Monday, February 20, 2012

Facing our Demons Part 1........

Good Monday everyone. I hope you had a great weekend. Well, our church voted yesterday and we are buying a new church facility. God is moving us and I am excited to see what all He has in store for us. We had a great night at youth last night too. A were blessed to break bread with a great meal prepared by The Chance's and then learn about facing our demons from Gods' Word. Let's dig into some of the good stuff and share a little.......

Bible Verse: Matthew 4:3 The tempter came to Him and said "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread." "Jesus Answered , ' It is written, "Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"

The Bible is full of stories about people being tempted. Poor Job was in a fierce battle against Satan. Satan tried so very hard to turn Jobs' heart away from God. Many a decent man and woman succumbed to the temptations offered them. Even Jesus was tempted - but, of course He didn't sin. I want us to look at 3 common areas of temptation through the experiences of Jesus. Before I go any farther, it would be great it stay away from temptation if we saw that little guy in the red suit with horns and a pitchfork. Then we'd at least see where the temptation was coming from. But, that's not how it work. Temptation is a lot sneakier than that.

I want to read a couple lines from a fictional book written by C.S. Lewis it's called "The Screwtape Letter's" This book is a collection of letters written from screwtape, a high level agent of the underworld to wormwood, his nephew who is new to the job of tempting humans. This is a story of how demons see us. They refer to humans as "patients". I am going to share with you the first and last line from chapter 2 paragraph 1. From Screwtape "I note with grave displeasure that your patient has become a Christian" There is no need to despair, hundreds of these adult converts are reclaimed after a brief sojourn in the Enemy's camp and are now with us. All the habits of the patient, both mental and bodily, are still in our favor. Is this how demons see us? Just something to think about. Let's remember that this book is fictional but, demons are not guys!

All of us are tempted by things in our lives. Many of us bring bad habits into our Christian lives that provide an easier way for those temptations. What have you carried into your Christian life? What temptations do you struggle with? Are they winning the fight. Do you give in? One of my life verses is 2 Timothy 2:22 "Flee from youthful desires, pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace. Gather with those who seek the Lord out of a pure heart." It tells us what to run away from! What to run toward and who to do it with! This devotion today is going to have to be two parts. Stay tuned for part 2 tomorrow. There is no way I can share everything at once. So, see ya tomorrow. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Gathering together..........

Good morning everyone. Joslyn and I have been sick and at home with the stomach bug the last two days and I am glad that that is over. Now she gets a four day weekend and I have to work for the next 6 days. Even though we were sick. It was really awesome to just hang out with her. That brings me to our topic for today. Who do you hang out with? If your a Christian, are they? Are they a good influence on you? Or, do they cause you to get into trouble? Let's dig into the good stuff and see what it says..........

Bible Verse: Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them."

There is something wonderful about unity. It brings joy and happiness. I heard this story and thought you would like it. It is about a guy who courted a girl by writing her a beautiful love letter every day for two years. He thought that would be a wonderful way to court her. Do you know what happened? She married the mail carrier! Bummer huh? 

There is nothing like being there. I have had a few people tell me that they don't need church. That they can do "it" on their own. I guess "it" is their Christian walk. I guess they can try. But, that is not the way God wanted it to be. There is nothing like personal contact. There is a sense in which Jesus Christ is present when His people gather that's not in any other sense. You cannot get it the same way at home.

Do you have a church home? If not, I encourage you to find one today. Our church's doors are always open. But, if not ours, there are lots of awesome church in your area I'm sure. Now, If church attendance isn't important, I wonder why Satan works so hard to keep folks away.  Please do me a favor. If you do have a church home, make a special effort this week to meet someone new and find a need they have which you can meet. Then help them. Watch what happens. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Carpe Diem...........

Good morning everyone. I know it's Monday and most everyone dislikes Mondays. But, let's look at it another way. Today is the perfect opportunity to be different. To be a difference maker....A history maker. Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what I am talking about.......

Bible verse: Ephesians 4:1 "I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received"

I want to tell you today that you can be a difference maker today! God has gifted you and empowered you. Maybe it's time that we get to work and quit playing around. I want to ask a few questions today. What is a legacy? We know how Abraham Lincoln, Adolph Hitler, Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon, Charles Mason, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, and Thomas Sprauge have left legacies behind right? Some good, some bad, some aren't world famous, and some you don't even know. But, they leave an impact anyways. They leave some kind of legacy.

