Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Lock-in the hubs...........

How are you doing???? Has someone asked you that question and you didn't give them the real answer? You said fine, when everything wasn't fine. Really, if you would have said "Really struggling right now." I bet some wouldn't even acknowledge that or maybe would say "Good, good!" Because they really didn't care, they just asked that because that is what we do. We train ourselves to ask that question so that it shows that we care. Now, they're are those out there that actually care about your response. They are genuine and will be there for you. Those people should be important to you. Try to surround yourself with those kind of people. Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what it shows us.........

Bible Verse: 2 Timothy 1:7 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

Sometimes in life we come to a Y in the road. We have to decide which way to go. It's the decisions that we make that shape our future. Now, I can only speak for myself but, maybe you struggle with this too. I am anxious at times. I guess when I feel I am doing the right thing, I am all in and committed to choosing which way I should travel. See, God has given us His power and enriched us with His love. Wait, there's more, not only that, He has enlightened us with a sound mind. Now, these two words "sound mind" don't mean the opposite of "You insane". It actually means discipline and long with that, it is the ability to discern between truth and falsehood.

So often, the devil gets us running from our thoughts of "what if's". Proverbs 28:1 says, "The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion." Have you ever been scared to make a decision? This is what this verse is talking about. We must claim victory and not allow the devil to get in our heads and mess with us. The road that we are meant to be on should enlighten our lives and not drain them. That road should help us to be happy, not cause us doubt everything. Life is about choices. We must make the best ones we can and pursue love and happiness. Remember God has given us His power and His love.

The bottom line is, we must pull back the mask of darkness from the devil's ploys and expose them for what they are and see the things that count in the here and now and that will count in eternity. God has given you a sound mind by trusting in His Word, not in the devil's schemes. Bathe everything in prayer and when God answers your prayers, don't question His answer. Don't let the devil cloud your mind. He doesn't want you to listen and obey. He want's you to stay confused and messed up. Sometimes we have to get out lock in the hubs and go down that road that we know God has called us to. Even though it might scare the daylights out of us cause it looks rocky and we aren't sure of what's around the corner. We must push fear aside. Have a great day and God bless.

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