Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Keep it out of the red.........

Good morning everyone. Do you ever struggle with getting mad at people? I had a friend call me and tell me that someone had been putting bad comments on a WBIR comment section concerning a fatal shooting of a man for attacking police officers and stabbing a police K-9. Well, at first I was angry. But, I didn't speak about it until I thought clearly about it and tried to hear what this man was saying. Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what God's Word say's about the subject.....

Bible Verse: James 1:19-20 So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

I love that the Bible never says, "Don't feel angry!" God understands that's not possible. Instead, He gives us some of the most practical and profound teaching on what to do with anger in all of recorded human history.

First, rush into hearing. Listen long enough to clearly understand all the facts and all the reasons something is happening, as best you can. Then listen again. Second, shut up. The first words out of our mouths in an angry situation are often the worst ones. When you're angry, keep your mouth closed.

Finally, own this and make it yours: You're not going to make any real progress toward your real goals while the anger meter is in the red. Wait for it to cool off before taking action or making big decisions. Don't let your anger run your life.

Think about it what are some ways you can slow your anger down and keep it from sending you spiraling in an unhealthy direction. Ask God for speed control over your listening (faster), talking (slower), and getting mad (slower). Maybe ask a mature Christian or two how they avoid allowing anger to control their lives. Let's try to have mature, smart and loving comments. it will make our day go by better....Promise! Have a great day, I love you, and God bless.

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