Good morning! I pray that you and your family are well. I am home with a sick little boy today. Luke has been running a fever and has an awful cough. So, we are hanging out today. I would like to share a little about what is going on in our lives lately concerning church. About three weeks ago our church was contacted by another church in the area that was closing their doors for good. They asked us if we would be in prayerful consideration about purchasing their land and buildings. So, our pastor went into the prayer closet along with all the leaders of the church. Then it was announced to the church about the land and stuff. Well, God laid it on our pastors heart for us to meet at their facilities that next Sunday. We were able to go from two services back to one. That first Sunday, we had almost 350 people attend! Yesterday was our second service there and God showed up and showed out. It was electric in the sanctuary! You could feel the Holy Spirit in such a powerful way. Then I had youth there last night. Another powerful night with God in the house.
I must tell you that when it was first brought up. I was kind of unsure about moving. It is a huge step. Not only financially but, spiritually too. There is a lot of work that will need to be done. Well, here is the thing. We should never make any big decisions without thoroughly bathing it in prayer. I must tell you that I haven't prayed this hard in awhile. I was praying for my pastor to have wisdom from above and the leaders of the church to make God's decision and not theirs. I was praying that the church would be behind it 100%! God has showed me over the past week a lot while I was in prayer and in His Word. I want to share some with you. Let's dig into some of the good stuff.........
Bible Verse: Exodus 2:1-4 "But when she could hide him no longer, she got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with tar and pitch. Then she placed the child in it and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile. His sister stood at a distance to see what would happen to him."
I need to set up this Scripture for you. See this was a time when the Pharaoh was worried about too many Hebrews in his land. So, he issued an awful decree. All Hebrew baby boys under the age of two were to be taken from their families and thrown into the Nile river to drown.
This is the time when a great woman of faith by the name of Jochebed was desperate for a solution. I am sure she was crying out to God for help. So, she does a somewhat crazy thing. She coats a basket and floats her son down the river! A clear act of faith. Like she was saying to God "I don't see any solutions here, and I am desperate. I am going to take this crazy step of faith and BELIEVE that you are going to do something with it." She put her FAITH into ACTION!!!! Guy's, this is all God wants from us. He wants us to put our faith into action. Get up and do something. Let's quit making plans or making committee's to vote on it. Let's get to work.
Let me paraphrase the rest of the story for you about Jochebed. She took the step, kind of crazy step of faith and the basket was seen by the Pharaoh's daughter. She had one of her maids retrieve it. They found a crying young Hebrew boy in the basket. At that time, the boys sister came down to the Pharaoh's daughter and asked if she should go fetch the Hebrew nursemaid. The Pharaoh's daughter said "Yes"! Well, who does the boys daughter go get to nurse the baby??? His own mother! Jochebed came down and her little baby boy was back in her arms within minutes with a twist. The Pharaoh's daughter told Jochebed that she would be paid wages to take care of the boy. Jochebed got paid to take care of her own son!
This great woman of faith took an amazing step of faith. She put her faith in God into action and God showed up and showed out. How many of us are stepping up or out in faith lately? Is your faith in action? Or, is it on the bench? Check this out Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Maybe, we need to start believing the scripture that we read! Maybe, we need to start living our faith. By the way, if you didn't know that baby boy was Moses!!! Have a great and blessed day!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Are you there daddy???????
Good afternoon everyone. Misty and I went to see this amazing movie called “Courageous” yesterday and it made me look at the role of a father. We are to raise our children up to follow and respect God. To do that, we as fathers must lead from the front. You will never be able to truly lead your family from the backseat.
I had a lot of time yesterday to think about my role as a father and was weighed and measured and found lacking. It is my job to make sure my children are ready for this world when they leave the nest. I don't want to be a good enough dad. I want to be the best daddy I possibly could be.
As a youth pastor I see so many young people that are being raised by single mothers or grandparents or maybe even someone that is not even their family. What breaks my heart is when the parents are able to take care of the children but, they just refuse to. When we bring these children into the world it is OUR responsibility to nurture and raise them up. Not just set them in front of the TV or video game. We must mold them to be better than we are. We must break the vicious cycle. This world we live in is going to hell in a hand basket and I want my children to stand among the few and resist the ways of the world. Please hear this there are too many children without dads and I see the effect it has taken on them. We MUST break the cycle of our culture. We must be the spiritual leaders of our families. We must be courageous!!! We must be men of faith! Have a great day, I love you, and God bless.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Let's go to the Doctor...........
