Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Don't eat the apple..........

Good morning friends! My awesome wife let me sleep in a little today. All I know is I awoke at 8:30 and heard nothing....The house was quiet. Kinda scared me. Misty knew I was plumb wore out for the last two days. On another note I have been dealing with some different ministry things lately and thought we could touch on one today. So, let's dig into some of the good stuff

Bible verse: Psalm 32:5 I acknowledge my sin to you, And my iniquity I have not hidden, I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord," And You forgave the iniquity of my sin.

What are the feelings that you have when you've sinned? Is it regret, worry, guilt, or maybe sorrow? I remember when I was younger, I worried most about getting caught and not about the sin itself. Most of the time I wanted to get away with the sin I had committed. I wanted to escape the punishment.

I don't think there is a heavier load than carrying the feeling of guilt around. I believe it kind of causes us to do irrational things. We try to hide from authority or accountability. A prime example of this is Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:1-10). Just like them when we are caught, we try to make excuses, blame others, weasel our way out of it, or avoid it totally. In Genesis 3:12, Adam even kind of implied that God was in some way at fault for their wrongdoing! Adam said, "The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me fruit from the tree that was declared off limits, and I did eat". Does this kind of thing sound like anything you might have done in the past. Blaming others for you sinning? I know I have blamed others in the past for my sins saying " well, I wouldn't have done this, if you had not done that". Think back, we all probably have done something like this. Moral of this story...Don't eat the apple!

I think when we sin and don't confess it, we will have mental, physical, and emotional pain. Any sin, whether big or small could cloud our relationship with God. When we sin, we should acknowledge the sin, repent, and trust that God will forgive us. To confess our sin, we must acknowledge and agree with God that what we have done is sinful and that we are wrong to desire or to do it again, This is hard to do sometimes but, we must confess our sins as soon as we realize we have sinned. Not at the end of the day or an hour later, or even five minutes. We need to do it then. Remember we must confess everything. We can't keep the big or embarrassing ones to ourselves. God knows everything. Remember God is a forgiving God. Confession brings peace and healing. Have a great day, I live you, and God bless.

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