You can write your history now! What is your legacy at this very moment? If you were to die right now, how would you be remembered? Regardless of what specific plan God has for us, we are to be seekers of God. Why can we remember Biblical figure so easily? Moses, Noah, Paul, Peter, Timothy, and of course Jesus? Because they each lived a life worthy of their calling. In Hebrews 12:2 God's Words says "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith". Now, we look at Jesus and see a great example of how to leave a legacy.

How to be a history maker! When we seek after God with our whole heart, we don't have to worry about whether or not we're doing the right thing or what kind of legacy we're leaving. It just come naturally! Jeremiah 29:11 Say's "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." The key to our legacy is it is not about us! It's all about God!!! In Isaiah 26:8 the good Word says "Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts." The word "renown" means reputation. We should want God's reputation, name, and message to be the most important things in our lives. So much so, that other people see Him in us instead of our own agendas. Let's be history makers for God. Kinda scary huh? Think it's more than you can handle? The cool thing is that God wants to help us accomplish His plan in our lives. We can't do it with out Him!

Let's connect with the Inventor of History! Before God created the universe, there was no such thing as time. So, basically God created the idea of history! In Matthew 19:26 God's Word says " Jesus looked at them and said 'with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible'" Why do we have to be so stubborn and independent all the time? Why do we think we have to do everything on our own? With us, things are possible. With God, ALL things are possible. Maybe we need to start believing that! Carpe Diem....Seize the day!!!! Let's get to work being history makers! Have a great day, I love you

Friday, February 10, 2012

Do we need a home inspection??????

Hello everyone. Are you ready for the weekend? Have you had a good week? The weather sure has got cold here all of the sudden. I guess winter finally decided to show itself. Can I ask you a question? What is church? Where is the church you attend? Now, let me shift gears real quick. Is Sunday a day that you act any different than you do on Monday through Saturday? Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what we uncover.......

Bible Verse: Colossians 3:17 "And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him."

The sign over the church door read, "The Lord is in His holy temple. Let all the earth keep silent." Most people when they read that take that to mean that they had just entered the holy temple and had better start acting right. Or maybe better start acting religious. Why is it that we feel we should act different when we come in the church. I was talking to the parent of some young children in the sanctuary a few Sundays ago and while we are talking the kids are running across the pews and jumping over the back of them. Knocking things over and basically being little Tennessee tornadoes. The mother was getting real mad at them and yelled to them "You know better, we are in the church!" Why do we expect people to act different when they are in the church from the way they are outside the church. Maybe because it is a holy place where God resides. I think we are missing the big picture. We are the temple of God, not a building made of metal, wood, brick and mortar. I know you are saying "Tony, I knew that!" Maybe you do and maybe you say it all the time. But, do we live the statement "I know the church is the people, not the building." The church is you and I!

Wherever we go, whatever we do, we are to be doing all in the name of Jesus. The more we do this the easier it gets. Kind of like a habit. It only takes 21 days to form a habit. Let's live so that Jesus will be glorified in everything. Because He lives in us, every day is a holy day, not just Sundays or when you go on a men's retreat, woman's retreat, youth retreat, or whatever! 

Have you ever bought a home? If so, you had it appraised? And if you were smart you had a professional home inspector come in and inspect the home. For problems that that are there now or could be in the future. Let's get ourselves appraised and inspected. Let's get a trusted friend or loved one to give us an appraisal and inspection of the home where the Holy Spirit! Are there areas that need repair, restoration, or removal? I know there are in my house. But, I'm probably the only one. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Putting things right.........

Good morning guys and gals! I pray you are having a great week so far. My grandmother had shoulder surgery yesterday and everything went well. They gave her a whole new shoulder. I told her she's like the bionic woman now! I want to talk about something today that we know we should do but, seldom do we do it. In the last couple weeks I have had a couple of people that have done things that have really bothered me. When this stuff happens, we have two options: talk to them about it or hold it on the inside. Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what it can show us.......

Bible Verse:  Matthew 18:15 Jesus said, "Moreover if thy brother trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault"

Bible Verse: Matthew 19:26 "With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible."

