Thursday, December 23, 2010

Are you the music of Christmas?????????

Good morning everyone! Only two more day until Christmas. Joslyn is super excited and Luke just feeds off from her. So, it will be a great time at our house. Today's devotional is not mine. I am passing one that I read along to you. I really liked it and thought you would too. It is a little different so, read the whole thing. One more thing. I can't stop talking about us going Christmas caroling the other night. It was just a true blessing. Next year come join us! Well, check this devotion out and have a Merry Christmas.

So what comes to mind when you hear the word “Christmas”?

Decorated trees? Church bells ringing? Friends and families?

X-Box 360 and Call of Duty?

For me, I can’t help but think about music. For some reason I never grow weary of hearing the classic carols and the Christmas songs that I’ve sung as long as I can remember. And here’s a list of songs that I don’t exactly remember, but seem to fit our world pretty well. Check these out:

Schizophrenia -- Do You Hear What I Hear, the Voices, the Voices?

Amnesia -- I Don't Remember If I'll be Home for Christmas

Narcissistic Personality Disorder -- Hark the Herald Angels Sing About Me

Manic -- Deck The Halls And Walls And House And Lawn And Streets And Stores And Office And Town And Cars And Buses And Trees And.......

Multiple Personality Disorder -- We Three Kings Disoriented Are

Paranoid -- Santa Claus Is Coming To Get Us

Antisocial Personality Disorder -- Thoughts of Roasting You On an Open Fire

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -- Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells

Alzheimer's -- Walking In a Winter Wonderland Miles from My House in My Slippers and Robe

Oppositional Defiant Disorder -- I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus So I Burned Down the House

Social Anxiety Disorder -- Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas While I Sit Here and Hyperventilate

Attention Deficit Disorder -- We Wish You......Hey Look!! It's Snowing!!!

No offense meant and all kidding aside, have you ever wondered where the first Christmas song to Jesus Christ was sung? You may be surprised, and you definitely don’t want to miss the meaning behind this incredible scene:

There were sheepherders camping in the neighborhood. They had set night watches over their sheep. Suddenly, God's angel stood among them and God's glory blazed around them. They were terrified. The angel said, "Don't be afraid. I'm here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody, worldwide: A Savior has just been born in David's town, a Savior who is Messiah and Master. This is what you're to look for: a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a manger."

At once the angel was joined by a huge angelic choir singing God's praises:

Glory to God in the heavenly heights,
Peace to all men and women on earth who please him.

As the angel choir withdrew into heaven, the sheepherders talked it over. "Let's get over to Bethlehem as fast as we can and see for ourselves what God has revealed to us." They left, running, and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. Seeing was believing. They told everyone they met what the angels had said about this child. All who heard the sheepherders were impressed (Luke 2:8-18).

Can you even imagine being at this breathtaking scene? Imagine the greatest music your ears could attend to and multiply it by infinity, and it still wouldn’t compare to the heavenly choir’s harmony celebrating the tiny infant who would one day walk out of His own grave.

And not only is the music ridiculously awesome, even better is the message that the angels proclaimed:

“Don't be afraid. I'm here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody, worldwide: A Savior has just been born in David's town, a Savior who is Messiah and Master”

This is the heart of Christmas - which comes from ‘Christ + Mass’ (mass being a celebration) - so we rejoice and marvel at the fact that the God of the Universe wrapped Himself in flesh to give us the greatest present that humanity could ever experience: Jesus Christ.

So this Christmas, take some time to be still and reflect on the incredible weight and implication of the angelic message: our Savior has appeared, and because of His birth, death has been defeated. Christmas means forgiveness. Christmas means eternal life.

And Christmas also means that we have the same opportunity as the shepherds - remember what they did?

“They told everyone they met what the angels had said about this child.”

The shepherds were so overjoyed and overwhelmed by the good news of Jesus that they ran to tell anyone and everyone who would listen…

And how about you? Have you tuned out of the message because of the busy/stressful/materialistic/food coma season that robs us of the true joy that comes when we celebrate the birth of the Savior of the world?

Let’s make the music of our Christmas a song of deliverance that celebrates the Christ and tells the world the Good News!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A cold, dirty, and dark place.............

Good morning guys and gals! It is almost Christmas! I am excited to spend time with family and friends. I was talking to our youth the other night about doing things for others during this season. I would like us to dig into the good stuff for a bit and see what it says............

