Thursday, September 1, 2011

Don't turn green.................

Good morning everyone! I pray all is well for you this week. There was a terrible accident in our area a couple days ago that has left a lot of hurt and anger. A mother and three children were killed in an automobile accident two nights ago. We sometimes don't know why things like this happen but, we have to trust in the Lord and take refuge in Him. I would ask you while you read this to stop and say a prayer for the family, all the emergency workers involved, and driver of the other vehicle the their vehicle struck, and anyone else involved. As a cop for many years, when you see stuff like this and an involved in helping. Images and emotions are etched in your brain. Please pray for comfort for them. Let's dig into the good stuff and see what God says about it...........

Bible Verse: Romans 13:8 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law.”

I know with the lose of the children and mother. People are saying "Why?" Why did they have to go? They are so young. They haven't had a chance to live. They are angry! And that is OK. Because here's the thing, there is nothing wrong with anger; in fact all of us become angry, even Jesus did. The problem we face is that many of us have no idea how to deal with our anger. And because we don’t know how to respond to our anger correctly our feelings turn into actions we regrettable actions. Whether it’s a harsh word, an inappropriate comment, or doing something we will regret. We need to learn how to deal with our anger in a way that is pleasing to the Lord. Sometimes that means we need to have some alone time. Or maybe, we need to surround ourselves with friends and family. Then sometimes we need to talk it our quickly to get it resolved. First, and foremost you need to pray about it. Pray when you start to turn green like the hulk. pray to see the situation through the eyes of Christ. I bet it will change how you view it and respond. I know this is hard sometimes and you want to knock someone out or cry your eyes out. But, take a minute and pray for wisdom. I pray you have a great day, I love you, and God bless.

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