Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Let's not be a Chicken Little!

Good morning! Are you swimming laps in a bowl of skittles while looking up at a rainbow right now in your life? Huh, me either! Seems like everywhere I turn there is another car wreck. I listen to folks in my Sunday school class and hear that it is the same for them as well. Why is it that we pray for God to take our problems and trials away from us? Why don't we pray that God would show us a way around them or over them? What will we learn if He just takes them away? We are each going through the trials that we are for a specific reason. Let's look at some of the good stuff and see if it can shed some light on our situation.......

Bible verse: Acts 12:2-3 And he [Herod] killed James the brother of John with the sword. And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also." Bible Verse: 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, who are the called according to His purpose."

Ok, so what do you do in times of crisis? One thing we all must do, before we panic or sin against God, is respect the mystery of God's plan. Throughout the pages of His Word, we can see the hidden hand of God...working in mysterious ways, in inexplicable ways. Heck, ways that don't even make sense sometimes! God is in the shadows arranging things, moving things people cannot see. That may be true in your life right now. God is working, but you cannot see Him working. What trial are you going through right now that God can use in a mighty way in the future? Bet you haven't even thought of it that way have you? 

You may be in the middle of chaos right now. Nothing seems to be making sense. Everything you thought you had nailed down is coming loose, and the devil is pulling nails. You feel like chicken little and the sky is falling. Just because it doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean it doesn't make sense. Many of us have questions. As we look at Acts chapter 12, we say, "Well, how could God let a rascal like Herod be the king anyway? Isn't God, God? If I were God, I'd turn him into a frog. And why should James be killed and Peter released? Does God have favorites? Has God lost control?"

We do not live by explanations. Life is not a problem to be solved, it is a mystery to be lived. Sometimes we must back off and simply see what I call the hidden hand of God. Just because today you cannot see the hand of God working doesn't mean God is not working. Hunker down and pray for God to show you what His plan is. Then wait for it, while continuing to pray. The faith of a mustard seed. 

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