Bible Verse: Philippians 2:7 "But made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men."

Now, let's be real with each other. Everyone likes to receive gifts. Even if you say I would rather give than receive. Somewhere deep inside you love to receive. Right? Ok. Since we have established that we are going to tell the truth today. Let look at a King coming as a peasant. What better way to see the true side of people. If Jesus would have came as a king. I think a lot of things would have been different but, He knew He had to come as a poor man. This next part gets me when I really think about it. Jesus came in a manger for you and for me. He willingly left the glories and riches of heaven to be born in a stable. My friend Debbie sang a song at church the other day. About the birth of Jesus. He wasn't born in a clean place. He was born in a dirty, cold, and dark place. But, Oh were things going to change. Check this out, Jesus became poor, so that we might become rich! He lived such a life of poverty that when He had to pay taxes, He had to look for a coin in a fish's mouth. When He sent out His disciples, He told them to take nothing but a staff and the power of the Holy Spirit (Mark 6:7-9). Would you be willing to do that? Now, here is the part that makes me smile and sad at the same time. He was put to death like a common criminal so that we could wear a royal robe! As a child of God, you are rich! I am rich! Why do we not see that at this time of year? It doesn't matter how many presents you get. Swallow all that junk and be happy for what you do have. There are so many with less. Do me a big favor today or tonight. Take some time and read Philippians 2:6-11 with your family or friends. Let's thank God for sending His Son, Jesus. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sadness in the Holiday's..........

Good morning friends! We had a great time Christmas caroling with the youth group last night. It was a true blessing to see the joy that our youth brought to many tonight by showing their love in song. We went to a nursing home and numerous houses in Kingston. Then we went over to the Pine Hills Community in Harriman and walked around while singing. Just an awesome time and I saw some really sad faces when we got there and some real happy ones when we left. We a going to start earlier next year and go to more places! I want to talk about this time of year for some. Let's dig into the good stuff.........

Bible Verse: Psalm 116:8 "For Thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling."

Guy's, I believe that the holidays are the loneliest and saddest time of the year for some. Everywhere you look, people are told they're supposed to be happy and to smile and they realize they're not and can't. They see everybody else acting happy, and they feel so lonely or sad. Just walking in a store or through the mall can make them feel lonely. But check this out.....Jesus has said, in Hebrews 13:5 that "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee". I must tell you that when I'm discouraged, His presence sees me through. When I'm lonely His presence cheers me up. When I'm worried, His presence calms me down. And when I am tempted, His presence will help me out. Do me a huge favor today write down the last few lines of this and put your name in it and make it yours. Now don't just say it believe it! He will get you through it. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Under His feet.............

Good morning everyone. Boy, this week has been something else. I know all the kids are happy that they have been out of school most of the week due to weather. We have a big weekend planned too! Youth Christmas dinner at church and Christmas caroling with the youth Monday night. I am excited!!! Well, I want to share something that has been on my mind lately. So, let's dig into the good stuff...........

Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:27 "For He hath put all things under His feet..."

I have a very good friend that is going through a lot lately. I seems that she was on a mountain top and the devil doesn't want her there. Her family is going through a lot and you know about those good momma's when their children go through something they do also. I will have to say that this woman inspires me! She actually told me that if satan walked in that door right now she would kick him in the butt. Wow, you have got to love it. I just want this woman to know and all to know that we can praise God! Well, our story does have a happy ending. Even if the middle of the story is a little messed up or a lot messed up! The end of the story is......He is risen! Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God right now, interceding on our behalf (Romans 8:34). And His prayers are always answered. When the problems of your life are over your head, remember they are under His feet. Don't ever forget where your problems are? Under His feet. Jesus is alive and waiting to return for you! I have to ask you a question. Is there someone in your life who is struggling? Write them a note of encouragement and share Romans 8:34 with them. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Secret Agent Man..........

Hello guys and gals! I pray you are having a good week so far. Luke and I chilled together last night while Misty and Joslyn went Christmas shopping. It amazes me how a two year old can be so cool and loving at the same time. I spoke to a young man last night that doesn't feel he needs time hearing God's Word and it reminded me of a story I had heard from a guy I worked with. Let's dig into the good stuff and back up what that guy said with scripture..........

Bible Verse: Proverbs 7:24 "Hearken unto Me now therefore, O ye children, and attend to the words of My mouth."

