Good morning everyone! I am so excited about what I have seen happening through the "ONE" Youth Rallies. Last Sunday we had almost 400 people from 18 different churches come together. We had four young adults give their lives over to Christ and accept Him as their Savior. We also had 75 youth pledge to take their schools back this year. It was just awesome! What is the scond greatest commandment? I want to talk about this today. Let's dig into some of the good stuff........
Bible Verse: John 13:34 "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another."
I want to tell you a story about a man and his wife. They were walking through a barley field in Canada, early one evening with their young son. They forgot for a moment that their son was with them, then suddenly realized he wasn't there.
They searched, but could not find him. So, they ran back to the nearest village to get help. Many people returned with the couple to search through the night. All of the sudden one man said, "let's lock arms and we'll sweep across the field." All of the sudden there was a cry: "I found him!" And everyone rushed together to the lifeless form of the little boy who had died from exposure.
I wonder if there are people that are going to slip into hell for eternity because we, as a church, aren't joining hands? I mean really, what do you do in your church to welcome newcomers, disciple new Christians, or minister to the needs of others? Why don't we ask God for 168. A 168 what Tony? Ask Him to give us the opportunity to redeem 168 hours this week in selfless acts of love for others. I preached a message two Sunday's ago "Are you ready?" If Christ come back tomorrow how would He find you?
I have seen something amazing happening this summer. We started the "ONE" Youth Rallies. We have have two so far and each time we have had 250 to 300 youth from 17 different churches come together under one tent. We are one body, one church, serving one God. What would happen if we linked arms and went through this world? I pray you have a great day, I love you, and God bless.