Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ear Pollution???????

Good morning everyone! I pray you have a blessed day today. As a youth pastor I deal with a lot of questionable things that these teens are going through. One of the things that I have noticed when dealing with some that are really struggling is the type of music that they are listening to. If you are a parent and really don't know what you child is listening to. Then I say "Shame on you." Find out! We should be checking up on the music they are listening to often. Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what it shows us........!

Bible Verse: 2 Corinthians 10:5 ". . . and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."

Be sure of one thing. There is a war going on in every teenagers life. Satan is waging a battle to control the thought life of our teenagers. The typical teenager listens to an average of 10,500 hours of rock music from the seventh to the tenth grade. That's only 500 hours shy of all the time they spend in school from first through twelfth grade! Sounds crazy right? So, let's not be a knuckle head and think that it is not influencing them. 

Do you have any idea of the pond scum that is bombarding the airwaves everyday into our young people's heads?  I read that the National Education Association estimates that a percentage of the 5,000 teenage suicides we have in America every year are caused by the evil music of today's youth. Have you listened to some of the words? We wonder why our young men treat girls so bad. We wonder why our young ladies have no self-esteem or confidence. How can we expect today's young people to be any different if we don't help guide them?

I am not sure if there a teen in your life? If so, spend some time this week talking with them about the music they listen to and the healthy choices they need to make to take back the ground that Satan is trying to conquer with his messed up music. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless!

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