Good morning everyone! I hope you have a great weekend. I spent mine at work but, momma needs a new pair of shoes. At youth last night, we had an emotional service. Toward the end I asked the youth and adults one question. The question was "How is your relationship with the Lord?" and God started to go to work. Let's dig into some of the good stuff and see what God shows us........
Bible Verse: 2 Corinthians 13:5 "Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith. Examine yourselves. Or do your yourselves not recognize that Jesus Christ is in you? - unless you fail the test."
Check this out, Paul is urges us to give ourselves a spiritual check-up just like when you go to the doctor to get a physical check-up. He wants us to listen, poke, prod around, and look at what we are doing, how we are doing it, who we are hanging around, how do we look, how do we sound, how are we seen, are we spiritually healthy? we must examine ourselve regularly and look for Christs' presence in our lives.
I want to share something that I found at work yesterday. I needed to make a phone call and was looking for a phone. When I found one, I sat down and was making a couple of calls. While I was waiting for someone to pickup I looked up at a buletin board and saw and devotion that someone had stuck on the board from August 24, 2011. It quoted Provers 19:25 Rebuke one who has understanding, and he will discern knowledge. Here's the thing, we can see every face in the world except one....Our own. We can see what our face looks like in a mirror or in a picture; but it's a reflection, not the real thing. We can't see ourselves the way others can. To be our best, we need to see ourselves as they do. Maybe even enlist the help of someone that will be honest with us. Maybe even brutally honest. I know most people are uncomfortable either giving or recieving constructive critism. Self-examination and accountabilty to others is so very important in our walk with Jesus. We can't just come to Jesus for a "Life-enhancement". We should come to Him with a fully surrendered heart that is open to God being in every part of it. I pray this touched you as it did me. Do me a big favor. Stop what you are doing right now and sit back and examine your walk right now. Take just a few minutes. If God shows you something. Get to work! It's never too late. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless!!
Bible Verse: 2 Corinthians 13:5 "Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith. Examine yourselves. Or do your yourselves not recognize that Jesus Christ is in you? - unless you fail the test."
Check this out, Paul is urges us to give ourselves a spiritual check-up just like when you go to the doctor to get a physical check-up. He wants us to listen, poke, prod around, and look at what we are doing, how we are doing it, who we are hanging around, how do we look, how do we sound, how are we seen, are we spiritually healthy? we must examine ourselve regularly and look for Christs' presence in our lives.
I want to share something that I found at work yesterday. I needed to make a phone call and was looking for a phone. When I found one, I sat down and was making a couple of calls. While I was waiting for someone to pickup I looked up at a buletin board and saw and devotion that someone had stuck on the board from August 24, 2011. It quoted Provers 19:25 Rebuke one who has understanding, and he will discern knowledge. Here's the thing, we can see every face in the world except one....Our own. We can see what our face looks like in a mirror or in a picture; but it's a reflection, not the real thing. We can't see ourselves the way others can. To be our best, we need to see ourselves as they do. Maybe even enlist the help of someone that will be honest with us. Maybe even brutally honest. I know most people are uncomfortable either giving or recieving constructive critism. Self-examination and accountabilty to others is so very important in our walk with Jesus. We can't just come to Jesus for a "Life-enhancement". We should come to Him with a fully surrendered heart that is open to God being in every part of it. I pray this touched you as it did me. Do me a big favor. Stop what you are doing right now and sit back and examine your walk right now. Take just a few minutes. If God shows you something. Get to work! It's never too late. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless!!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Are you a Flamethrower??????????
Good morning! I have a question for you. How many of you liked to play with fire as a kid, or liked sitting around the campfire telling stories? Every boy no matter what his age is a pyromaniac and even some girls too! For this article, I want to put a positive spin on the word “Pyromaniac”. I have two things for you to remember after you are finished reading this. One, Jesus is the ultimate and original pyromaniac. And two, Jesus is looking for someone to become His firepower. Do you believe me when I say that Jesus is the ultimate pyromaniac? Well, check this out. Did you know that “Fire” is mentioned over 500 times in the Bible? You maybe sitting here saying, “what is a pyromaniac?” Well, it is someone who has the irresistible urge to start fires. Jesus wants to use you spark a love for Him in others. Remember, we are putting the positive spin on pyromaniacs.
