Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Perfection or Bust.............

Good morning! I have had some deep conversations over the last couple days. I must say that I have been set back in a couple. We all want things in our lives to go as smooth as possible. Right? Well, we are in the middle of purchasing a new church and being on staff brings on so many questions. See, I like things to run smooth. Well, it has been anything but smooth. I have been listening to members come and ask questions about this and that. Well, it brought me to this scripture. Let's dig into some of the good stuff.........

Bible Verse: Romans 8:39 "Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

When members are asking questions. Heck, when I have questions too! I had to sit back and think "If this was back in the days when Paul was speaking to the church in Corinth. What would he tell them. I kind of feel like he would have said "Let's not sweat the small stuff and focus on Jesus"! We cannot and will not have a perfect church. There is no unicorn church! If we expect perfection. We will always be let down. A perfectionist in the church is a miserable person. And not only that, but he makes everybody else miserable, too. The fellowship is never sweet enough. The teacher is never prepared enough. The praise music is never spiritual enough, and on and on it goes.  I had to realize that God is enough. I have to give it all to Him. Jesus supplies the only perfection that we will ever attain until we get to heaven. It is not perfection that God is looking for in us; it is excellence. God is working in you to achieve His purpose for His glory. If we are doing our best, that is enough for Him. Now, if we are slackers and just putting the minimun effort and we know we can or should do more. Then, we are wrong! We are five ways wrong! Give Him your best, then rest. Say this with me, "I am worthy apart from my performance because Christ died for me and gave His life for me. My life is hidden in Him. Jesus loves me." We can't just say that. We must believe it. Let's strive for excellence and not worry about perfection. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless. 

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