Good morning everyone! I am working some really weird hours the next few days and I got home last at 2am this morning and crashed on the couch so I didn't wake the wife up. Well, I was sawing logs and felt a little kiss on my cheek. When I opened my eyes I saw my daughter walking away from me. I said "Good morning!" So, she came back and gave me a big hug. I mean one of those hugs that has something with it. See, to explain I must tell you about youth on Sunday night. My daughter wanted to go with me and I think that is super cool and have to slow down sometimes to allow her to bless me by accompanying me. Well, the praise band started to play and the Holy Spirit was just in the house. Youth were going to the alter and praying and crying and I looked up and saw that my daughter was sitting on the front row with the youth. Well, I was sitting in the back taking everything in and saw her walking back to me. I saw big tears in her eyes. When she got to me, before I could ask her what was wrong. I felt huge tears streaming down my face. When I asked her why she was crying. This is what she replied, "I am crying happy tears daddy!" Wow, I was blown away. I asked her if she wanted to go and pray and she took my hand and we walked to the alter and knelt down together. My 6 year old daughter prayed to have more courage to share Jesus with her friends at school. Wow, right? As I write this those same huge tears roll down my cheeks. Why? I feel total contentment with my place in this world right now. What is contentment? Do you have it? Let's dig into the good stuff and see what it shows us.................
Bible verse: Philippians 4:11 "Not the I speak of respect of want; for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."
Guy's, Paul came to a place in his life...Not a physical place, but a spiritual place....Where he felt total contentment. Most people think they know what this word "contentment" means, but let me tell you what it means in God's Word "self-contained." In the context of this passage, Paul was thanking the people for their love gifts to him, but he wanted them also to know that he was not dependent upon them because God had brought him to a place of sufficiency in Himself alone. Paul was able to say that I am in God's will. I am doing God's work. I am self-contained, not self-sufficient. I can do all things through Christ. Listen, if we stop and sit down and look around we have so much to be thankful for. Even when everything seems to be falling apart. We must look at the good stuff that God has placed in our lives. Man, I didn't deserve the great children and wife God has blessed me with. But, I must realize that He had a plan. I must realize no matter what storm I am going through that I have those amazing people in my life. To give me morning hugs when I am worn out. God know what we need and sometimes that is not what we want. So, I ask you again......Are you content? Let's pray for contentment today and sit back and take this world in. Have a great day, I love you, and God bless.