In Genesis 3:23, God sent an angel with a flaming sword to guard the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 19:22, God set a couple of evil cities on fire (Sodom & Gomorrah). In Exodus 3:2, God set a bush on fire when He appeared to Moses. In Deuteronomy 4:24, God’s Word says, “The Lord your God is a consuming fire”. Here is a tidbit of info for you; the only books in the Bible that don’t mention fire are Ruth and Ester. See, I told you, boys are pyromaniacs!!! What I am trying to get at is Jesus is looking for someone to become his firepower. Here is the definition of firepower: “The capacity, as a weapon, weapon system, or military unit for delivering fire, the ability to deliver fire against an enemy in combat; effective power of force.” God wants you to become a powerful weapon that He can use to deliver fire against the enemy in combat. Don’t think for a second that we are not in combat as Christians. So, do you want to become a “Pyromaniac” for Jesus, a “flamethrower” for Jesus who shares the good news of Christ everywhere? Do you have it in you? I know you do. You just have to believe in yourself and in what Jesus can do through you.
Luke 3:16 tells the story of John the Baptist. John is teaching about the coming of Jesus and he says, “He will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire.” Do you know what fire does? It refines! Let’s get fired up! Let’s let Jesus refine us and make us His firepower. You maybe thinking right now that you are just an average Joe or that you can’t make a difference in this world, and I beg to differ. The Bible is full of average Joe’s making a huge difference for God. If a flaming meteor fell from the sky and landed next to you, burning up everything that wasn’t of God. What would you have left? What would be left of you? I know you are thinking of some things in your life right now that God does not and would not approve of. Why don’t you let God refine you, give them up. He needs His firepower to be strong, and sin is like water that puts out or dampens your fire. Let’s stoke our fire and help it to burn hot and bright! Smokey, the bear says, “Only you can prevent forest fires,” and he is right. Our sin quenches our fire. Are you ready to stoke your fire? Here is the fuel, The Word of God, prayer, and the Holy Spirit. Let’s get to work. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Good morning friends! Today is the first day of our annual Potter's House Pig Roast. It starts a 5pm and we will have food, 4 bounce houses / obsticle courses, waterslides, games, music, fishing, camping, and lots more too! God has been doing some amazing things through His church. We must be about our Fathers business. Isaiah was asked by God "Whom shal I send?" and these next words give me goose bumps and I pray I can echo them for eternity. Isaiah says "SEND ME"!!! I must share with you about a movement that I am seeing in our area. There have been approximately 20 youth groups from Roane and Morgan counties have came together 3 times over the summer. The emphasis on this event is unity. The name of the event is “ONE”. To be one body of believers coming together to worship God. To bring unity to our youth and to our churches. I looked up the definition for unity and it reads: The state or condition of being one. Something whole or complete. Wouldn’t that be awesome? What does the Bible say about unity? Well, let's dig into the good stuff and see.......
Bible verse: Psalm 133:1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.
Also in Ecclesiastes 4:12 God’s Word say’s“A threefold cord is not quickly broken. So, what helps us have unity? Fellowship is something that helps us have unity. But, this word fellowship has really lost its value. Let’s look at fellowship or the secret of fellowship. Three word come to mind from the new testament. These words are Agape, Philia, and Koinonia. Agape is that God love. It is unconditional love no matter what. Next, there is Philia. It is the love and care for fellow members of God’s family. And finally, there is Koinonia. It means partnership, fellow worker, or close friend that works by your side. Fellowship is sharing each others joys and sorrows. Rejoicing when one member succeeds and grieving when one member fails. This is fellowship. I can’t tell you how important fellowship is. You man be reading this and saying “brother Tony I am just fine on my own”, “I am a strong person”, “Heck, I am a strong Christian”. Here is why we need fellowship. I am going to shift gears a bit and share about persecution. As Christians if we follow Jesus, will be persecuted. We will be mistreated. Is that easier to deal with as the lone ranger? Or with brothers and sisters by your side. What about your actions when mistreated? Let's see how we are supposed to act. What the Bible saysand dig into the good stuff. In 1 Peter 3:8 Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing. Check this out. Peter is a writing here to a group of Christians that are being or should I say about to be mistreated because they follow Jesus. He's about to give them some guidelines for how Christians can live in an honorable way even when we're going through hard times. He starts out with this: Treat each other right or have compassion for each other. No, that doesn't go far enough. He really says, "Treat each other as family, as brothers." It's easy when you're living through a bad time in your life to excuse meanness. It's easy to say to yourself, "Everyone will just have to understand how much I'm hurting, I don't have the energy to be nice." What Peter is saying is that's exactly opposite. God can make our suffering count for something, especially if we'll live like we're His in the middle of it. So keep getting together with believers. Look for ways to show sympathy to others not just yourself. Be compassionate and humble. Give them "family access" to your heart and look for "family access" to theirs too! I have to ask ya a question. Do you live in harmony with other Christians? When you're hurting, do you get closer or pull away from your Christian family? Why? Ask God to help you to treat the believers in your church the way this verse describes. Now do this for me. Look up the word "harmony" in the dictionary and write down the definition. Let's try to live that way. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless.