The guy that I worked with and I have to say that in past tense because we no longer work together. He went back to Washington D.C. He worked for the Secret Service and then came to work with us. He was assigned to look for counterfeit bills. Now what I thought was cool is that the United States Government doesn't teach Secret Service agents to detect counterfeit bills by having them study fakes. They show these agents real dollars over and over and over until they have the pattern memorized. Then, when a counterfeit is put in front of them, they recognize it instantly because it doesn't fit the pattern their eyes are looking for. Now, this brings me to why we need time with the Lord. Whether it be at church, home, in the car, in the prayer closet, driving to work, it doesn't matter where.

Do you know the voice of the Lord? I promise the only way you can be sure that it is His voice you are hearing is to hear it so often that a stranger's voice is instantly recognizable. It is so much better to spend time learning the One True Voice than it is trying to learn to detect all the false voices. Trust me when I tell you that the devil wants to sound a little like God. He does this to get you to listen more. Let's not be fooled. Let's get to know God's voice just like our family members. So that we can hear His cry or voice in a crowd or in the middle of a storm. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Let's be courageous together...........

Good morning folks! Well, school is out again in Roane County and all the kids are super happy. Most of you know that I have been in the military and a police officer for a number of years. So, I considered myself to be a pretty courageous person. I've been in some pretty hairy situations and stood firm. I was thinking what the most courageous thing would be to do. I believe it would be giving your life in place of another persons. Let's dig into the good stuff and see what it say's.........

Bible Verse: Psalm erse: 31:24 "Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord."

Now, if you have children you would give your life for them with out a thought. Right? But, what about someone you have never met? A stranger? Maybe someone you don't like. Boy, now your sitting here thinking "Well, I would for Sally but, not for Jim. Because he's mean to me." Laying your life down for someone else in my opinion is the ultimate sacrifice. Guy's, this is what Jesus did. He came and died for us so that we could have a better more abundant life. He know us. Heck, who could know us better than the One who created us? Who could care more for us than the One Who died for us? Who could lead us more carefully than the One Who knows the end from the beginning? There is no greater picture of courage than the picture of what Jesus for us in laying down His life. We can know security because the One who loves us is compassionate, caring, and courageous. Jesus knows you. He cares for you. He wants to lead you into an abundant life. Now, comes the hard question. Because you can say your a Christian all day long and not live it. Are you willing to lay down your life for the sake of the Lord and let Him lead you? A you that courageous? I pray we all can be. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless.

Monday, December 13, 2010

"Can I just have some time off?".............

Good morning everyone! We had an amazing weekend. On Saturday, we took a bus of youth to Operation R.E.A.C.H. (Roane Enriching Another Child's Holiday). We were blessed with shopping with young children that were less fortunate this year. We split up into groups of three and each got a child. Our child was Haley! What a blessing Haley was. She said she wanted to get her family gifts before she got anything for herself. Wow! She was seven. At seven, she was focus outward not inward. I think that is our biggest problem. Well, let me back up it is my biggest problem. I have been very selfish throughout my life. It is a daily struggle to keep my focus out and not in. That brings me to todays scripture. I know I have shared it before. But, I just had it laid on my heart again. Let's dig into the good stuff........

Bible Verse: Mark 16:15 "And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."

Alright, check this out. I have to say i I had to identify a major problem with believers today, it would be that they spend too much time getting out of trouble with God! We are living on the defensive instead of the offensive. The defense is about protection of whats valuable or what we feel is valuable. It's protecting ours! We need to move beyond the defensive line of Christianity and move on to the offense advancing God's Kingdom, fulfilling the Great Commission, and telling others about Jesus. Man, this is the reason for the season. God will never lead you or I where His strength cannot keep us. He will never lead us down a path that He hasn't first walked down Himself. We have to remember that Jesus came here for us. He didn't have to. He choose to! You don't have to go and share the reason for the season. You should choose to! Trust me when I tell you this. I have struggled at times with being a pastor. I have thought...."How can I do this for the rest of my life?" I have said..."God, I am tired. Can I just take some time off?" Guess what? I realized that God didn't call me and bring me to this place in my life to take a break. There are so many that don't know about Jesus. Guy's, we have to tell them. We have been commissioned. So, I ask you today. In front of God and everyone. Are you sharing His love and words of salvation with someone who's lost? If not, let's start today to move beyond your comfort zone and see God do some amazing work! Have a great day, I love you, and God bless.