Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The little things..........

Good morning my friends! More from the beach. Chris and I stayed up last night jamming. We played music and sang into the late hours. What a night! Leaning how to play to cojon (box style drum) starting to sound better. I have to ask you a question. When God speaks to you do you know it? When you do....Do you listen? Or, only when it is what you want. Think about it for a second. Let's dig into the good stuff and see what it says about it.......

Bible Verse: 2Kings 5:10 And Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, "Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored to you, and you shall be clean."

I must give you the story if you don't know it yet. We have talked about the great leader Naaman and that he was a leper. Well, his wife's servant girl from Israel told her of a prophet in Samaria that could heal her husbands leperosy. Well, even Naaman's king didn't want his great leader to die and sent money and a letter to the king of Samaria to make a way for Naaman to see Elisha. Well, it all worked out and Naaman rode his chariot to Samaria and came to the door of Elisha. Well, here comes the hard part for Naaman. Elisha sent a messenger to Naaman and didn't come himself. That really ticked Naaman off! He thought that Elisha should have came out to meet him and do some hand waving and shouting and heal him with the power of God. The messenger told him to go and wash in the Jordan seven times and he would be clean. Naaman in his anger said are the rivers Abana, Pharpar, and Damascus not cleaner and better than the Jordan? Why can't I wash in those? He left angry!!!!

How many times when God tells or even asks us to do something that doesn't make sense do we refuse or get angry? It is all about obedience and that begins with humility. Guy's we are not always going to understand His way of working, but if we humbly obey, we wil recieve His blessings.

Back to Naaman, He left angry and his servants came to him and asked "If the prophet asked you to do some big thing would you have do it?" So, why would you not do this? It is something so very small. So, Naaman went and did what Elisha told him. His skin was made like a newborn babies!! The leperosy was gone!!! It was all about obedience!!!!!! That is what God wants from us. Just our obedience. How obedient are you? Are you only obedient when it is what you wnt to do? Are you humble in your obedience? Let's put our pride in check and pay attention to the little thins this week. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless.

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