Bible verse: Psalm 133:1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.
Also in Ecclesiastes 4:12 God’s Word say’s“A threefold cord is not quickly broken. So, what helps us have unity? Fellowship is something that helps us have unity. But, this word fellowship has really lost its value. Let’s look at fellowship or the secret of fellowship. Three word come to mind from the new testament. These words are Agape, Philia, and Koinonia. Agape is that God love. It is unconditional love no matter what. Next, there is Philia. It is the love and care for fellow members of God’s family. And finally, there is Koinonia. It means partnership, fellow worker, or close friend that works by your side. Fellowship is sharing each others joys and sorrows. Rejoicing when one member succeeds and grieving when one member fails. This is fellowship. I can’t tell you how important fellowship is. You man be reading this and saying “brother Tony I am just fine on my own”, “I am a strong person”, “Heck, I am a strong Christian”. Here is why we need fellowship. I am going to shift gears a bit and share about persecution. As Christians if we follow Jesus, will be persecuted. We will be mistreated. Is that easier to deal with as the lone ranger? Or with brothers and sisters by your side. What about your actions when mistreated? Let's see how we are supposed to act. What the Bible saysand dig into the good stuff. In 1 Peter 3:8 Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing. Check this out. Peter is a writing here to a group of Christians that are being or should I say about to be mistreated because they follow Jesus. He's about to give them some guidelines for how Christians can live in an honorable way even when we're going through hard times. He starts out with this: Treat each other right or have compassion for each other. No, that doesn't go far enough. He really says, "Treat each other as family, as brothers." It's easy when you're living through a bad time in your life to excuse meanness. It's easy to say to yourself, "Everyone will just have to understand how much I'm hurting, I don't have the energy to be nice." What Peter is saying is that's exactly opposite. God can make our suffering count for something, especially if we'll live like we're His in the middle of it. So keep getting together with believers. Look for ways to show sympathy to others not just yourself. Be compassionate and humble. Give them "family access" to your heart and look for "family access" to theirs too! I have to ask ya a question. Do you live in harmony with other Christians? When you're hurting, do you get closer or pull away from your Christian family? Why? Ask God to help you to treat the believers in your church the way this verse describes. Now do this for me. Look up the word "harmony" in the dictionary and write down the definition. Let's try to live that way. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Don't turn green.................
Good morning everyone! I pray all is well for you this week. There was a terrible accident in our area a couple days ago that has left a lot of hurt and anger. A mother and three children were killed in an automobile accident two nights ago. We sometimes don't know why things like this happen but, we have to trust in the Lord and take refuge in Him. I would ask you while you read this to stop and say a prayer for the family, all the emergency workers involved, and driver of the other vehicle the their vehicle struck, and anyone else involved. As a cop for many years, when you see stuff like this and an involved in helping. Images and emotions are etched in your brain. Please pray for comfort for them. Let's dig into the good stuff and see what God says about it...........
Bible Verse: Romans 13:8 “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law.”
I know with the lose of the children and mother. People are saying "Why?" Why did they have to go? They are so young. They haven't had a chance to live. They are angry! And that is OK. Because here's the thing, there is nothing wrong with anger; in fact all of us become angry, even Jesus did. The problem we face is that many of us have no idea how to deal with our anger. And because we don’t know how to respond to our anger correctly our feelings turn into actions we regrettable actions. Whether it’s a harsh word, an inappropriate comment, or doing something we will regret. We need to learn how to deal with our anger in a way that is pleasing to the Lord. Sometimes that means we need to have some alone time. Or maybe, we need to surround ourselves with friends and family. Then sometimes we need to talk it our quickly to get it resolved. First, and foremost you need to pray about it. Pray when you start to turn green like the hulk. pray to see the situation through the eyes of Christ. I bet it will change how you view it and respond. I know this is hard sometimes and you want to knock someone out or cry your eyes out. But, take a minute and pray for wisdom. I pray you have a great day, I love you, and God bless.