I know what your thinking "Tony, they will never listen to me." Or, "Tony, I can't be around that person anymore." Maybe, "They are stubborn and won't listen." You say, "He's the one that did wrong. If he wants forgiveness let him come and ask for it."But Jesus said, "No, you go to him." Whether you are in the right or whether you are in the wrong, as a child of God, you are to go to that individual. I must tell you that a few years ago I did this and it did more for me than it ever could have done for them. I am not saying it is easy. Heck, I still struggle with it to this day. I struggle with it today. Two weeks ago I had someone wrong me. I must go to that person and talk to them. Here is the kicker, I must do it in love or it will not work. I must tell them how they have wronged me with love. I mean isn't that what God did in the Garden of Eden? Adam and Eve sinned against God and the Bible tells us that God came looking for them: "Adam, where art thou?" That was not the voice of a detective. That was the voice of a God Who pursues us to forgive us. God made us in His image. His image! We must be that same way.

There is an exception within this. I know some of you are saying that you could never forgive someone for what they have done. Just because you forgive them does not mean you must go back into that relationship. It doesn't mean that everything can go back to the way it was. But, the bottom line is that you must forgive. If you don't it will eat at you and eat at you forever. You may cover it up or bulldoze over it. But, it will stay hidden there until one day it resurfaces. Deal with it today. Deal with it soon. Stop right now and ask God to show you if you have an unforgiving spirit toward someone. Then, in His power and strength, call that person and ask his/her forgiveness. Listen, you can not  do this on you own. If you need to talk to someone call me. We can pray through it. But, above all remember it's going to be impossible in your strength, but God does the impossible. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ear Pollution???????

Good morning everyone! I pray you have a blessed day today. As a youth pastor I deal with a lot of questionable things that these teens are going through. One of the things that I have noticed when dealing with some that are really struggling is the type of music that they are listening to. If you are a parent and really don't know what you child is listening to. Then I say "Shame on you." Find out! We should be checking up on the music they are listening to often. Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what it shows us........!

Bible Verse: 2 Corinthians 10:5 ". . . and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."

Be sure of one thing. There is a war going on in every teenagers life. Satan is waging a battle to control the thought life of our teenagers. The typical teenager listens to an average of 10,500 hours of rock music from the seventh to the tenth grade. That's only 500 hours shy of all the time they spend in school from first through twelfth grade! Sounds crazy right? So, let's not be a knuckle head and think that it is not influencing them. 

Do you have any idea of the pond scum that is bombarding the airwaves everyday into our young people's heads?  I read that the National Education Association estimates that a percentage of the 5,000 teenage suicides we have in America every year are caused by the evil music of today's youth. Have you listened to some of the words? We wonder why our young men treat girls so bad. We wonder why our young ladies have no self-esteem or confidence. How can we expect today's young people to be any different if we don't help guide them?

I am not sure if there a teen in your life? If so, spend some time this week talking with them about the music they listen to and the healthy choices they need to make to take back the ground that Satan is trying to conquer with his messed up music. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Perfection or Bust.............

Good morning! I have had some deep conversations over the last couple days. I must say that I have been set back in a couple. We all want things in our lives to go as smooth as possible. Right? Well, we are in the middle of purchasing a new church and being on staff brings on so many questions. See, I like things to run smooth. Well, it has been anything but smooth. I have been listening to members come and ask questions about this and that. Well, it brought me to this scripture. Let's dig into some of the good stuff.........

Bible Verse: Romans 8:39 "Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

When members are asking questions. Heck, when I have questions too! I had to sit back and think "If this was back in the days when Paul was speaking to the church in Corinth. What would he tell them. I kind of feel like he would have said "Let's not sweat the small stuff and focus on Jesus"! We cannot and will not have a perfect church. There is no unicorn church! If we expect perfection. We will always be let down. A perfectionist in the church is a miserable person. And not only that, but he makes everybody else miserable, too. The fellowship is never sweet enough. The teacher is never prepared enough. The praise music is never spiritual enough, and on and on it goes.  I had to realize that God is enough. I have to give it all to Him. Jesus supplies the only perfection that we will ever attain until we get to heaven. It is not perfection that God is looking for in us; it is excellence. God is working in you to achieve His purpose for His glory. If we are doing our best, that is enough for Him. Now, if we are slackers and just putting the minimun effort and we know we can or should do more. Then, we are wrong! We are five ways wrong! Give Him your best, then rest. Say this with me, "I am worthy apart from my performance because Christ died for me and gave His life for me. My life is hidden in Him. Jesus loves me." We can't just say that. We must believe it. Let's strive for excellence and not worry about perfection. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless.