Good morning peeps! Have you thought about today? Have you
thought about what this country is celebrating? Or, is it just a sweet three
day weekend for you? What is Memorial Day? It might mean a something a little
different to different people. Do you have someone in your family that lost
their life defending our freedom? Have you or someone in your family served in
the armed forces defending our freedom? These are the people that we should be
remembering today. We should be lifting them up. I know this country is in a
bad place right now but, we have men and women all over the world still
defending us! Plus we have the families back home that are supporting those men
and women! We should remember them too! Hey guys, it even talks about
remembering those before us in the Bible. Let's dig into the good stuff and see
what we find...........
Bible Verse: Exodus 13:3 "And Moses said unto the
people, remember this day, in which ye came out from Egypt, out of the house of
bondage; for by strength of hand the Lord brought you out from this
Every year, we Americans remember those brave men and women
who fought are fighting and gave their lives so that you and I would have the
rights that we do! The privileges of living in a free country.
I know you may not think about your freedom most of the time but, if you have
ever been somewhere that people didn't have it you would cherish it even more.
I think that remembering is important. So much so that, God instructs His
people on many occasions in the Old Testament to remember from where they came
We should never take our freedom for granted! Listen, there
are few things that should be protected till the end. Our freedom is one of
them. It is a precious commodity for which the world hungers. And it is a
powerful charge for you and me to protect. Can you do me a favor today? If you
know of someone in your life who has served or who is serving in the armed
forces of this country or maybe someone who has lost a loved one serving. Make
a point this week to express to them your gratitude for their service. Have a
great day and God bless!