Bible Verse: Romans 13:8 “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law.”
I know with the lose of the children and mother. People are saying "Why?" Why did they have to go? They are so young. They haven't had a chance to live. They are angry! And that is OK. Because here's the thing, there is nothing wrong with anger; in fact all of us become angry, even Jesus did. The problem we face is that many of us have no idea how to deal with our anger. And because we don’t know how to respond to our anger correctly our feelings turn into actions we regrettable actions. Whether it’s a harsh word, an inappropriate comment, or doing something we will regret. We need to learn how to deal with our anger in a way that is pleasing to the Lord. Sometimes that means we need to have some alone time. Or maybe, we need to surround ourselves with friends and family. Then sometimes we need to talk it our quickly to get it resolved. First, and foremost you need to pray about it. Pray when you start to turn green like the hulk. pray to see the situation through the eyes of Christ. I bet it will change how you view it and respond. I know this is hard sometimes and you want to knock someone out or cry your eyes out. But, take a minute and pray for wisdom. I pray you have a great day, I love you, and God bless.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Do you have contentment?????????????
Good morning everyone! I am working some really weird hours the next few days and I got home last at 2am this morning and crashed on the couch so I didn't wake the wife up. Well, I was sawing logs and felt a little kiss on my cheek. When I opened my eyes I saw my daughter walking away from me. I said "Good morning!" So, she came back and gave me a big hug. I mean one of those hugs that has something with it. See, to explain I must tell you about youth on Sunday night. My daughter wanted to go with me and I think that is super cool and have to slow down sometimes to allow her to bless me by accompanying me. Well, the praise band started to play and the Holy Spirit was just in the house. Youth were going to the alter and praying and crying and I looked up and saw that my daughter was sitting on the front row with the youth. Well, I was sitting in the back taking everything in and saw her walking back to me. I saw big tears in her eyes. When she got to me, before I could ask her what was wrong. I felt huge tears streaming down my face. When I asked her why she was crying. This is what she replied, "I am crying happy tears daddy!" Wow, I was blown away. I asked her if she wanted to go and pray and she took my hand and we walked to the alter and knelt down together. My 6 year old daughter prayed to have more courage to share Jesus with her friends at school. Wow, right? As I write this those same huge tears roll down my cheeks. Why? I feel total contentment with my place in this world right now. What is contentment? Do you have it? Let's dig into the good stuff and see what it shows us.................
Bible verse: Philippians 4:11 "Not the I speak of respect of want; for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."
Guy's, Paul came to a place in his life...Not a physical place, but a spiritual place....Where he felt total contentment. Most people think they know what this word "contentment" means, but let me tell you what it means in God's Word "self-contained." In the context of this passage, Paul was thanking the people for their love gifts to him, but he wanted them also to know that he was not dependent upon them because God had brought him to a place of sufficiency in Himself alone. Paul was able to say that I am in God's will. I am doing God's work. I am self-contained, not self-sufficient. I can do all things through Christ. Listen, if we stop and sit down and look around we have so much to be thankful for. Even when everything seems to be falling apart. We must look at the good stuff that God has placed in our lives. Man, I didn't deserve the great children and wife God has blessed me with. But, I must realize that He had a plan. I must realize no matter what storm I am going through that I have those amazing people in my life. To give me morning hugs when I am worn out. God know what we need and sometimes that is not what we want. So, I ask you again......Are you content? Let's pray for contentment today and sit back and take this world in. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Let's link arms..............
Good morning everyone! I am so excited about what I have seen happening through the "ONE" Youth Rallies. Last Sunday we had almost 400 people from 18 different churches come together. We had four young adults give their lives over to Christ and accept Him as their Savior. We also had 75 youth pledge to take their schools back this year. It was just awesome! What is the scond greatest commandment? I want to talk about this today. Let's dig into some of the good stuff........
Bible Verse: John 13:34 "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another."
I want to tell you a story about a man and his wife. They were walking through a barley field in Canada, early one evening with their young son. They forgot for a moment that their son was with them, then suddenly realized he wasn't there.
They searched, but could not find him. So, they ran back to the nearest village to get help. Many people returned with the couple to search through the night. All of the sudden one man said, "let's lock arms and we'll sweep across the field." All of the sudden there was a cry: "I found him!" And everyone rushed together to the lifeless form of the little boy who had died from exposure.
