the Word of the Lord and the Lord of the Word become our authority, then satan and all of his demons will flee, and we are going to have authority for our lives. It's like when Bruce Lee would take his stand and gives his kung-fu scream! Everyone would flee!

Have you been reading Gods' Word? Is it soaking into your heart? Are you letting it soak in? The power of God is so far beyond measure. Why don't we realize that sometimes? God's Word can tackle any problem and put it into submission. We just have to use it like the best Bruce Lee kung-fu move ever. If we do, the devil can't handle us. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless!

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