Friday, February 10, 2012

Do we need a home inspection??????

Hello everyone. Are you ready for the weekend? Have you had a good week? The weather sure has got cold here all of the sudden. I guess winter finally decided to show itself. Can I ask you a question? What is church? Where is the church you attend? Now, let me shift gears real quick. Is Sunday a day that you act any different than you do on Monday through Saturday? Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what we uncover.......

Bible Verse: Colossians 3:17 "And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him."

The sign over the church door read, "The Lord is in His holy temple. Let all the earth keep silent." Most people when they read that take that to mean that they had just entered the holy temple and had better start acting right. Or maybe better start acting religious. Why is it that we feel we should act different when we come in the church. I was talking to the parent of some young children in the sanctuary a few Sundays ago and while we are talking the kids are running across the pews and jumping over the back of them. Knocking things over and basically being little Tennessee tornadoes. The mother was getting real mad at them and yelled to them "You know better, we are in the church!" Why do we expect people to act different when they are in the church from the way they are outside the church. Maybe because it is a holy place where God resides. I think we are missing the big picture. We are the temple of God, not a building made of metal, wood, brick and mortar. I know you are saying "Tony, I knew that!" Maybe you do and maybe you say it all the time. But, do we live the statement "I know the church is the people, not the building." The church is you and I!

Wherever we go, whatever we do, we are to be doing all in the name of Jesus. The more we do this the easier it gets. Kind of like a habit. It only takes 21 days to form a habit. Let's live so that Jesus will be glorified in everything. Because He lives in us, every day is a holy day, not just Sundays or when you go on a men's retreat, woman's retreat, youth retreat, or whatever! 

Have you ever bought a home? If so, you had it appraised? And if you were smart you had a professional home inspector come in and inspect the home. For problems that that are there now or could be in the future. Let's get ourselves appraised and inspected. Let's get a trusted friend or loved one to give us an appraisal and inspection of the home where the Holy Spirit! Are there areas that need repair, restoration, or removal? I know there are in my house. But, I'm probably the only one. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christians are to repent and realign with God.

Good words Tony. Very challenging and encouraging.