I wonder if there are people that are going to slip into hell for eternity because we, as a church, aren't joining hands? I mean really, what do you do in your church to welcome newcomers, disciple new Christians, or minister to the needs of others? Why don't we ask God for 168. A 168 what Tony? Ask Him to give us the opportunity to redeem 168 hours this week in selfless acts of love for others. I preached a message two Sunday's ago "Are you ready?" If Christ come back tomorrow how would He find you?
I have seen something amazing happening this summer. We started the "ONE" Youth Rallies. We have have two so far and each time we have had 250 to 300 youth from 17 different churches come together under one tent. We are one body, one church, serving one God. What would happen if we linked arms and went through this world? I pray you have a great day, I love you, and God bless.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Driving on the superhighway.........
Hello everyone! As I sat in church yesterday and listened to my pastor preach I realized something. I have been a youth pastor for almost 3 years and have been running on empty for awhile. I sat there thinking what is going on. Well, God showed me pretty clearly. I have been putting out more that I have been taking in. I realized that I stopped doing my devotions, all my extra reading, and a lot of little things that helped fill my cup. Well, sometimes we think we can do it. Listen guys, He will sustain us if we rely on Him. If we take our time to fill our cups with His holy Word. Then we can pour it out to other as He has commanded us to do. We all deal with life and go through some really bad storms. It is what we do when we are in the midst of them. Let's dig into some of the good stuff........
Bible Verse: Psalm 55:22 "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved."
Have you guys ever wondered why Jesus sent His disciples into a ship, to go before Him to the other side? This is in Matthew 14:22 if you have not read it before. Now, He had to know that a storm was going to come in shortly after they set sail. Why would He send them right into a really bad storm? Wouldn't it make sense to tell them to wait a few hours until the storm passed?
Why did He do this? It was because He wanted them to know that He was enough for them. He wanted them to worship Him. I promise you that your storm is nothing but a superhighway to bring you closer to Jesus. It is a vehicle or a way to bring you from head knowledge to heart knowledge and an understanding that God is who He says He is!
It was once said "If I never had a problem, I would never know that God could solve them. And I would never know what faith in His Word could do." When a storm comes your way. And it will. Look up and see through through all the bad stuff and see Jesus walking toward you with His hand out to help you. Have faith. I pray this finds you well and growing closer to God. Have a great day, God bless, and I love you.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Got Fruit?????????
Good morning guys and gals! I hope everyone had a great weekend. All of our kids are off from school today in Roane County, TN. We had a good night at youth last night. My message was "Got Fruit?" How do you usually know when fruit has gone bad? You can see it on the outside. Let's dig into some of the good stuff today and see what it says on the subject........
Bible Verse: Galatians 5:22-24 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passion and desires.
Listen guys! Paul was writing this message to the Christians to remind them that WHEN they are in a relationship with God people WILL see the evidence. Paule actually wrote two opposite lists of bad behavior and good behavior. The bad behavior or sinful nature list is in Galatians 5:19-21. So, check this out. There is a battle going on in you if you are a born again believer. A battle between sinful nature (flesh) and the Holy Spirit. Well, which one is stronger? The right answer is the Holy Spirit but, yes there is a but. The Holy Spirit is stronger but, we are weaker on our own. Folks, the acts of sinful nature are very attractive and pleasing usually. We desire to satisfy our flesh. And when that is when we are operating from our sinful nature.
I do have good news! Paul said that when we follow the Holy Spirit those acts of sinful nature are not nearly as attractive because of the strength we find through God. So, who wins this battle? Because trust me most of us probably had battles last week and some are in the right now!!! Who wins? Let me start off by telling you that we make choices every hour of everyday. Those choices we make reflect whether we are trying to please God.....Ourselves......or The World. When we commit our lives to Christ. The Holy Spirit takes up residence in us. He moves in and begins helping us fight the cravings of our sinful nature. Now, comes the hard part. We have to yield to God and the Holy Spirit by saying "YES" to godly actions and "NO" to sinful temptations.
So, how do we tell which one is winning this battle? It is determined by what we show on the outside. The kind of fruit that grows on a tree shows us what kind of tree it is. The OUTSIDE is a reflection of the INSIDE!!! Listen guy's! The fruit of the spirit is a collection of nine visible traits of a Christian. How we should WALK-TALK-and ACT. The ultimate goal is to be more like Christ. To be transformed.
