Wednesday, June 30, 2010

God doesn't need a resume.........

Hello friends! Had an awesome night last night. Myself, a few adults and a bunch of the youth worked in our missions garden. We worked on weeding, staking up tomato plants, thinning out the okra, and rotor tilling the lanes between the vegies! We raise quite a bit of money for the missions last year and hopefully with the Lords help we will raise more this year. The garden is twice as big! I must tell you that I was talking to one of the dad's last night and he was telling me he needed to look for a different job. We got talking about places to apply and I asked him if he had an updated resume. He said he has been keeping it updated lately. That brings me to the good stuff today. Let's dig in.........

Bible Verse: Psalm 19:1-2 To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge.

Ever have to fill out a job application or hand over a resume to someone? You work hard to list all of the best stuff you've done, your education, your experience. You hope the person sees from a resume that you've got what it takes to do that job. Your work and school history. Your references, you hope speak for well for you.

In Psalm 19, David is saying that God doesn't need to carry any updated resume with Him. He should not have to convince anyone that He exists, that He is real, or that He is "The Man". He can just say, "Look up." "The heavens" should be all the work history He needs. The sun and moon and stars are screaming down to the earth, "Look what God did. Look how powerful He is, how creative, how awesome, how perfect."

What a silly thought that the God who created all the world would have to prove Himself to anyone. If the heavens speak of God day and night, what are some of the things they say about Him? What are some concrete things we can know about God from His creation? Do me a favor today. Ask God to help you see His fingerprint in what He has made. Thank Him for giving you the ability to notice. Then do me another favor. Go outside and look up! Have a great day, I love you, and God bless!

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