Monday, May 6, 2013

We got this..........

Good sunny day! It has been storming for the last two days. I was at a church dinner last night for Cinco De Mayo and it had been raining all day. Well, all of the sudden you hear people start clapping and when I looked up there was the sun shining through the clouds! it brought joy to everyone's hearts. Even though it had been nasty and storming for days, the sun showed its face and made everyone realize the storm was almost over. This is the same in our lives. We just have to keep our eyes on the prize while we are in the storm. Keep our eyes on the Son. Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what it shows us.........

Bible Verse: John 6:20 "But He saith unto them, 'It is I; be not afraid.'"

Alright, now here is some Bible trivia for you. Did you know that 365 times in the Bible, that's one time for every day in the year; God has told us not to be afraid? Three hundred and sixty-five times! Check that out. In one way or another, He said. "Be not afraid" or "Fear not." Now the problem is that the devil is the master of fear, but the Lord tells us not to be afraid.

In John chapter 6, the disciples, some of them seasoned sailors like me, are filled with fear. They were probably rowing for their lives. Now, it's too far from the shore to swim and the waves are huge. They think that they are going down. And on top of all of this, where is Jesus? Why hasn't He come to them? Why has He left them? Why has He forsaken them?

When all of the sudden they see Him. Dude, Jesus is walking on the water. What's crazy is, this doesn't bring them joy. Now their fear has turned to raw terror. Who is that? What is that walking on the water? Is it a ghost? And then, all of the sudden they recognize Him, it's Jesus. Jesus is walking on water!

Hey listen, you can look around everywhere and see heartache. I was talking to a woman yesterday that is going through a lot right now. She is in the middle of a terrible storm. Heck, she just came out of a major one and now she back in another. We have to just keep our eyes on the Son because the storms will come.

How do you find peace in the midst of your storm?  Hey listen, having peace doesn't mean you don't have problems in life. Peace is having the power to meet those problems head on. That peace comes from the Lord. Can you do me a favor? Let's commit to memory John 14:27: "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." We got this! Have a great day and God bless.

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