Let's talk about the delivery service. FedEx, UPS, USPS???? Nope. God doesn't just give us patience, joy, self-control, or any other fruit wrapped up in a pretty little box. You have to ask Him for them and then commit to practicing them whenever opportunities arise. I promise God will give you opportunities to develop and practice them. We must be patient and listen to the Holy Spirit. If you pay attention and let the Holy Spirit guide you. The fruit will grow and multiply!!! Love....Joy....Peace....Patience....Kindness....Goodness....Faithfulness....Gentleness....Self-Control!!!!!!! Let's pray that God can use us in a mighty way and there is plain to see evidence in our lives. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless!!!!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Don't ride the coattails...........
Good morning everyone! Today is going to be a good day. We went down to the park for a while last night. It was really nice and enjoyable until that cold wind started blowing in off the lake and we were not prepared for it. That brings me to todays topic. I hope you brought your shovel so we can dig into some of His good stuff.............
What happens after you go to a great conference, having an amazing revival, or a powerful Sunday morning service. You come out with wind under your wings and your batteries recharged. We come out or back saying "that was amazing, I am so pumped." But, guess what happens? Here comes Satan and some of the greatest spiritual defeats you will ever have will follow some of your highest spiritual victories. Take a look at Jonah, Moses, and Elijah all these men had to learned this. What is up with that? Why?
It might just be that we feel that we are at the top of the mountain. What could happen to us? Or maybe we're tired and feel we can just chill for awhile. In our minds we're thinking, God blessed us and gave us a great victory? But then we forget one thing. The devil is clever, sneaky, and very evil. He has his timing down to an art and he knows just when to pull the rug out from under us. Here is some advice. I know we get blessed from these mountain top experiences. There is no doubt about that. But, we can't ride on yesterday's coattails. See, God made us so that we can't live by yesterday's experiences. We must live by Christ day by day. Let's look at it this way and see if it works. Every time you experience victory, be on your guard. 1 Peter 5:8 say's "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." So, be ready!! Stay focused of Jesus and Satan will fall to the wayside. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
A Revolution???????
Good morning everyone. I hope everyone is having a good week. Well, I know that is not true because I have talk to many of you this week and you are going through some pretty hard things. Well, I would like to share just a portion of my sermon from Sunday night with you and let's see if we can't do something about gloom and doom. Let's dig into the good stuff.........
Bible Verse: Matthew 10:34 "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."
First, I want to ask you if you know what a revolutionist is? Websters says: A person who actively participates or advocates a revolution. Well, what is a revolution? Websters says: GREAT CHANGE! Is this a good description of Jesus? How do you see Jesus? You have probably seen numerous pictures of Him throughout your life. What does the image in your mind look like? In the bible verse today. Does this Jesus sound gentle? He was. Does this Jesus sound meek? He was. Does this Jesus sound mild? He was. He was all these things and so much more. He was a revolutionist who really challenged the religious, political, and economical places of His time! So, let's look at how He revolutionized the world.
1. He revolutionized our understanding of love:
He was born into a violent time.
The Jewish were under the rule of Rome
The Jewish people expectation of the Messiah was to lead the people in victory
Guess what? Jesus had a different message! In the middle of all the bad happening to the Jewish people Jesus came with a new message, a Message of LOVE. Let's look at Matthew 5:38-45 "ye have heard that it has been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. but I say unto you, That ye resist not evil; but whosoever shall smite you on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man shall sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. Give him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away. Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor , and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.."
This message that Jesus preached was revolutionary! For such a long time hate and unforgiveness and now it was being replaced with Love and Grace! The only way to reach deep inside people is to show them some revolutionary love.
2. He revolutionized our understanding of God:
What king of people were around Jesus most of the time? The unsavory.
We are to be more understanding and accepting of people.
The church shouldn't be know for being so judging and condemning.
He came deepen our understanding of the people He wants us to have relationships with.
There is a new rule: IN GOD'S KINGDOM.....THERE ARE NO- UNDISIRABLES!!!!!!!
3. He revolutionized our understanding of sacrifice:
The most revolutionary thing Christ did was become our sin
So we could have a relationship with God
His death on the cross allows us to see His depth of love for us.....His sacrifice.
