Friday, June 25, 2010

Read the directions........

Good morning friends! Are ya ready for the weekend? Do you know what you are going to do already? Have you made plans? What is going to guide you while doing those plans? If you are going to a trip do you have directions? Do you have a map? We are fixing to go on vacation and even though I am going somewhere that I totally know how to get there. I will take directions and even a map. Heck, I might even go and get one of those fancy GPS units for the car! Well, let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what it tells us.......

Bible verse: 2 Peter 1:21 for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.

The Bible is one book, one history, one story, His story. Behind all of the events in the Bible stands God and God is the engineer of all of this history. What was the reason for the Bible to be written? I believe that God has one great purpose of the Bible and it is to redeem a jacked up, ruined, and doomed world.

I have this really complicated home theater system at my home. I attempted to hook all these wires up and set all these delicate settings without use the instruction manual. Well, I got it all hooked up after hours of scratching my head, it sounded good. Then, about a week later I found a problem. I finally went to the manual and found that I had not hooked everything up right. When I hooked up everything the way it was supposed to be. The system came alive and sounded unbelievable. Wow, what a difference it made when I used the manual. When I took the time to read it and not try to fumble my way through it.

Our manual in life is the Bible. We can choose to not use it to guide our lives and hope that works out for us. We can fumble through life hoping to get it right. Or, we can use the Word of God to guide us through our lives and see the difference it makes. Now look at how we read the Bible. Do we skip around reading a little here and a little there. Have you ever read a novel? Do you read a little in the middle, then a little at the end? I think, probably not. Why do we do this with the Bible? I don't think we would read even the smallest novel in this manner. Each book of the Bible has a message and we should strive to discover that message.

I know in the past I used to read the Bible a little here and a little there. It wasn't weeks or months reading through the book. Every book in the Bible is about something and we should read and reread until we find out what that something is. We must let the Holy Spirit guide us open the eyes of our hearts. I am not saying you should read the bible from Genesis through Revelations without reading other books of the Bible. I am saying that we have to have a plan to read God word. Have you ever gone to a museum? When you walk through the museum and look or glace at the art, do you truly understand it, without studying it? We need to dig in and study. I promise, you won't be disappointed. Do me a big favor have a great weekend, know that I love you, and God bless! Always remember to smile cause God loves you!

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