I guess today I have a couple questions for you. Could you be a revolutionist? How? Could you be: Someone who shares the love of God. Someone who spreads the message of compassion. Or maybe someone who is willing to model revolutionary sacrifice like Christ. Could you do something like that? Would you want a revolution? Why is the word sacrifice so foreign to the way we live today? Do you attract people to Jesus or repel them? What is stopping you from becoming a revolutionist for Jesus? Pray and ask God to take that something away and let's get to work. Let's start a revolution one house at a time. One school at a time. One work place at a time. One county at a time. One state at a time. What can stop us.........but us?????? Have a great day, I love you, and God bless.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
You're not a slave anymore................
Good morning everyone. I pray you are having a great week so far. We had a little bit of snow on the ground this morning. I know the kids were praying to have school cancelled but, we only have a few snow days left and if we miss to much it cuts into spring break. And that is when we are going on our mission trip. So, I pray for no snow!!!! I have to ask you a question. Well, first I must tell you over the the last week I have met with numerous teenagers about the devil really attacking them. They want to know why? They are getting beat down and need some relief. Well, here is some of the good stuff that we dug into so that we have an answer................
Hey, check this out if you let the devil get the upper hand in your life today, it is going to be because you are doing the letting or giving up? Before you accepted Christ and got saved, you didn't have a say so. You were a slave to sin. You were chained to sin. But now, you don't have to let sin have the upper hand in your life. The chains are gone. They've been broken. There is for sure no power that says you have to sin. When you entered into marriage with Christ, you no longer have to let sin have control of you. You have knocked sin of of its thrown and Jesus Christ is sitting on the thrown as Lord of your life. I read this from the good Dr. Rodgers. We need to be like the man who prayed, "Lord, help me cooperate with You, so You won't have to operate on me." Who is reigning in your life today? Are you still a slave? It is time you realize that the chains have been broken. It is time that you allow Jesus to have the upper hand in your life!! Don't ever forget the chains are gone, you've been set free. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
What does He see?????????
Good morning guys and gals! I hope you are having a great week so far. Have you ever wondered how God sees us? Really. Have you ever thought how does God see me? I had a friend tell me about her 15 year old son and what he said to her one day. This young man was raised in church by godly parents. He had been watching all the men and women around him and had grown to respect a lot of them. He then saw some really bad things that some of these people we doing and instead of asking his mom why this man or this woman was acting that way. Or even, I can't believe they are saying or doing that. This 15 year old young man said, "I wonder how God sees us?" Let's dig into the good stuff and see what God's Word says about it................
I read a story, yes I read. This story was about a man named bob that came into a village. Bob came into the village and asked an old man living there, "Any great men born here?" The old man said, "No, just babies." Great men are not born; great men are made, investing in the lives of others, sharing God's love, and showing His mercies. There is not a magic formula that instantly makes us morally right. This is a process. We are supposed to be lighthouses. Trust me when I tell you that the little ones are watching. We should ask ourselves "How do they see us?" Then, "How does God see us?" I promise you that He see you in the good and bad. Do you know what it says about causing a child of God to stumble? It involves a millstone. Look it up sometime. Listen, our calling is to be poured out into the lives of others for His glory. How can you show His mercies to a lost friend, family member, co-worker, or even a neighbor today? Pray about it and then watch for how God provides a way for you! Have a great day, I love you, and God bless!!!!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Stress Busters...........
Good morning everyone! We had an amazing day yesterday. Our youth praise and worship band (5mm Agiyo Band) led worship for both morning services and God used them in such a mighty way. I am so very proud of seeing them serve God! brother Glenn brought the 8:30 message and did an amazing job. I was blessed to be able to bring the 11:00 message. Words cannot explain what God was doing in the service. Our missionaries from Africa got back the night before, problems happened before the service, the stress level for some was through the roof! But, check this out. This is when God shows up and shows out. This brings me to today's scripture. let's dig into the good stuff............
Listen, stress is nothing anything new. I bet Noah had it when he was building the ark with no rain in sight. I bet Martha had it when she was preparing a meal for our Lord. Stress is the space between all the stuff placed on us and the strength we have in taking care of that stuff. It is not a sin to be stressed out, nor a sin to be wore out. It is a sin, though, not to try to lessen that stress which tears down the temple of the Holy Spirit, your body. Where will you find your answer on how to do that? Here comes the good stuff......In waiting upon the Lord. Waiting in the middle of pulls of life. When you learn to wait on Him, God steps in to bridge the stress gap with His mighty strength. Do me a favor. Let's ask God to equip us to be a stress-busters today. Maybe, just maybe it will be your supervisor, husband, or wife that is "stressed out." Let's take the opportunity we have to share God's love. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless!
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